  • 梅特-马里特-霍伊比身材长,一头金黄色秀发,是个典型的斯堪的纳维亚美女。她正在加紧学习,扮演好皇室成员的角色。
    Tjessem Hoiby, a tall blonde with classic Scandinavian good looks, has been working to learn more about her royal role.
  • 未来的基因补者吃惊的发现,人类的卵子数量稀少,而且很难对付。
    To the dismay of wouldbe gene tinkerers, human eggs are scarce and tricky to work with.
  • 专上学生资助计划在二零零一至零二学年开始推行,为年龄在25岁或以下读经评审并可获颁授高级文凭、副学士学位或专业文凭或以上资历的自资课程的本地学生,提供助学金及低息贷款。
    Introduced in the 2001-02 academic year, the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students is to provide grants or low interest loans to needy full-time local students aged 25 or below pursuing accredited, self-financing post-secondary programmes leading to a qualification at or above the levels of higher diploma, associate degree or professional diploma.
  • 香港学术评审局审核过课程内容后,评定学员在毕课程后所取得的学历,在求职和进时,可视作相当于香港中学会考五科及格。
    Having evaluated the programme, the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation has concluded that the qualifications obtained after successful completion of the programme are comparable to five passes in the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination for employment and continuing education purposes.
  • 不久将不得不把我这台割草机废弃掉,因它已不能理,即将报废了。
    I'll soon have to scrap this lawn mower, it's beyond repair and on its last legs.
  • 管理人员会见韦尔奇时,交谈是坦率而不加饰的。
    When a manager meets with Welch,the exchange is candid, not scripted.
  • 这篇稿子经过改已定稿。
    The script is massaged into final form.
  • 这些寺院的壁画、雕刻、塑像、唐卡、工艺装饰、经卷、供品、法器、佛龛,包括经堂、殿宇、寺庙、塔刹等宗教文化的载体,都尽力保护或缮复原。
    The murals, sculptures, statues, Thangkas (scroll paintings), artistic decorations, scriptures, offerings, ritual musical instruments and shrines of Buddha of those monasteries, as well as the scripture halls, worship halls, monasteries, temples and pagodas, the carriers of religious culture, have been preserved as far as possible or have been repaired or restored to their original condition.
  • 帐务调整,帐务修改
    An adjustment or correction of accounts.
  • 一九九九至二零零零年度的会期内,立法会成立了31个法案委员会,审议政府向立法会提交的法案,其中包括《广播条例草案》、《2000年建筑物管理(订)条例草案》、《1999年区域法院(订)条例草案》、《交易所及结算所(合并)条例草案》、《地下铁路条例草案》及《市区重建局条例草案》。
    During the 1999-2000 session, the Legislative Council set up 31 bills committees to scrutinise bills introduced into the council, including the Broadcasting Bill, Building Management (Amendment) Bill 2000, District Court (Amendment) Bill 1999, Exchanges and Clearing Houses (Merger) Bill, Mass Transit Railway Bill and Urban Renewal Authority Bill.
  • 二零零零至零一年度会期,立法会成立了41个法案委员会,审议政府提交的法案,其中包括《2000年银行业(订)条例草案》、《行政长官选举条例草案》、《2001年版权(暂停实施订)条例草案》、《定额罚款(公众地方清洁罪行)条例草案》、《2000年赌博(订)条例草案》及《证券及期货条例草案》。
    During the 2000-2001 session, the Legislative Council set up 41 bills committees to scrutinise bills introduced into the council, including the Banking (Amendment) Bill 2000, Chief Executive Election Bill, Copyright (Suspension of Amendments) Bill 2001, Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Bill, Gambling (Amendment) Bill 2000, and the Securities and Futures Bill.
  • 切利尼,贝温尤托1500-1571意大利作家及雕塑家,以其作品自传和柏尔斯的雕塑而闻名
    Italian writer and sculptor who is known for his Autobiography and his sculpture of Perseus.
  • 复物揭示雕像家在完成他的创作时极其认真。他把第一次铸造时产生的气泡造成的瑕疵—一补完好。
    Restoration revealed that the sculptor had finished his creation carefully, patching small defects created by air bubbles trapped in the original casting.
