  • 在历史上,遵义会议以前,我们的党没有形成过一个成熟的党中
    Historically, our Party never had a mature central leadership before the Zunyi Meeting. It was only after the Zunyi Meeting that the collective leadership of the Party began to take shape.
  • 蓄水塔一个处于高处的用以维持某系统的稳压或供给状况的水箱或漏斗,尤指将水供给中供暖系统的小水箱
    A raised tank or hopper that maintains a constant pressure or supply to a system, especially the small tank that supplies water to a central heating system.
  • 我们要相信群众,拿中文件跟群众直接见面,使中精神真正做到家喻户晓,婆姨娃娃都知道,把广大群众同派性作斗争的积极性都调动起来。
    We must have faith in the masses. We must bring the documents of the Central Committee directly to them so that its line is truly made known to every family, including housewives and children, and the initiative of the masses against factionalism is thus brought into play.
  • 民主改革初期,中和西藏地方人民政府即制定了符合当地实际的一系列发展农牧业的方针和政策,并从财力、物力等方面给予大力扶持,使农牧业生产水平明显提高。
    During the early stage of the Democratic Reform, the central government and the Tibetan local government formulated a series of policies and principles for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry which were compatible with the local conditions. Financial and material support was also provided. As a result, Tibet's production levels of agriculture and animal husbandry increased greatly.
  • 企图依靠外国势力达到“西藏独立”、分裂祖国的活动是背叛祖国、背叛包括藏族在内的整个中华民族的可耻行径,中政府坚决加以谴责,决不允许其得逞。
    Any activity attempting to realize "Tibetan independence" and split the motherland by relying on foreign forces is an ignominious move betraying the motherland and the whole Chinese nation including the Tibetan nationality. The central government resolutely denounces this kind of action and will never allow it to succeed.
  • 如该调查委员会认为有足够证据构成上述指控,立法会以全体议员三分之二多数通过,可提出弹劾案,报请中人民政府决定;及。
    If the committee considers the evidence sufficient to substantiate such charges, the council may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the Central People's Government for decision;
  • 如该调查委员会认为有足够证据构成上述指控,立法会以全体议员三分之二多数通过,可提出弹劾案,报请中人民政府决定。
    If the committee considers the evidence sufficient to substantiate such charges, the Council may pass a motion of impeachment by a two-thirds majority of all its members and report it to the Central People's Government for decision; and
  • 帝国主义势力乘清朝中政府的虚弱,开始阴谋瓜分包括西藏在内的中国领土。
    Imperialist forces took advantage of a weak Qing Dynasty and began plotting to carve up China, Tibet included.
  • 鉴于我们以往在新区所犯的急性病的错误,脱离了群众,孤立了自己,在对敌斗争与确立根据地的事业上,造成了许多困难,所以全区都应根据五月二十五日中关于一九四八年的土地改革工作和整党工作的指示,重新地全盘考虑我们的工作方针和策略步骤。
    We were guilty of being too impetuous in the new liberated areas, alienating ourselves from the masses, isolating ourselves, and creating many difficulties in our struggle against the enemy and in our effort to establish base areas. In view of this, comrades working in the Central Plains should review all our policies and tactical measures in accordance with the directive on the work of land reform and of Party consolidation in 1948, issued by the Central Committee on May 25.
  • 国务院和中军事委员会共同领导动员准备和动员实施工作。
    The State Council and the CMC jointly lead mobilization preparation and implementation work.
  • 但是观乎党中检讨败选的八点原因,头两项居然都归咎于宋楚瑜的“执意参选”,而完全规避了渴望改革的民意。
    But this seems improbable so far, judging by the fact that the KMT leadership has attributed its defeat, first of all, to James Soong's campaigning efforts as an independent candidate outside the party. It has totally ignored the people's desire for reforms.
  • 右的倾向,表现在有的人搞土改不积极,一看见中提出要讲政策策略,就以为有根据了,说慢慢来吧,我也讲些策略。
    The Right tendency is manifested in that some comrades are not taking an active part in land reform. They take the Central Committee's emphasis on policies and tactics as grounds for their inaction, saying that the reform can wait because they have to study the tactics first.
  • 土地税:宁冈收的是百分之二十,比中办法多收半成,已在征收中,不好变更,明年再减。
    The land tax. In Ningkang the tax rate is 20 per cent of the crop, or 5 per cent more than the rate fixed by the Central Committee; It is inadvisable to make any change now as collection is already under way, but the rate will be reduced next year.
  • 世界上只有一个中国,台湾是中国不可分割的一部分,中政府在北京。
    There is only one China in the world, Taiwan is an inalienable part of China and the seat of China's central government is in Beijing.
  • 十三世纪中叶,西藏正式归入中国元朝版图后,西藏一直处于中国中政权的管辖之下,是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
    Since it was officially incorporated into the domain of China's Yuan Dynasty in the mid-13th century, Tibet has been under the jurisdiction of China's Central Government as an inalienable part of Chinese territory.
  •  1956年4月22日,达赖喇嘛就任西藏自治区筹备委员会主任委员,他在筹委会成立大会上致词说:“1951年我派代表到北京与中人民政府代表进行谈判,在团结友爱的基础上,签订了《中人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》。
    On April 22, 1956, the Dalai Lama became chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the Tibet Autonomous Region. In his speech at the inaugural meeting, the Dalai Lama said, "In 1951, I sent delegates to Beijing to negotiate with delegates of the central people's government. On the basis of fraternal unity, the Agreement of the Central People's Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet was signed.
