  • 当研究发现大量的燕麦麸可以降低胆固醇,有助于防止心脏病时,燕麦的价格会直线上升,美国超市里马上就会充斥各种含燕麦麸的产品,包括燕麦麸糖和燕麦麸啤酒。
    When one study found that eating massive quantities of oat bran reduced cholesterol and thus might help prevent heart attacks, the price of oats skyrocketed and American supermarkets were instantly flooded with products containing oat bran, including oat bran candy bars and oat bran beer.
  • 请吃点苹果馅饼。
    Help yourself to this apple pie.
  • 点馅儿饼吧, 还多著呢.
    Have some more pie, there's lots left.
  • 了两客分量很足的馅饼。
    She had two generous helpings of pie.
  • 过早饭后,他来看我们了。
    He came to see us after I have haven my breakfast.
  • 如果你通过考试,我将带你去一顿上等饭菜。
    If you pass you exam I'll treat you to a slap-up meal.
  • 在他离开之前,他把全家人都带出去了一顿真正丰盛可口的饭菜。
    Before he left, he took all of his family out for a really slap-up meal.
  • 在我离开之前,我将把你们都带出一顿真正的佳肴美餐。
    Before I leave, I'm going to take you all out for a really slap-up meal.
  • 这个可怜的人只有一只黑面包
    The poor man has only one rye bread to eat.
  • 中国人用筷子吃饭。
    The Chinese eat with chopsticks.
  • 你已经过午饭了吗?现在才12点。
    Have you finished lunch already? It's only12 o' clock!
  • 我设法给你弄点的。
    I'll try and rustle you up something to eat.
  • 简的数学课学得很力,因为她的基础很差。
    Jane had rough sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.
  • 玛丽的数学学得非常力,因为她基础差。
    Mary had hard sledding in her math course because she was poorly prepared.
  • 清除积雪是很力的工作.
    It's hard work shifting snow.
  • 得过饱会产生睡意。
    Too much food induces sleepiness.
  • 完晚饭常感到困,一到晚上就又精神了。
    I often feel sleepy after supper and then I get my second wind later in the evening.
  • 这时,爱丽丝开始瞌睡了,她困得迷迷糊糊时还在说:“猫蝙蝠吗?
    And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, `Do cats eat bats?
  • 她把面包弄碎,然后喂给鸟
    She crumb the bread before feeding it to the birds.
  • 除了陈面包外,他们没有别的东西可
    They had nothing to eat but stale bread.
  • 你能再一片蛋糕吗?
    Can you manage another slice of cake?
  • 玛丽勉强下了一片面包。
    Mary worried down a slice of toast.
  • 她一点也不吃惊。
    She was not in the slightest surprised.
  • 孙:既然你不管什么都能保持身材苗条,那就再给你果酱。
    And here is jam for you, since you keep slim no matter what you eat.
  • 我什么蛋糕都不想,我正在减肥。
    I don't want any cake; I'm slimming.
  • 了,谢谢你。我正在减肥呢。
    No, thank you. I'm supposed to be slimming.
  • 了,谢谢你。我正在减肥呢。
    No, thank you. I am supposed to be slimming.
  • 我不喜欢看动物东西,它们看见食物总是涎水肆流。
    I don't like watching animals eat, the always slobber over the food so much.
  • 你看那老人,他东西时流好多口水。
    Look at that old man. He slobbers over the food so much.
  • 力地利泥泞中跋涉。
    He slogged through the mud.
  • 漂亮不能当饭吃。
    Beauty will buy no beef.
  • 活着不是为了饭,饭为了活着。
    live not to eat,but eat to live.