  • 迈克尔o阿姆斯壮的运营理念:“一项事业要取得成功,就必须以它的客户为中心并且提供高质量地服务。公司所有的投资、资源和运营都必须紧紧围绕一个明确的战略目标,这个目标够提供客户所需要的产品和服务--并且还必须是以客户希望的方式进行的。
    Business philosophy: "For any business to succeed, it has to be focused on the customer and on delivering share-owner value by aligning all its investments, resources, and operations around a clearly defined strategy that gives customers the products and services they need and want--in the way they want.
  • 录音设备上的一种装置,它精确地把重放磁头或组合磁头调准到记录介质的磁道上。
    On dictation equipment, a device for accurate alignment of playback head, or combined head, to the track on the recording medium.
  • 革命和反革命的阵线可变动,也同世界上一切事物的可变动一样。
    The alignment of forces in the revolutionary and counter-revolutionary camps can change, just as everything else in the world changes.
  • 这样,就使中国的资产阶级民主革命,无论就其斗争阵线(统一战线)来说,就其国家组成来说,均不忽视无产阶级、农民阶级和其他小资产阶级的地位。
    Thus, the role of the proletariat, the peasantry and the other sections of the petty bourgeoisie in China's bourgeois-democratic revolution cannot be ignored, either in the alignment of forces for the struggle (that is, in the united front) or in the organization of state power.
  • 这些小猫看上去一模一样--你怎麽分出哪个是哪个?
    These kittens look exactly alike how can you tell which is which?
  • 严格相同的;不感觉到不同的。
    exactly alike; incapable of being perceived as different.
  • 够在消化道中转化成可以吸收的状态。
    capable of being converted into assimilable condition in the alimentary canal.
  • 4 能整除12。
    4 is an aliquot part of 12.
  • 我知道有许多妇女事业家庭兼顾艾莉森就是其中之一.
    I know many women who have a career and a family Alison for example.
  • 我知道有许多妇女事业家庭兼顾艾莉森就是其中之一。
    I know many women who have a career and a family–Alison for example.
  • 我们活到那时候吗?
    Will we still be alive then?
  • 他认为自己活着就是幸运。
    He accounted himself lucky to be alive.
  • 真没想到,这盐碱地的庄稼倒长得这样好。
    It is unexpected that the crops in the saline-alkali fields can grow so well.
  • 一种软质的银色碱金属元素,在空气中燃烧,与水发生剧烈反应,见于光卤石、锂云母和铯榴石中。
    a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali metal group; burns in air and reacts violently in water; occurs in carnallite and lepidolite and pollucite.
  • 轻而软的银白色碱金属元素,空气中迅速氧化,与水发生剧烈反应,以天然化合物状态大量存在于海水、光卤石、钾盐镁矾和钾盐中。
    a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite.
  • 保密的配料纸张电池产生的电很像普通的碱性电池。
    Secret Sauce The Power Paper battery produces electrical energy much like ordinary alkaline batteries.
  • 从古柯的叶子中提取的麻醉药;用于表面麻醉或为了获得愉悦;使人上瘾。
    a narcotic (alkaloid) extracted from coca leaves; used as a surface anesthetic or taken for pleasure; can become addictive.
  • 毒扁豆碱一种结晶的生物碱,c15h21n3o2,从毒扁平中提取,在医学中用作缩瞳药和胆碱剂,用于提高阿耳茨海默氏病人的记忆力
    A crystalline alkaloid, C15H21N3O2, extracted from the Calabar bean, used in medicine as a miotic and cholinergic agent and to enhance memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • 得到帮助,工作会更快完成。
    With help we will finish all the sooner.
  • 时光使万物生长,也将万物毁灭。
    Time makes all things grow, and destroys all.
  • "不论你们信仰什么,是上帝还是真主,愿你们都得到他的庇护。让我们为和平地迅速解决争端而祈祷。
    " Whatever you believe in,if it' s God or Allah,may he watch over you and let' s pray for a peaceful and swift resolution."
  • 工作能减轻烦恼。
    Work can allay trouble.
  • 控制人类才智的发展
    Could not allay the outreach of human intellect.
  • 然而,世上总有某些人视而不见中国的发展变化,不顾基本的事实,对中国知识产权保护现状妄加评论,说什么中国没有建立“充分、有效的知识产权制度”、缺乏承担国际义务的力”。
    However, there remain some naysayers in the world seemingly willfully blind to China's development and transformation who incognizant of present realities pass improper judgements on the nation's current situation regarding intellectual property protection. They allege that China has not yet established a "full and effective intellectual property system," and that China "lacks the ability to undertake international obligations."
  • 一个自称或被传称创造奇迹或闹出奇事的人。
    a person who claims or is alleged to perform miracles.
  • 里哈卜·塔哈是伊拉克的一项秘密生物战计划的负责人,可监督制造了100亿剂致命的病毒和细菌。
    Rihab Taha is head of a secret biological warfare programme in Iraq and has allegedly overseen the manufacture of 10 billion doses of deadly viruses and bacteria.
  • 在尼泊尔全国人民的悲痛与愤怒声讨中,王储迪彭德拉的亲密爱人有可已经离开尼泊尔,飞往印度首都新德里。
    The woman allegedly at the heart of the bizarre murders of the king and queen of Nepal has influential Indian connections and may have fled Kathmandu for New Delhi, reports said Sunday.
  • 关于学校是否应强制学童宣誓效忠国家的讨论,一味咬文嚼字,而未从历史观点探讨。
    The debate over whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be made compulsory in our schools has been long on rhetoric and short on history.
  • 对对立的两个势力都忠实是不可的。
    it is impossible to be allegiant to two opposing forces.
  • 正如人们所预料的那般,那四个寓意人物跑遍了世界的三大部分,有点疲乏不堪,却没给金贵的嗣子找到般配的佳偶。
    As one might very well suppose, the four allegorical personages were somewhat fatigued after having travelled over three parts of the globe without finding an opportunity of disposing suitably of their golden dolphin.
  • 真菌孢具有诱发过敏反应的性
    The allergenic properties of fungal spore.
  • 真菌孢具有诱发过敏反应的性
    The allergenic has properties of fungal spore.