Chinese English Sentence:
  • 这个城市所有的阿拉伯人,无论是伊斯兰教徒,还是基督教徒,听说犹太人哈卡姆挽救了一个有名望的家庭,使其避免了耻辱和分裂的剧,都一个传十个地说:“无愧于智者称号的一代人是有福的,拥有像他这样人的民族是幸福的”。
    And all the Arabs of the city, Muslims and Christians alike, who heard how Hakham of the Jews had saved an honored family from shame and disunion, whispered to one another, " Blessed is the generation that was worthy of a Dayan like that and happy is the nation that has the likes of him."
  • 我们怎样才能使他不再想到她可的损失?
    How can we divert her thoughts from her sad loss?
  • 但是这个大家伙只是看了我一眼,那眼神和他长满胡须的脸很不相称。他伤地说:“噢,我想我们得帮它一把,是吗,大夫?”
    But the big fella only looked at me with eyes that I could barely see through the hair on his face and said sadly,"I guess we gotta do him, huh, Doc?"
  • 但是这个大家伙只是看了我一眼,那眼神和他长满胡须的脸很不相称。他伤地说:“噢,我想我们得帮它一把,是吗,大夫?”
    But the big fella only looked at me with eyes that I could barely see through the hair on his face and said sadly, "I guess we gotta do him, huh, Doc?"
  • 观主义认为世界上邪恶远远强于正义的主义和信念
    The doctrine or belief that the evil in the world outweighs the good.
  • 桑德拉对该片剧本一见钟情,它来的恰是时候:她刚经历了与演员泰特·多诺万分手的痛苦,正好将此与片中角色的伤相呼应,他们是四年前桑德拉出演她的处女作时相识的。
    When Sandra read the script, she fell in love with it at once. It came to her at a time when she could relate to the sadness of the character. She had just come out of a painful break-up with actor Tate Donovan, whom she had met four years earlier on her debut film.
  • 要是我们听信那些观者的论调,那工程就永远不可能上马。
    If we had listened to the prophets of doom, we would never have started the project.
  • 观主义者告诉我们说,我们现在的这种家庭注定要崩溃。
    Pessimist tells us that the family as we know it is doom.
  • 哀史表达痛苦的叹或对恶运直白地预言的文学作品或演说词
    A literary work or speech expressing a bitter lament or a righteous prophecy of doom.
  • 比尔断定我们的新企业一定会失败-他真是一个观论者。
    Bill is sure that our new business will fail-he's such a prophet of doom!
  • 不要观,你举行婚礼那天天当然会放睛的。
    Don't be a prophet of doom. Of course it will be sunny on your wedding day.
  • 要是我们听信那些观者的论调,那工程就永远不可能上马。
    If we have listen to the prophet of doom, we will never have start the project.
  • 观论者们在报纸上连篇累牍地预言,事情只能越来越糟糕。
    The newspapers are full of prophets of doom who predict that things can only get worse.
  • 足球界要人观地预言这场比赛会以失败告终,但也没有采取什么措施来改变这种局面。
    Soccer's top brass gloomily predict the pending doom of the game, but little is being done to alter the situation.
  • (公元前525年-公元前456年)希腊剧作家;希腊剧之父。
    (525-456 BC) Greek dramatist; the father of Greek tragedy.
  • 埃斯库罗斯希腊剧作家,其戏剧作品首次除合唱外增加了两位演员。其90部剧本只幸存7部,其中包括奥瑞斯忒亚三部曲(458年)
    Greek tragic dramatist whose plays were the first to include two actors in addition to the chorus. Only7 of his90 dramas survive, including the Oresteia trilogy(458).
  • 基德,托马斯1558-1594英国戏剧家,他写的西班牙剧(1584年),被认为促成了莎士比亚的提图斯·安德罗尼古斯和亨利六世,他可能还写了哈姆莱特的一种版本
    English dramatist who wrote The Spanish Tragedy(c.1584), is thought to have contributed to Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus and Henry VI, and may have written a version of Hamlet.
  • 真可怕,他们的生活竟然还是这样惨。
    It's dreadful that their life should stillbe so miserable.
  • 我们将建设一条通向安全的大道,而不是滑向剧的深渊。
    Instead of drifting along toward tragedy, we will set a course toward safety.
  • 她的头哀地垂下来。
    Her head drooped sadly.
  • 伤喋喋不休;大伤沉默寡言。
    Light grief speaks, the weighty is dumb.
  • 这里没有必要详细讲述罗马帝国惨的经济史。
    It is unnecessary to dwell on the melancholy economomical history of the Roman empire.
  • 但是在那个时候,不但红军和地方党内有一种观的思想,就是中央那时也不免为那种表面上的情况所迷惑,而发生了观的论调。
    hence it was actually the time when the counter-revolutionary tide had begun to ebb and the revolutionary tide to rise again. Yet pessimistic ideas were to be found not only in the Red Army and local Party organizations; even the Central Committee was misled by appearances and adopted a pessimistic tone.
  • 歌舞伎一种流行于日本的剧种,从更古老的能乐剧演化而来。剧中有穿着精美戏装的表演者,现在仅限于男演员,用程式化的动作、舞蹈和歌曲展现剧和喜剧
    A type of popular Japanese drama, evolved from the older No theater, in which elaborately costumed performers, nowadays men only, use stylized movements, dances, and songs in order to enact tragedies and comedies.
  • 挽歌,悼词哀戚或哀的诗或其他文学作品
    A mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work.
  • 研究者是通过让学生们观看喜剧或者剧电影的片断来测试他们的情感反应的。
    The researchers gauged emotion by having students watch film clips that tend to elicit laughs or tears.
  • 窘得语无伦次;痛得语无伦次。
    felt tongue-tied with embarrassment; incoherent with grief.
  • 嚎叫,咆哮发出伤,哀怨的长音
    To utter or emit a long, mournful, plaintive sound.
  • 爱、喜、恨、惧、都是情感。
    Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all emotions.
  • 爱、恨、伤都是感情。
    Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.
  • 爱,恨,伤都是人的情感。
    Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.
  • 对罪犯惨的童年表示怜悯不等于可以免除他长大成人后所犯的罪
    Empathy for the criminal's childhood misery does not imply exoneration of the crimes he committed as an adult.