  • 传统意义上,管制工作力是由当时管制状况决定的,如航空器的数量、航班密集度、陆空通话和管制协调的数量、天气情况等等,上述种种因素主要描述了管制状况的多样性,但是工作力是从人为角度来考虑的。
    ATC workload is traditionally defined in terms of the ATC situation: number of aircraft, complexity of aircraft mix, amount of communication and coordination needed, weather, and so forth. These situational variables describe essentially the demands of the situation, but workload is another matter from a human factors perspective.
  • 第六、严厉地镇汉奸。
    Sixthly, traitors must be sternly suppressed.
  • 熨斗在湿布上时发出嘶嘶声。
    The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
  • 超薄的特性莱文农说,更值得一提的是,这种油墨状的物质可以用在印刷机上印,使电池具有真正的可弯曲性。
    The Skinny on Capabilities What's more, the ink-like material can be used in printing presses, allowing for really flexible batteries says Levanon.
  • 农民们将干草成块用来烧火。
    The farmers compressed straw into blocks for burning.
  • 他减低了压力。
    He slackened off the pressure.
  • 压力减少了。
    The pressure has slackened off.
  • 面对邻国海港的竞争力,港务集团最近推出了一系列的新措施,希望这项称为“与时并进”的政策可以加强海港的竞争能力。
    Confronted with immense pressure from neighbouring competitors, PSA has announced the slew of measures under its “stay relevant” policy to sharpen its competitive edge.
  • 顶砖瓦墙的顶层或顶部结构,通常有倾斜的上表面以便排水;斗篷状覆盖物
    The top layer or course of a masonry wall, usually having a slanting upper surface to shed water; a cope.
  • 警察开始制政治上的反对势力。
    The police began to slap down political opposition.
  • 进行改革的任何企图都很快地遭到制。
    Any attempt at reform was quickly slapped down.
  • 杰夫顶嘴的时候,老师将他了下去。
    When Jeff talked back, the teacher slapped him down.
  • 在半封建、半殖民地的旧中国,监狱是封建、官僚、买办阶级屠杀、残害革命者和被迫人民的工具。
    In the semi-feudal, semi-colonial China of the past, prisons were tools of the feudal, bureaucratic and comprador classes who used them to persecute and slaughter revolutionaries and the oppressed people.
  • 自立摆脱了被奴役、扣押或迫的人的自由
    Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.
  • 但是,为了有可能迫一个阶级,就必须保证这个阶级至少有能够勉强维持它的奴隶般的生存的条件。
    But in order to oppress a class, certain conditions must be assured to it under which it can, at least, continue its slavish existence.
  • 表面上的轻微的痕。
    any slight depression in a surface.
  • 根儿不知道他是谁。
    I haven't got the slightest idea who he is.
  • 根儿不知道他是谁。
    I have not get the slightest idea who he is.
  • 打着活结一头儿在另一头儿的长领带。
    a long necktie that is tied in a slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other.
  • 切纸刀一种用于开启密封的封信、撕开没裁好的书页和在纸张上印的薄而钝的刀
    A thin, dull knife used for opening sealed envelopes, slitting uncut pages of books, and creasing paper.
  • 你若受那些大腹便便的白人的迫长达300年,你也会仇视白人,这是很自然的。
    Naturally, if you’ve been oppressed for 300 years by a bunch of white slobs you are going to hate whites like nobody’s business.
  • 在家里,孩子们面对来自父母的更大力。他们必须努力不懈,争取最好的成绩。一些父母更无视于孩子的资质和能力,希望越多的补习能够带来越好的学业表现。
    At home, our children are frequently being bombarded with even greater pressure from their demanding parents to slog for top grades at all costs, regardless of their inherent abilities, and cramming them with excessive private tuition to boot.
  • 然而,其后本地资源供求因为经济放缓而再度失衡,以致价格力亦因而退减。
    Yet as the local resource balance loosened again amidst the economic slowdown, the price pressure subsided thereafter.
  • 放慢你应答的节奏去做更好的倾听者,能够帮助你成为一个更为心平气和的人,能够帮助你摆脱力。
    Slowing down your responses and becoming a better listener aids you in becoming a more peaceful person.
  • 问题起因:饮食不良,新陈代谢缓慢,力,荷尔蒙分泌失调,或许还有感染。
    Causes Poor diet, sluggish metabolism, stress, a hormonal imbalance, and sometimes infection.
  • 从国内来看,也存在农民收入增长缓慢、城镇居民就业力较大等困难。
    Moreover, we are facing internal difficulties such as the sluggish growth of farmers' income and employment burden of urban residents.
  • 中国外债比较少,尤其是其中85%是长期的,换外汇支付短期债务的力也比较校
    China's foreign debts are comparatively small, and 85 percent of which are long-term debts. This entails smaller pressures on the country to buy foreign exchange to repay short-term loans.
  • 训练打出强有力的高
    Develop a powerful smash
  • 你能区别截击空中球和高球吗?
    Can you tell a volley from smash?
  • 锡被熔炼碾压的地方
    A place where tin is smelted and rolled.
  • 用灰把火压住了。
    The fire is smothered by ashes.
  • 委员会的建议被扣下来。
    The recommendations of the committee were smothered up.