  • 即使在美军与塔利班交战期,布什夫妇也尽可能每周到戴维营休息。他们通常周五下午抵达那里,国家安全顾问赖斯总是陪同他们前往。
    Even constricted by wartime,the First Couple managed to spend nearly every weekend at Camp David, where they usually arrive by mid-afternoon Friday, often accompanied by National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice.
  • 造一座大桥约需两年时
    It takes about two years to construct a large bridge.
  • 在中美两国元首实现互访以后,中美之致力于建立建设性战略伙伴关系,
    Since the exchange of visits between the state heads of China and the United States,the two countries have started to work on building a constructive strategic partnership.
  • 从1993年开始,克林顿政府与中国核武器科学家开始了实验室的合作与交流。
    So the Clinton Administration set out in 1993 to "constructively engage "the PRC weapons scientists through a US-PRC version of "lab-to-lab "programs, using US scientists who were in many cases of 'Ethnic Chinese ancestry'.
  • 法律顾问要求有更多的时与他同事交换意见。
    Counsel ask for more time to consult with his colleagues.
  • 好吧,给我点时和同事们商量一下。
    Well, please give me some time. I'll consult with my colleagues.
  • 那女谍伪装成顾问工程师.
    The spy's cover was that she was a consultant engineer.
  • 他引进并与一个日本管理顾问一起完善这一概念,然后用在联合技术公司的车管理上。
    He has imported this concept, complete with a Japanese management consultant, to United Technologies' factories.
  • 年内,当局委聘一名海外顾问,负责检查所有法定古迹和拟定修缮古迹的时表。
    An overseas consultant was commissioned in 1997 to inspect all the declared monuments and to draw up a schedule of maintenance for the buildings.
  • 在作压力咨询顾问这十几年期,我所见到的最为普遍最具毁灭性的心理趋向,就是专注于我们想要得到的而非我们所拥有的。
    In over a dozen years as a stress consultant, one of the most pervasive and destructive mental tendencies I’ve seen is that of focusing on what we want instead of what we have.
  • 他们退到另一房秘密磋商。
    They retired to another room for private consultation.
  • 双方之的任何争议都应通过友好协商来解决。
    Any dispute between the two parties shall be settled by friendly consultation.
  • 双方之的任何争议都应通过友好协商来解决。
    Any dispute between the two parties shall is settled by friendly consultation.
  • 政府间海事协商组织
    Inter-govermental Maritime Consultative Organization, 缩写IMCO
  • 除了货物和商品的进出口贸易以外,国家之还进行服务贸易,如保险、金融、饭店、咨询、旅游及运输。
    In addition to goods and commodities, countries also trade in services, such as insurance, banking, hotels, consulting, travel and transportation.
  • 展览期还将组织农业科技讲座、咨询服务、女能手现场操作表演等活动。
    During the exhibition, there are also lectures on agricultural science and technique, consulting service and demonstration of skills by the women pacesetters.
  • 耗油较少的发动机;耗尽我大部分时和精力的计划
    Engines that consume less fuel; a project that consumed most of my time and energy.
  • 简单指令只需要8位存储空,而多数复杂指令要占用120位。
    Simple instructions require as little as 8 bits of storage space, while the most complex consume 120 bits.
  • 但在这种速度上,系统cpu在指挥应用程序和网络之数据传输时很容易消耗掉100%的工作周期,没有给应用程序或其它的操作系统任务留下处理能力。
    But, at such speed, the system CPU can easily consume 100% of its cycles in orchestrating data transfer between the applications and the net, leaving no processing power for applications or other operating system tasks.
  • 文书工作耗费了委员会许多时
    Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.
  • 她把大部分的时花在阅读。
    She consumed most of her time in reading.
  • 他每天耗费很多时在研究工作zz上。
    He consumed much of his time each day in studying.
  • 如果让这个不知道怎样发起的消费者运动持续更长一些时,他们就将不能看到为消费者保护法而斗争的消费者了。
    If the Topsy-like growth of the consumer movement is allowed to continue much longer they won't be able to see the consumer for consumer protection laws.
  • 空闲时,闲暇从花费大量时的责任、任务或活动中解脱
    Freedom from time-consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities.
  • 的确,不过从另一方面说这很花时
    True enough, but on the other hand, it's time-consuming.
  • 的确,不过从另一方面说这很花时
    True enough, but on the other hand, it's time consuming.
  • 吃苦耐劳的人不知疲倦地工作的人,尤指在困难的或消耗时的工作上
    A person who works tirelessly, especially at difficult or time-consuming tasks.
  • 的确,不过从另一方面说这很花时
    True enough, but on the other hand, it 's time - consuming.
  • 有些更费时的工作现在可以用机器做了。
    Some of the more time-consuming jobs can now be done by machines.
  • 1968年瑞典选手汉斯·利尔吉瓦尔因在比赛期喝酒而被取消了比赛资格。
    In 1968 Swedish competitor Hans Liljeavall was disqualified for consuming alcohol during the competition.
  • 而这样的事情,是很细致的工作,要花时的,所以,要指定专人来搞。
    Besides, this is meticulous and time-consuming work, so we should specially assign people to do it.
  • 我们必须解决这些社会问题,特别是解决占去我们大部分业余时的费时的家务劳动问题。
    We must solve the social problems, especially the time-consuming house-work that takes up most of our spare time.