  • 终于,这放下了照相机,悄悄地离开了那儿,心中满了对自己是否适合干这一行的怀疑。
    At length I lowered the camera and crept away shaken with doubt about my suitability for the journalistic profession.
  • 商品供应充足。
    There is an abundance of commodity supplies on the markets.
  • 大量的,足的,丰富的存在或显示出大量的;丰富的
    Occurring in or marked by abundance; plentiful.
  • 丰足的尤指食物供应足的
    Providing an abundance, especially of food.
  • 可供地毯货源充足。
    Carpets are available in abundance.
  • 丰富极其丰富的状态;
    The state of being profuse; abundance.
  • 摇动使满;像枕头一样。
    make fuller by shaking; as of pillows.
  • 然而这一裁决缺乏分的宪法根据,而且没有一个法院做同样的裁决。
    Yet this argument rested on shaky constitutional ground, and no court has since echoed it.
  • 这谬论的荒诞性已被分揭露。
    The fallacy has been exposed in its naked absurdity.
  • 在海上有什么饮品于你是甘甜的?从深海里你能找到什么饥?
    What drink is sweet to thee, what food shalt thou find from the deep?
  • 赝品;冒充物
    Something false; a sham.
  • 冒牌货假的或冒的人、物;赝品
    One that is not authentic or genuine; a sham.
  • 她自称精通计算机,其实她是假内行.
    She claims to know all about computers but really she's a sham.
  • 很难辨明那个教授虽然有很多深奥的词汇,实际上却是一个冒内行的人
    It was difficult to discern that despite all the abstruse vocabulary the professor was really a charlatan.
  • 中国发展远洋渔业和国际渔业合作,本着严格遵守有关国际海洋法,并分注意保护生态环境,在平等互利、合理开发可利用资源、不损害别国利益的原则基础上,积极开展同有关国家和地区的渔业合作,共同发展渔业经济。
    While expanding deep-sea fishing and international fishing cooperation, China adheres strictly to relevant international maritime laws, pays full attention to protection of the eco-environment and, in the light of the principle of "equality, mutual benefit, rational development of the exploitable resources, and abstention from infringement on the interests of other countries," actively develops fishing cooperation with relevant countries and regions, in order to jointly expand the fishing economy.
  • 使满眼泪或者流泪。
    fill with tears or shed tears.
  • 吸收外国资金、外国技术,甚至包括外国在中国建厂,可以作为我们发展社会主义社会生产力的补
    Absorbing foreign capital and technology and even allowing foreigners to construct plants in China can only play a complementary role to our effort to develop the productive forces in a socialist society.
  • 该公司种种努力的失败终于使大家认识到分准备经营条件的必要性。
    The failure of the company's efforts at last sheeted home the need for proper preparation of business conditions.
  • 至于吸收外国资金,这是作为发展社会生产力的一个补,不用担心它会冲击社会主义制度。
    As for the practice of absorbing foreign funds, it is a supplementary means of developing the productive forces, and we need not worry that it will undermine the socialist system.
  • 椰子椰子树的褐色硬外壳的大种子,包括围绕有部分液体填的中央果穴的白果肉
    The large, brown, hard-shelled seed of the coconut, containing white flesh surrounding a partially fluid-filled central cavity.
  • 满石蕊的吸水纸;遇酸变红遇碱变蓝。
    absorbent paper full of litmus; it is turned red by acids and blue by alkalis.
  • 装满补充书籍的架子
    Shelves with a full complement of books.
  • 食品杂货商的架子上商品斥。
    The grocer's shelves were overstocked with merchandise.
  • 他喝了一些葡萄酒,看她的时候眼神满了渴望,很令人不安。
    he drank some sherry, his eyes disconcertingly keen as he watched her.
  • 莱佛士女子中学的例子只是昙花一现,还是预示一个满爱心的社会将要到来?在一个具有爱心的社会里,除了追求物质生活和学术成就,人们所表现的善心也同样会得到珍惜。
    Is the shinning example shown by RGS a mere flash in the pan, or is it the harbinger of a more caring society, in which human kindness is valued no less than material success or scholastic achievement?
  • 光辉的,明亮的满光亮的;照耀的
    Full of light; shining.
  • 满光亮;强烈的发光。
    full of light; shining intensely.
  • 科学家必须努力学习,以保持对各种新发现的分了解。
    Scientists have to work hard to stay abreast of new discoveries.
  • 满是花朵的花园;满了思想;满了犯罪的贫民窟;空中满是雪花。
    garden abounding with flowers; rich in ideas; slums rife with crime; the air was thick with snow.
  • 在各条战线上都有精力沛朝气蓬勃的青年人。
    On every front there are young people abounding in vigor and vitality.
  • 满风或者微风,或者暴露于风或者微风之中。
    abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes.
  • 开放的或满了新鲜的空气。
    open to or abounding in fresh air.