  • 血管痉挛由于血液流动的减而导致突然的血管收缩
    A sudden constriction of a blood vessel, causing a reduction in blood flow.
  • 水痘由水痘带养疱疹的病毒感染引起的一种急性传染病,患者主要是儿童,症状为皮肤发疹、低烧以及浑身虚
    An acute contagious disease, primarily of children, that is caused by the varicella-zoster virus and characterized by skin eruptions, slight fever, and malaise.
  • 雅司病一种高度传染性热带疾病,主要感染儿童,由螺旋体细密螺旋体引起,特征是木莓状的肿疮,多发于手、脚和脸上
    A highly contagious tropical disease that chiefly affects children, caused by the spirochete Treponema pertenue and characterized by raspberrylike sores, especially on the hands, feet, and face.
  • 可鄙的缺乏勇气;一个小的,卑微的,可鄙的生灵,一个小人物,一个仅仅是无关紧要的……已经崛起并轻蔑的与天地的权威抗挣-乔纳森·爱德华兹。
    a contemptible lack of courage; A little, wretched, despicable creature, a worm, a mere nothing...that has risen up in contempt against the majesty of Heaven and earth- Jonathan Edwards.
  • 在任何比赛中,约翰总是支持者。
    In any competition John side with the weaker contestant.
  • 这种形式,过去十年是没有变化的,如果没有民族战争代替国内战争,那末,直到敌人变成小者、红军变成强大者那一天为止,这种形式也是不会变化的。
    For ten years this pattern of warfare has not changed, and unless the civil war gives place to a national war, the pattern will remain the same till the day the enemy becomes the weaker contestant and the Red Army the stronger.
  • 中国也面临着许多困难-例如较大的收支负担,薄的社会保障和失业率上升等所带来的风险。
    It will not be easy for china-there are risks for example in the increasing fiscal burden, contingent liabilities, and rising unemployment.
  • (一三)亡国论者看到敌我强对比一个因素,从前就说“抗战必亡”,现在又说“再战必亡”。
    13. The theorists of national subjugation, who see nothing but the contrast between the enemy's strength and our weakness, used to say, "Resistance will mean subjugation," and now they are saying, "The continuance of the war spells subjugation."
  • 她身体还是很弱。
    She still continued in weak health.
  • “七十个七次你张大嘴作怪相——七十个七次我和我的灵魂商量着——看啊,这是人类的点,这个也是可以赦免的!
    `Seventy times seven times didst thou gapingly contort thy visage--seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul--Lo, this is human weakness: this also may be absolved!
  • 通过阻止神经推动力的传输或减运动终板或其他的活动的兴奋性来减轻肌肉的收缩的药物。
    a drug that reduces muscle contractility by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses or by decreasing the excitability of the motor end plate or by other actions.
  • 另一方面,我必须承认我在埋怨无法融入当地学生生活的同时,不大愿意住进他们六人一房的宿舍,人性的脆在在显现。
    But even as I gripe about not being able to join the circles of local students, I must admit that I was initially reluctant to move into the university's six-to-a-room hostel. We can be so self-contradictory at times.
  • (二六)我们已把强、大孝进步退步、多助寡助几个敌我之间矛盾着的基本特点,作了比较研究,批驳了亡国论,答复了为什么不易妥协和为什么政治可能进步的问题。
    26. In our comparative study of the enemy and ourselves with respect to the basic contradictory characteristics, such as relative strength, relative size, progress or reaction, and the relative extent of support, we have already refuted the theory of national subjugation, and we have explained why compromise is unlikely and why political progress is possible.
  • 一种歇斯底里特征是焦虑性神经衰
    a form of hysteria having features of both conversion disorder and anxiety neurosis.
  • 汇率在十月十三至十五日期间转,降至兑换保证适用汇率水平,引发兑换保证交易。
    The exchange rate weakened to touch the convertibility rate during October 13-15, triggering the Convertibility Undertaking.
  • 复活节假期前夕,由于市场预期兑换保证汇率会轻微转,所以出现小规模的资金外流。
    There was some selling of Hong Kong dollars ahead of the Easter holidays, reflecting market expectations of a slight weakening of the convertibility rate.
  • 你的论点太薄了,说服不了我。
    Your argument is too weak to convince me.
  • 乔生性懦。只需稍微吓唬一下,他就会跟我们一起干的。
    Joe' soft. He'll cooperate. He just needs leaning a little.
  • 过去的一套仅适用于对外妥协和对内镇压革命,现在还是用了这一套去对付日本帝国主义的进攻,所以处处不适合,各种点都暴露出来。
    The old practices are suited only to compromise abroad and suppression of the revolution at home, and they prove ill-suited in every respect and reveal all their inadequacies when it comes to coping with the Japanese imperialist invasion.
  • 的警察防线无法阻止住人群,他们像潮水一样向表演场涌去。
    The thin cordon of police could do nothing to hold back the crowd; they flooded on to the pitch.
  • 电晕在电晕放电中在高压电极出现的一种微光辉,常伴随有朝向低压电极的电流
    A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.
  • 较多小费与良好服务之间的联系是非常微的:小费的多寡中只有很小一部分同服务质量有关。
    The correlation between larger tips and better service was very weak: only a tiny part of the variability in the size of the tip had anything to do with the quality of service.
  • 这是一种削组织、削战斗力的销蚀剂。
    It is a corrosive which weakens the organization and its fighting capacity.
  • 远处的农舍窗户闪烁着几盏微的灯。
    From the cottage window a few lamps were glimmering in the distance.
  • 因为一个人底自我可由其面上的征状而看出者,乃是一个大点,大泄漏;
    For the discovery of a man's self by the tracts of his countenance,is a great weakness, and betraying;
  • 党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削性质和招致反效果的
    Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.
  • 强国通常控制、影响小国家。
    Powerful countries usually dominate over small weak countries.
  • 不应得的懦的名声。
    has an undeserved reputation as a coward.
  • 父亲在这部戏剧里被描写成一个懦的人。
    The father is portrayed as a coward in this play.
  • 怕过江的人最懦,屈服于困难的人就是革命不坚决的人。
    Anyone who is afraid to cross the Yangtze is a coward and anyone who yields to difficulties is not a staunch revolutionary.
  • 克莱斯特,亨利希·冯1777-1811德国作家,他的中篇小说和戏剧包括破瓮记(1811年),其中涉及了人物在理智和情感、英雄主义和懦之间的折磨
    German writer whose novellas and dramas, including The Broken Pitcher(1811), concern characters torn between reason and emotion and between heroism and cowardice.
  • 他讨厌你的懦弱。
    He was disgusted at your cowardice.