  • 我们经常说,我们的经济工作受到林彪、“四人帮”的十年干扰破坏,而且这十年以前也存在许多混乱。
    We often say that our economic work suffered from 10 years of interference and sabotage by Lin Biao and the Gang of Four, and it was already quite chaotic before then.
  • “跟那位先生一样吧,”园丁带狡黠的微笑对我说。
    'Like the other chap, ' the gardener said with a knowing grin.
  • 他说:“老兄,原来你在这里,你还活吗,呃?”
    “So there you are, old chap, still in the land of the living, eh?” he said.
  • 这个年轻女孩去任何地方都有监护人跟
    The young girl would go nowhere without her chaperon.
  • 在野外郊游时老师常看护班上的学生。
    Teachers often chaperon their classes on field trips.
  • 牧师试去于那名罪犯改邪归正。
    The chaplain tried toreform the criminal.
  • 卓别林的名字会使人在脑海中勾勒出一个身材矮小、蓄一撇小胡子的流浪汉的形象。
    The name of Chaplin conjures up the image of a little tramp with a brush mustache.
  • 面对个人生活的风浪,查理坚强不屈,接开拍新片《马戏团》在这部片子里,拍了七百多次卓别林走钢丝的镜头,而最后用于影片的仅有几分钟。
    Despite the turmoil[1] in his private life, Charlie went on and made a film called The Circus. Chaplin had done over seven hundred takes on that tightrope-- and all for a few minutes of film.
  • "不过,我想当你听它的时候一定会想起我,"他拿出那张特蕾西·查普曼的cd放在我的面前,他指那首主打歌《我只要一个理由》,说道:"当我们听同一首歌时,我们都正在思念对方。
    "But I know you'll think of me whenever you hear this. "He placed a Tracy Chapman CD on the table in front of me. Then he pointed to the song title, Just Give Me One Reason. "We can listen to the same music and remember each other."
  • 这些小青年中的一些人只顾自己修身养性,他们意识不到在他们的周围世界正在发生变化。
    Some of these young chaps are so busy contemplating their own navels they don’t realize there’s a world going on about them.
  • 帽贝海生腹足类软体动物的一种,如腹足绵软体动物的帽贝科动物,特征为有锥状壳,在潮汐地区附在石头上
    Any of numerous marine gastropod mollusks, as of the families Acmaeidae and Patellidae, characteristically having a conical shell and adhering to rocks of tidal areas.
  • 空气中饱含各种气味。
    The air is charged with odours.
  • 在战斗中对……突然发动猛烈的进攻;他看见jess拿干草叉向他猛攻过来。
    to make a rush at or sudden attack upon, as in battle: he saw Jess charging at him with a pitchfork..
  • 请代我方对价值9000美元的水查投保单独海损险及偷窃提货不险,保险费记在销货清单上。
    Kindly effect the insurance W. A. and T. P. N. D. for $ 9000 on fruit, on behalf of us, charging the premium in the Account Sales.
  • 其实我的两个爸爸都是那种生性刚强、富有魅力、对他人有非凡影响力的人。
    Both men were strong, charismatic and influential.
  • 异教,邪教一般被视为走极端或伪造的宗教或宗教派别,其追随者们通常在一个独裁的、极有性格魅力的领袖领导下过不循惯例的生活
    A religion or religious sect generally considered to be extremist or false, with its followers often living in an unconventional manner under the guidance of an authoritarian, charismatic leader.
  • 如果你赚了很多钱,在活的时候多行善事,这是你能得到的最好回报;
    If you earn much money,the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive;
  • 他打办慈善事业的幌子,用慈善家们的捐献中饱私囊。
    Acting under the cloak of charity, he made a good income for himself from the gifts of charitable people.
  • 他们是打慈善的幌子这么做的。
    They did so under the mask of charity.
  • "查里蒂大叫说,他们两人边朝货车冲过去。
    Charity cried as they sprinted toward the truck.
  • 查尔斯哭要妈妈和自己呆在一起。
    Charles cried for his mother to stay with him.
  • "它们等你呢!但是我们得带你去夏洛特市!立刻动身!"帕蒂一下子呆住了。
    Gary blurts19.“ They're waiting for you! But we've got to get you to Charlotte! Now!” Patty freezes.
  • 阿什维尔北卡罗来纳州西部的一座城市,位于夏洛特西北偏西的蓝桥,是一个大众化的旅游中心,托马斯·伍尔夫的和比尔特莫的故居,有宽阔的公园与花园的豪华宅第,由乔治·华盛顿·范德比尔特所建。人口61,607
    A city of western North Carolina in the Blue Ridge west-northwest of Charlotte. A popular tourist center, it is the site of Thomas Wolfe's home and of Biltmore, a magnificent mansion with extensive parks and gardens built by George Washington Vanderbilt. Population,61, 607.
  • 古典音乐有永久的魅力。
    It has unfailing charm, doesn't it?
  • 她浑身散发着魅力。
    She was simply oozing (with) charm.
  • 她一进房间就使我们都了迷。
    She charmed us all when she came into the room.
  • 老水手自己的冒险故事使男孩子们了迷?
    The old sailor 's stories of his adventures charmed the boys.
  • 她径直地向我走了过来,面带迷人的微笑。
    She walked straight toward me and smiled charmingly.
  • 这位运动员有魁梧的体格。
    This athlete has a powerful frame.
  • 窗结构中维持窗格的那个架子。
    a frame that holds the panes of a window in the window frame.
  • 被或仿佛被框架包围
    enclose in or as if in a frame.
  • 猛犸是古代一种身体庞大、长长毛的大象。
    A mammoth is a large hairy type of elephant in ancient times.