  • 一发现她的车进入车道,他就消防署打电话。
    Spotting her car pulling into the driveway,he calls the fire department.
  • 给我留了张便条
    Drop me a note.
  • 报刊他们起了个绰号叫`四绝'.
    The papers dubbed them The Fab Four'.
  • 我犹豫不定是否接受提供我的那份工作。
    I am dubious about accepting the offer of the job.
  • 让我把他们介绍你。
    Let me intro- duce them to you.
  • 您别以为是把您介绍一位公爵夫人,她不过是一个妓女罢了,一个地地道道的妓女。
    Don't imagine you'll be meeting a duchess, she's just a kept woman ?none more kept, my dear fellow.
  • 予我的评论以适当的考虑;予以适当的关心。
    gave my comments due consideration; exercising due care.
  • 几乎没有任何种类的案件不受这些专家的影响,但是心理学、医学和dna证据看起来会他们带来很多的麻烦。
    There is hardly any kind of case not affected by these duelling experts, but psychological, medical, and DNA testimony seems to bring out the worst of them.
  • 公爵命令仆人把一封信送国王。
    The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king.
  • 公爵把女儿嫁了国王的儿子。
    The duke matched his daughter with the king's son.
  • 外交部经过谘商後予核准。
    The Foreign Office was duly consulted, and gave its nihilobstat.
  • 这几封信及时交了上去,副本则分发了新闻界代表。
    These letters were duly handed in, and copies given to the press representatives.
  • 10月11日,17日贵电收悉。那位先生将在马尼拉你们回信。
    Your message October 11th 17th duly convey understand gentleman is writing you from Manila.
  • 当天傍晚,大烛台就包得严严实实,送到喜剧演员沙希金那儿去了。
    In the evening the candelabra, carefully wrapped up, was duly carried to Shashkin’s.
  • 他们有些人会不惜花钱和费事,房间安装上一个从不使用的假壁炉。
    Some of them liked to spend a great deal of money and trouble in putting in dummy fireplace,which would never be used;
  • 他们把本国市场上不需要的货物廉价卖另一个国家。
    They dumped their goods into another country.
  • 需要倾倒废弃物的单位,必须向国家海洋管理部门提出申请,经国家海洋管理部门审批,发许可证后,方可倾倒。
    Units that need to dump wastes must file an application with the state administrative department of marine affairs and the dumping may be carried out only after a permit has been granted by the department.
  • 他经常他的菜园施肥。
    He dunged his vegetable garden regularly.
  • 演讲者把他的想法反反复复灌输听众。
    The lecturer dung his notion into the audience’s ears.
  • 哈里顿就像个羽毛还没长好的篱雀似的扔出去了!
    And Hareton has been cast out like an unfledged dunnock!
  • 染色纤维染色或着色
    To dye or stain into the fiber of.
  • 用朱红色(某物)着色或染色
    To color or dye(something) in the hue vermilion.
  • 一种头发染上颜色的行为。
    the act of dyeing or tinting one's hair.
  • 有好几次,一段段的堤坝冲走了。
    Several times sections of the dyke were washed away.
  • 动态更新协议把wins类型的功能提供dns。
    The Dynamic Update protocol provides WINS-type functionality to DNS.
  • 然后产生了cgi(公共网关接口)。在用户向由html标记构成的输入方框送入参数和提交cgi之后,cgi通过动态反馈页面使页面活动起来。
    Then there is the CGI (Common Gateway Interface) to make the pages alive by dynamically feeding back a page to the user after he has entered the parameters to the input boxes formed by HTML tag and submitted to the CGI.
  • 每个孩子一个苹果。
    Give an apple to each child.
  • 他给我们每人5英镑.
    He gave us 5 each.
  • 分配每个人20分钟讲话时间
    Allotted20 minutes to each speaker.
  • 给他们每人三本书。
    Give them three book each.
  • 我们带来了家里的消息, 我们都迫不及待地听著.
    We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families.
  • 她热情地把她知道的都教了他们。
    She eagerly taught them all she knew.