  • 从上面列举的承诺中可以看到,中国为履行其wto义务正在进行巨大变革:重组工业、公开发表以前在内部发布的法律和规章、建立裁决端的正规程序、为外国公司提供公平竞的环境等。
    As can be seen from the above list of commitments, China is making enormous changes to meet its WTO obligations - restructuring industries, publishing previously internal laws and regulations, establishing formal procedures to adjudicate disputes, and leveling the playing field for foreign companies.
  • 不得不请校长裁夺
    Had to ask the school principal to adjudicate the quarrel.
  • 中国政府积极地真诚地努力取实现和平统一。
    The Chinese government is actively and sincerely striving for peaceful reunification.
  • 所谓“民主和制度之”是阻挠中国统一的借口。
    The so-called controversy about democracy and system is an excuse for obstructing the reunification of China.
  • 反之,就破坏了中国政府取和平统一的外部条件。
    Acting otherwise will destroy the external conditions necessary for the Chinese government to strive for peaceful reunification.
  • 这样,社会主义四个现代化建设、祖国的统一、反霸权主义的斗,也就没有一个力量能够领导进行。
    Thus, there would be no force in China capable of leading our drive for socialist modernization, our effort to reunify the motherland or our struggle against hegemonism.
  • 台湾同胞、港澳同胞和国外侨胞心向祖国,爱国主义觉悟不断提高,他们在实现统一祖国大业、支援祖国现代化建设和加强国际反霸斗方面,日益发挥着重要的积极作用。
    The thoughts of our compatriots in Taiwan, Xianggang (Hong Kong) and Aomen (Macao) and of Chinese nationals overseas turn with longing to the motherland, and their sense of patriotism has grown constantly stronger.They are playing an increasingly important and positive part in the effort to achieve the great goal of reunifying our motherland, in supporting the country's modernization and in strengthening the international struggle against hegemonism.
  • 加布里埃尔和他美貌的搭档金杰将斯坦利诱入他们的秘密世界。诱饵便是那件他自己无法取到的东西--一个与女儿重聚并开始新生活的机会。
    Gabriel and his beautiful partner Ginger lure Stanley into their clandestine world,baiting him with the one thing he can't have a chance to reunite with Holly and start a new life.
  • 结合城市污水处理厂的发展,建设出水回用设施,2005年市区处理后的再生水回用量达到3亿立方米(包括工农业用水、市政杂用、灌溉、回补河道等),2008年城市污水处理厂出水回用率力达到50%左右。
    Wastewater reclamation facilities will be developed along with the set-up of sewerage treatment plants. By 2005, the wastewater reclamation after necessary treatment in urban area will reach 300 million cubic meters (reuse for agricultural and industrial purposes, municipal use, green land irrigation and supplementary of waterways). The reuse rate of effluent from the sewerage treatment plants will go up to about 50% by 2008.
  • (1)使红军适合抗日战的情况,应即改组为国民革命军,并将军事的政治的文化的教育提高一步,造成抗日战中的模范兵团。
    To suit the circumstances of war against Japan, the Red Army should immediately be reorganized into the National Rev- olutionary Army and become a model army in that war by raising the level of its military, political and cultural education.
  •  女儿开始穿暴露的衣服,与男孩子约会,想为自己取独立。这时,妈妈会感到自己被遗忘,不再被需要。
    When the daughter starts wearing revealing clothing, dating, and just wanting to be more independent, a mother starts to feel left out, or not needed.
  • 有时他们所说的并非开诚布公。1940年,罗斯福想悄悄地规避战问题。当他这样做瞒不了人时,他干脆扯谎。
    And sometimes what they do say isn't revealing at all. In 1940, Franklin Roosevelt tried to tiptoe around the war question and when that didn't wash, he simply lied about it.