  • 民国期间,外患不已,内乱频仍,中政府孱弱,但达赖喇嘛、班禅额尔德尼继续接受中政府的册封。
    Despite the fact that incessant foreign aggression and civil wars weakened the central government of the Republic of China, it continued to grant honorific titles to the Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Erdeni.
  •  县级以上人民政府应当加强对气象工作的领导和协调,将气象事业纳入中和地方同级国民经济和社会发展计划及财政预算,以保障其充分发挥为社会公众、政府决策和经济发展服务的功能。
    People's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen their leadership over and coordination of meteorological activities, and incorporate meteorological service into the national economic and social development plans and fiscal budgets of the central and local governments in order to ensure their full function in the service of the general public, in government decision making and in economic development.
  • 第三,这三年内,特别是最近一年,中和全国各地都平反了一大批冤假错案。
    Third, in these three years, and particularly in the past year, a great number of individual cases in which the charges were false or which were unjustly or incorrectly dealt with have been re-examined at the central level and in different localities and the verdicts reversed.
  • 他们把车厢上面的中部分打开以增进空气的流通。
    They increased ventilation by opening the top center part of the carriage window.
  • 两千年总统大选揭晓之夜,激愤的中国国民党党员和民众,包围国民党中党部前门,摇旗怒吼,要求李登辉立即辞去党主席的职务,为国民党的败选负责。
    THE NIGHT when the results of Taiwan's 2000 presidentialelection were announced, angry crowds including members of the Nationalist Party of China, or Kuomintang (KMT), surrounded the premises of the party's headquarters. Waving flags and shouting protests, the indignant people demanded that Lee Teng-hui take responsibility for the party's defeat in the poll and step down as chairman of the KMT.
  • 两千年总统大选揭晓之夜,激愤的中国国民党党员和民众,包围国民党中党部前门,摇旗怒吼,要求李登辉立即辞去党主席的职务,为国民党的败选负责。
    The night when the results of Taiwan's 2000 presidential election were announced, angry crowds including members of the Nationalist Party of China, or Kuomintang (KMT), surrounded the premises of the party's headquarters. Waving flags and shouting protests, the indignant people demanded that Lee Teng-hui take responsibility for the party's defeat in the poll and step down as chairman of the KMT.
  • 所有这些一个接连一个的光辉的胜利,无可争辩地证明了党的第七次全国代表大会所规定的政治路线和七大以后党中的政治领导的正确性;
    This succession of magnificent victories furnishes indisputable proof of the correctness of the political line laid down by the Party's Central Committee since the Seventh Congress.
  • 同时也无可争辩地证明了党的第七次全国代表大会所规定的组织路线和七大以后党中的组织领导的正确性。
    It is also indisputable proof of the correctness of the organizational line laid down by the Seventh Congress and of the organizational leadership of the central Committee in the same period.
  • 香港人具有不屈不挠、勇往直前的精神,加上中国中人民政府领导人决意贯彻「一国两制」的构思,香港的前景是一片光明的。
    With the indomitable spirit of the Hong Kong people, and a strong commitment from the leadership of the Central People's Government to the full implementation of the 'one country, two systems' concept, Hong Kong's future is assured.
  • 在举行闭幕式时,东道主采纳了由一个17岁的(来自台湾的)华人运动员提出的建议,打破按国家先后顺序步入体育馆的常规,让各国运动员一齐走进会场中,以体现团结和统一的精神。
    For closing ceremony, the host adopted a proposal submitted by a 17 year old Chinese athlete (from Taiwan) to break away the custom of parading into the stadium nation by nation and instead to have the athletes walk to the infield en masse in the spirit of unity and togetherness.
  • 粉碎“四人帮”后,中政府采取了很多措施发展少数民族地区。
    Since the downfall of the Gang of Four, the Central Government has adopted many measures to develop the areas inhabited by minority nationalities.
  • 目前,在村民委员会民主选举方面,已初步建立了从中到地方,从指导原则到具体操作规范的法律制度框架。
    A Legal framework covering laws and regulations at both central and local levels, as well as guiding principles and rules for implementation, has been initially established.
  • 40多年来,中人民政府和西藏自治区人民政府根据《宪法》和《民族区域自治法》的规定,为满足西藏人民日益增长的物质文化生活需要,在促进西藏社会经济发展的同时,投入巨大的人力、财力和物力,运用法律、经济和行政等多种手段,保护和弘扬藏族优秀传统文化,大力开创和发展现代科学文化教育事业,取得了举世瞩目的成就。
    In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the Law on Ethnic Regional Autonomy, the Central People's Government and the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region have made great efforts in the past 40-plus years to promote the social and economic development of Tibet, to satisfy the Tibetan people's increasing needs for rich material and cultural lives. At the same time, they have devoted large amounts of human, financial and material resources to protecting and carrying forward the fine aspects of traditional Tibetan culture, as well as initiating and developing modern science, culture and education by employing legal, economic and administrative means. As a result, considerable achievements attracting worldwide attention have been attained.
  • 如今在美国,作为国防第一线的国家情报人员可谓比任何时候都更加重要。在这样一种时代背景下,惊险片《新兵》从内部人员的角度让观众对美国中情报局的秘密训练基地有所了解。
    In an era when the country's first line of defense,human intelligence,is more important than ever,comes a thriller that gives an insider's view into the CIA's secret training ground.
  • 这是从中领导角度上说的,地方上没有责任。
    I am talking here about the matter insofar as the Central Committee is concerned. The local leaders bore no responsibility.
  • 制造厂商对所出售的中处理设备的分类,能使客户在进行设备功能升级时,无需更换设备的其它硬件或软件。
    A manufacturer's range of central processing units marketed to enable a customer to upgrade an installation with a more powerful unit without having to change the rest of his installation or programs.