  • 那个教官带领士们作了10英里的行军,结果他们回到军营时全都累得快要趴下了。
    The drill sergeant took the men on a ten-mile march and they were all ready to drop by the time they got back to barracks.
  • 古物谘询委员会也检查位于屯门的战前华人庙宇和寺院、昂船洲和前域多利房的军事结构物,前whitfield房,以及macintoshforts,并根据它们的历史价值及建筑优点评定等级。
    The Antiquities Advisory Board also examined and graded pre-war Chinese temples and monasteries in Tuen Mun; the military structures on Stonecutters Island; the former Victoria Barracks; the former Whitfield Barracks and the MacIntosh Forts according to their historical significance and architectural merit.
  • 18岁的李·威廉是英国"沙漠之鼠"苏格兰皇家近卫团卫。他在一个废弃的营里捡了双崭新的靴子,跟自己的英国战靴比起来,他觉得新鞋"又轻巧又舒适。
    Guardsman Lee Williams, 18, of the Desert Rats' Royal Scots Dragoon Guards battle group, found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barracks which he said were "lighter and more comfortable" than the British footwear.
  • 还得补充一句,凡是一座建筑物,其建筑艺术必须与其用途结合得天衣无缝,以至于人们一眼见到这建筑物,其用途便一目了然,这是司空见惯的,因此任何一座古迹,无论是王宫,还是下议院、市政厅、学堂、驯马场、科学院、仓库、法庭、博物馆、营、陵墓、寺院、剧场,都令人惊叹得无以复加。
    Let us add that if it is according to rule that the architecture of a building should be adapted to its purpose in such a manner that this purpose shall be immediately apparent from the mere aspect of the building, one cannot be too much amazed at a structure which might be indifferently--the palace of a king, a chamber of communes,a town-hall, a college, a riding-school, an academy, a warehouse, a court-house, a museum, a barracks, a sepulchre, a temple, or a theatre.
  • 挡住了去路, 我们只好折回.
    Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back.
  • 挡住了去路,我们只好折回
    Soldiers barred the road so we had to turn back
  • 挡住了去路,我们只好折回。
    Soldier barred the road so we have to turn back.
  • 一种长筒、前装、肩扛主要是步使用的枪支。
    a long-barrelled muzzle-loading shoulder gun formerly used by infantrymen.
  • 们向暴乱分子设置的街垒发起了猛攻.
    The soldiers stormed the barricades erected by the rioting crowd.
  • 但正当抗日先锋军占领同蒲铁路,积极准备东出河北与日本帝国主义直接作战之时,蒋介石氏竟以十师以上力开入山西,协同阎锡山氏阻拦红军抗日去路,并命令张学良杨虎城两氏及陕北军队向陕甘红色区域挺进,扰乱我抗日后方。
    But when it occupied the Tatung-Puchow Railway and was energetically preparing to drive eastward into Hopei to engage the Japanese imperialists directly, Chiang Kai-shek sent more than ten divisions into Shansi and co-operated with Yen Hsi-shan in barring its advance against the Japanese. He also ordered the troops under Chang Hsueh-liang and Yang Hu-cheng, as well as the troops in northern Shensi, to march on the Shensi-Kansu Red area to harass our anti-Japanese rear.
  • 在他童年时代,罗纳尔多曾想当,或做低音鼓手。
    During his childhood, Ronaldo wanted to be a soldier or play the bass drum.
  • 1789年7月14日,一群怒嚎的巴黎人袭击了巴士底狱,并将其卫杀死。
    On July 14,1789,a howling Parisian mob stormed the Bastille,killing the guards.
  • 勤务走出来拍平了沥青路上的一些疙瘩。
    The batsman walked out to pat down some bumps in the pitch.
  • 营长命令士们沿铁轨排开。
    The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.
  • 我们必须充实民营,使之达到规定人数。
    We must bring our militia battalion up to strength.
  • 今年二三月间的俘虏,现在有当了营长的。
    some of those captured in February or March are already battalion commanders.
  • 连、营、团都有了士会,代表士利益,并做政治工作和民众工作。
    Each company, battalion or regiment has its soldiers' committee which represents the interests of the soldiers and carries on political and mass work.
  • 你们营一个连接一个连地散开成炮队形是我在练场上所看到的最精彩的操练了。
    The way your battalion shook out into artillery formation, company by company was the most beautiful bit of parade ground drill I've ever seen.
  • 敌军的士和营、连、排长被我们俘虏过来,即对他们进行宣传工作,分为愿留愿去两种,愿去的即发路费释放。
    Whenever soldiers, platoon leaders, or company or battalion commanders of the enemy forces are captured, we immediately conduct propaganda among them;they are divided into those wishing to stay and those wishing to leave, and the latter are given travelling expenses and set free.
  • 一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮连。
    A captain commands a company or battery.
  • 敌人炮集中炮火于那个十字路口。
    An enemy battery zeroed in on the crossroad.
  • 这支部队包括两个步营和一个炮连。
    The force comprised two battalions and a battery.
  • 的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
    A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle.
  • 他在战前向士作了慷慨激昂的讲话。
    He harangued the troops before a battle.
  • 许多士兵死于战斗。
    Many soldiers perish in battle.
  • 战场成了他们的练场。
    The battlefield became their training ground.
  • 在战场上,那个新感到非常紧张。
    The new soldier felt all of a jump at the battlefield.
  • 在抗日战场上,共产党所抗击的日寇力,同国民党比较起来,几乎占到了同等的地位。
    On the battlefield the Communists are fighting against roughly as many Japanese troops as is the Kuomintang.
  • 这将使军官能够“看”到——即使敌人未看到——整个战场上他们的士
    That would allow officers to "see" their men all over a battlefield, even when the enemy cannot.
  • 领导本区的民役、动员、人民防空和战场建设等工作。
    and directing the militia, military service, mobilization, civil air defense and battlefield construction work in the military area.
  • 我们主张的集中力,是建立在保证对于战场作战的绝对或相对优势的原则上。
    The kind of concentration we advocate is based on the principle of guaranteeing absolute or relative superiority on the battlefield.
  • 那名伤若不是被遗弃在战场上失血过多而身亡的话,他本来是可以得救的。
    The wounded soldier could have been saved if he had not been left to bleed to death on the battlefield.