  • (罗马神话)罗马创建者;被父母(莉亚西尔维亚和马尔斯)遗弃后,和兄弟瑞摩斯被狼喂大;在罗马的建筑上与其弟吵将其杀害。
    (Roman mythology) founder of Rome; suckled with his twin brother Remus by a wolf after their parents (Rhea Silvia and Mars) abandoned them; Romulus killed Remus in an argument over the building of Rome.
  • 离经叛道坚持这种有议的或非正统的观点
    Adherence to such controversial or unorthodox opinion.
  • 经过的斗考验少一点,领导经验少一点,这是客观条件造成的。
    It is owing to objective conditions that they have not been adequately tested in struggle and have not gained sufficient experience as leaders.
  • 直到那一刻富爸爸才显示了他区别于他的职员和我穷爸爸的关键的东西——这一点让他最终成为了夏威夷最富的人之一。而我受过良好教育的爸爸则一生都在与财务问题抗
    It was at that moment that rich dad shared the pivotal point of view that separated him from his employees and my poor dad-and led him to eventually become one of the richest men in Hawaii while my highly educated, but poor, dad struggled financially all his life.
  • 有人担心,如果中国那时候稍微富一点了,会不会在国际的竞中起很大的作用?
    Some people are worried that if China becomes richer, it will be too competitive in world markets.
  • 两家互相竞的纺织公司中,奖金较多,管理较好的一家很快就占了上风。
    Of two rival spinning companies, one is richer and better managed than the other, and therefore soon gets the upper hand.
  • 以前用于战的强壮的马。
    formerly a strong horse ridden into battle.
  • 你只对本党的党员发表演说,是不能取新的选票的,因为你只不过是在说服和你持相同观点的人。
    You cant win new votes by addressing your speech only to members of your own party, since you will simply be preaching to the converted.
  • 5.在有史可查的冲突中信息战的效果独一无二。信息战可以远距离地遥控进行,主谋舒舒服服地隐身于万里之外的一个键盘之后。
    5.The effects of Information Warfare are unique in the annals of conflict InfoWars can be fought by remote control,the ringleaders comfortably invisible behind a keyboard ten thousand miles away.
  • 此外,我们会坚决奉行稳健而审慎的理财政策,维持税率低而明确的税制,以及缔造公平竞的环境。
    "Additionally, we will resolutely maintain our conservative and prudent fiscal management style, low and predictable tax structure as well as a level playing field for every one.
  • 马塔莫罗斯墨西哥东北部城市,位于格兰德河的入海口,与美国得克萨斯州的布朗斯维隔河相望。1846年墨西哥战期间,被凡卡里·泰勒的军队攻陷。人口188,745
    A city of northeast Mexico near the mouth of the Rio Grande opposite Brownsville, Texas. It was captured by Zachary Taylor's forces in1846 during the Mexican War. Population,188, 745.
  • 此外,我们会坚决维持我们保守而审慎的财政管理方式、低水平而明确的课税结构,以及提供公平竞的环境。
    Additionally, we will resolutely maintain our conservative and prudent fiscal management style, low and predictable tax structure as well as level playing field for all.
  • 一个引起激烈论的问题;有军队和暴动者希望对抗的混乱情形。
    an explosive issue; a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation.
  • 一种吵杂并骚动的战
    a noisy riotous fight.
  • 的结果将会是暴力的破坏性的;暴乱时期;这些混乱的地区;在他管理下的混乱时期;吵闹的不受规矩的孩童时期。
    effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive; riotous times; these troubled areas; the tumultuous years of his administration; a turbulent and unruly childhood.
  • 强者能同命运的风暴抗。--爱迪生
    A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison
  • 强者能同命运的风暴抗。--爱迪生
    A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.-- Thomas Addison
  • 增加了一些战情节,使故事更加生动了。
    The story is juiced up by adding some battle scenes.
  • 为了使该影片更富有刺激性,他们添加了一些战镜头。
    They juiced up the movie by adding some battle scenes.
  • 踏入二十一世纪,各行各业的竞力在於其增值能力。
    Competitiveness in the 21st Century is about adding value.