  • 一种剪和造型的艺术;雕刻和雕塑。
    the arts of shaping or modeling; carving and sculpture.
  • 第一年的必课讲授核心商业课程,比如,金融、市场、综合管理、运营管理和会计。
    In the first year compulsory classes taught core business disciplines such as finance, marketing, general management, operations management and accountancy.
  • 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘员工制定一套新的附带福利条件,包括订假期赚取率、就度假旅费福利作出新安排,以及提供非实报实销的房屋福利。
    On June 1, 2000, the Government introduced a new fringe benefits package which includes revised leave earning rates, a new leave passage arrangement and non-accountable housing benefits for recruits.
  • 此外,又订了填海工程的规划程序,使有关工程可同时根据《前滨及海床(填海工程)条例》及《城市规划条例》刊登宪报,藉以缩短规划的前期时间。
    The planning lead-time for reclamation projects has been cut by revising planning procedures to allow the publication of gazette notices in parallel under the Foreshore and Seabed (Reclamations) Ordinance and the Town Planning Ordinance.
  • 为全面实施《1978年国际海员培训、发证和值班标准公约》及其1995年正案,有关措施均已付诸实行。
    Measures have been taken to give full effect to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers 1978 and its 1995 amendment.
  • 一九九八年,香港对国际海事组织所作贡献,主要在于海员培训与发证标准、散装货轮安全、无线电通讯、订《高速船安全守则》、航行安全、防火、防止污染和责任限制相关事宜等范畴。
    Hong Kong's main contributions at IMO in 1998 concerned standards of training and certification for seafarers, bulk carrier safety, radio communications, revision of high speed craft code, safety of navigation, fire protection, prevention of pollution and limitation of liability related matters.
  • 中国先后加入了国际海事组织制定的30多项公约,其中包括《1965年便利国际海上运输公约》、《1990年国际油污防备、反应和合作公约》、《1995年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》、《1974年国际海上人命安全公约》、《1973/78年国际防止船舶造成污染公约》及其有关正案、《1974年海上旅客及其行李运输雅典公约》、《统一船舶碰撞某些法律规定的国际公约》等国际公约。
    China has also acceded to the 30-some conventions formulated by the IMO, such as the 1965 Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic, 1990 International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperation, International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, As Amended, 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the protocol of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL, or 73/78 Convention on Pollution Convention), Athens Convention Relating to the Carriage of Passengers and Their Luggage by Sea, 1974, and International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with Respect to Collision Between Vessels.
  • 建这样大的海港在我国还是第一次。
    Build so the big seaport in our country is the first time.
  • 当指定了这个饰词后,uddi注册中心将对所有被搜索的实体的注册名实施相似性搜索,同时返回那些与传入的指定soundex值参数相匹配的被搜索实体的注册名所在的被搜索实体。
    When specified, the UDDI registry will perform a soundex search on the registered names of the entities being searched, and return matches where the soundex value any of the name parameter(s) passed is equal to the soundex value of the registered names for the searched entities.
  • 彻底的搜查;尽责的艺术品复者
    A careful search; careful art restorers.
  • 把您心里想的颜色和式样告诉我们,我们将作相应的改。
    Just tell us the color and design you have in mind. We 'll change them accordingly.
  • 如果你同意这点的话,能否请你在协议中作出相应改?
    If you agree to this, would you please revise the agreement accordingly?
  • 我们已收到你的信,因此改了合同。
    We have receive your letter and have alter the contract accordingly.
  • 一个靠近泉水或海边的养地。
    a health resort near a spring or at the seaside.
  • 合由规定不可分批装船,请改信用证。
    Contract stipulate partial shipment unalloyed amend l/c accordingly.
  • 请将你的合同文本作相应的
    Please amend your copy of the contract accordingly
  • 请按合同改信用证。
    Please amend the L/C accordingly.
  • 把您心里想的颜色和式样告诉我们,我们将作相应的改。
    Just tell us the color and design you have in mind. we'll change them accordingly.
  • 这把椅子的底部该理一下了。
    The chair should be seated.