  • 经济学者高希均教授在对话会上除了就经济与政治课题提出令人深思的见解之外,也展现了他幽默的一面。
    The renowned Taiwanese economist Professor Charles Kao provided some thought-provoking observations that range from economic to philosophical issues and peppered his speech with humour.
  • 雷克雅未克也因是欧洲最热闹的夜生活场所之一而闻。气氛融洽友好的酒吧和夜生活场所的活动可持续整整一夜。
    Reykiavík is also renowned as one of Europe's hottest nightspots, where the action on the friendly pub and nightlife scene lasts right through the night.
  • 这座举世闻的庄园建筑共4层,实际上是模仿不列颠群岛上的乡村房屋设计的。它经受了时间的考验,但其间也经历了一些变化。
    The world renowned four story manor, actually designed after a country house of the British Isles, has stood the test of time, but not without changes.
  • 这些庆祝活动共有151项,包括在各区举行的嘉年华会、康体设施开放日、专题展览,以及由本港与内地著演艺团体表演的文化节目。
    A total of 151 celebration activities were conducted, including carnival-type events, open day for leisure facilities, theme exhibitions and cultural presentations by renowned local and Mainland performing groups.
  • 她是家中两个孩子中的老大。由于母亲是个有的歌剧演员,姐妹俩曾经常随母亲去欧洲旅行。
    Being the oldest of two children, Sandra, her baby sister and their mom used to travel to Europe often because her mom was a renowned opera singer.
  • 第二、一些国际知的西方媒体,过去曾因为诽谤新加坡领袖,必须作出道歉和付出巨额赔偿。最近的一个例子是彭博社。
    Second, several world-renowned Western media, over the years, had to apologise to Singapore leaders and pay heavy damages for falsely libelling them, the most recent being Bloomberg News.
  • 选择祖籍地的,或许是对宗亲祖辈怀有深情,也可能此地人文荟萃,噪天下;
    One may mention the ancestral home, perhaps out of a deep sense of affection for the forefathers, or maybe it is a place that is world-famous for boasting many renowned personalities.
  • 尽管近几年,市政负责人努力把商业色情产业限制在芭堤雅海滩南部的一个地区,芭堤雅海滩的服务多样性和快乐自由的夜生活,还是闻于世的。
    Pattaya beach is world renowned for the variety and unrestrained hedonism of its nightlife, though city leaders have in recent years made an effort to confine the commercial sex industry to an area of south Pattaya beach.
  • 无独有偶,笔者认识在欧洲一所有600年历史的大学任教的著教授也不用电脑.被电脑弄得头脑发热的新加坡人来说,几乎是难以理解的了。
    It so happens that I know an eminent professor in a renowned 600-year-old university in Europe who does not use the computer either. This is almost incomprehensible to us Singaporeans, whose minds are saturated with computers.
  • 我是通用电气公司的一推销员。
    I'm a sales rep for General Electric.
  • 我是通用电气公司的一推销员。
    I am a sale rep for General Electric.
  • “恐龙”这一词是由理查得·欧文在1842年首先使用的,用来描述这种“可怕的巨型爬虫类”,特指斑龙、禽龙和热带雨林龙,这是那时仅知的三种恐龙。
    The term “dinosaurs” was invented by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to describe these “fearfully great rep- tiles”, specifically Megalosaurus, Iguanodon and Hylaeosaurus, the only three dinosaurs known at the time.
  • 我们有16现场代表。
    We have sixteen reps in the field.
  • 有抱负的人有志向上追求的人,如晋升,誉或高职位
    One who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position.
  • 年内,共有19584非法入境者被逮捕和遣返原居地,而一九九六年则有24408
    In 1997, 19584 illegal immigrants were apprehended and repatriated, compared with 24408 in 1996.
  • 年内,移居海外的越南难民有448,而遣返越南的船民则有4512
    During the year, 448 Vietnamese refugees were settled overseas and 4512 Vietnamese migrants were repatriated to Vietnam.
  • 准备提升一名雇员
    Groom an employee for advancement.
  • 年内,警务人员按有秩序遣返计划共护送了2478越南船民和非法入境者乘坐25班飞机返回越南,遣返过程中并没有任何不愉快事件发生。
    During the year, the Police provided escorts under the Orderly Repatriation Programme for the repatriation of 2 478 VMs and VIIs on 25 flights to Vietnam without any untoward incidents.
  • 这项计划于一九九六年二月开始实施,为参加旅行团外游时意外伤亡的人士,提供经济援助,包括在有关国家支付的医疗及殓葬费用,或把罹难外游人士的遗体/骨灰运返香港的费用,也包括协助伤亡外游人士的最多两亲属前往探问或处理身后事所引致的费用。
    Introduced in February 1996, this scheme provides financial relief to outbound travellers injured or killed in accidents while touring abroad. It covers medical expenses and funeral expenses incurred in the relevant country, or repatriation of the body/ashes of the victim, as well as expenses incurred in compassionate visits for up to two relatives of the victim.
  • 我们的豆腐生产线是世界上最为先进的,久负盛
    Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world.
  • 巴菲特、乔治·索罗斯及其他一些有的大富豪一起出面反对总统提出的废除遗产税计划,这确实有点新鲜别致。
    It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax.
  • 他屡次说谎玷污了自己的誉。
    He spotted his reputation by lying repeatedly.
  • 毛瑟枪一种连发步枪和手枪的商标
    A trademark used for a repeating rifle or pistol.
  • 他大声重复她的字以加强语气。
    He emphasized hey name by repeating it very loudly.
  • 请原谅我,可不可以把你的字再说一遍?
    Please forgive me, but would you mind repeating your name?
  • 他们就是不断重复同样几简单的短乐句。
    They just go on repeating the same few simple phrases.
  • 英格兰亨利八世的第二任妻子,伊丽莎白一世的母亲(1507-1536);以通奸的罪被处死。
    the second wife of Henry VIII of England and mother of Elizabeth I; was executed on a charge of adultery (1507-1536).
  • t侯爵夫人正在犹豫要不要把d夫人一个劲儿在抬价的那件家具买下来;d夫人是当代最风流最有的荡妇。
    the Marquise de T shrank from buying an item of furniture for which the bidding was led by Madame D, the most elegant and most celebrated adulteress of our age;
  • 毛泽东同志多次不赞成歌功颂德,提出不以个人字给地方、企业命,不祝寿、不送礼。
    Comrade Mao said on numerous occasions that he was against adulation of anyone, and he proposed that no places or enterprises should be named after leaders and that there should be no celebration of their birthdays and no presentation of gifts.
  •  此时的卓别林已是声显赫,26岁时已世界闻,大众犹如崇拜当今摇滚乐明星似地仰慕他,也许他是第一位受到如此这般崇拜的人。
    Charlie Chaplin was now famous-- only 26, he was a star, known throughout the world, probably the first person ever to receive the kind of mass adulation[4] now common with rock stars."
  • 他说:"记者招待会上气氛如此热烈让我感到惊讶。在来日本之前,我曾设想过,作为曼联队的一队员,我应该会受到大家的欢迎。
    The midfielder has received the sort of adulation normally reserved for popstars during his time in Japan for the World Cup finals."The reception I've had here has been amazing.
  • 洛尔斯声称他本无意欺世盗,只是无法抗拒欢呼的人群给予他的赞誉与奉承。
    Lorz claimed that he never meant to fool anyone--he just couldn't resist the praise and adulation of the roaring crowd.