  • 我相信您明我的意思了?
    I trust you understand me?
  • 真象终于大白了。
    The truth emerged at last.
  • 他正在尽力弄明他的意思。
    He is trying his best to understand his meaning.
  • 在黑摄像机的单摄像管的地方,彩色摄像机有三根管——一根对一种颜色——它们产生的信号与每种颜色的数量一致。
    In place of the single camera tube of the black and white camera, it has three tubes -- one for each of these colours -- and the signals produced by them correspond to the amount of each colour.
  • 墨西哥的一种有块茎的草本植物,叶是草质的,花极香、蜡色、类似小百合花,栽培以供观赏。
    a tuberous Mexican herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its spikes of highly fragrant lilylike waxy white flowers.
  • 晚香玉多年生墨西哥块茎草木植物(晚香玉晚香玉属),叶片如草,因芳香的花而具栽培价值
    A tuberous perennial Mexican herb(Polianthes tuberosa) having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its highly fragrant white flowers.
  • 从欧文都铎传下来的英国王室;都铎君王从亨利七世统治到伊丽莎一世(1485-1603)。
    an English royal family descended from Owen Tudor; Tudor monarchs ruled from Henry VII to Elizabeth I (from 1485 to 1603).
  • 北美丛生的坚硬紫菀,松散的色串状花冠。
    tufted rigid North American perennial with loose clusters of white flowers.
  • 贝基很明,最激烈的斗争在男女宾客分开之后才真正开始。
    But it was when the ladies were alone that Becky knew the tug of war would come.
  • 一种产于欧亚的郁金香,花小,有带有边的红色花被。
    Eurasian tulip with small flowers blotched at the base.
  • 北美大型的每年落叶木材,开大型郁金香形略带绿色的黄花,果实呈球果状;木质且柔软,可作橱柜用木。
    tall North American deciduous timber tree having large tulip-shaped greenish yellow flowers and conelike fruit; yields soft white woods used especially for cabinet work.
  • 他很快就弄明了我们的计划。
    He quickly tumbled to our plan.
  • 她用了很长时间才明了我的意思
    It is a long time before she tumble to what I mean
  • 据经营这家网吧的科内说,光顾这里的大部分是18到20岁的女孩子,她们向往欧洲、加拿大或者美国的舒适生活,希望能找到一个人给自己提供一张到达那里的机票。
    Kone Adjouma, who runs the Cyber Center where Mohammed works, says most of his customers are 18-to-20-year-old girls who see a white man as their ticket to a better life in Europe, Canada or the United States.
  • 其次是一连串政治宗教革命,就其本质来说,这些革命都是盲目的,狂暴的,不分青红皂,一味向中世纪艺术发起冲击,撕去了其雕塑和镂刻的华丽衣裳,拆毁了其花瓣格子窗户,打碎了其蔓藤花纹项链和小人像项链,忽而由于看不惯教士帽,忽而因为不满意王冠,就索性把塑像连根拔除;
    next, political and religious revolution,which, blind and wrathful by nature, have flung themselves tumultuously upon it, torn its rich garment of carving and sculpture, burst its rose windows, broken its necklace of arabesques and tiny figures, torn out its statues, sometimes because of their mitres, sometimes because of their crowns;
  • 当电流通过时能产生光的通常由钨制成的细丝。
    a thin wire (usually tungsten) that is heated white hot by the passage of an electric current.
  • 对我来说,男的要穿翻领上衣、短裤、女的要穿短裙,不论男女,都洁一色。
    For me, men wear turndown collar shirts and pants and women wear short skirts. No matter it is a man or a woman they all dress in white.
  • 王平:我来说,男的要穿翻领上衣、短裤,女的要穿短裙,不论男女,都洁一色。
    Wang Ping: For me, men wear turndown dollar shirts and pants and women wear short skirts. No matter it is a man or a woman, they all dress in white.
  • 他脸色发白。
    He has turned white.
  • 他们穿着整洁,都穿着小燕尾服,打着领结,而且都戴着手套。
    They all look neat and clean. They're all wearing tuxedo jackets and a bow tie. And they're all with white gloves.
  • 真实故事:去年秋天,在参加宫的一个要求宾客穿半正式礼服的招待会时,澳洲人纳塞尔发现他没有系好他的无尾半正式男士晚礼服。
    True story: Last fall, rushing to a black-tie reception at the White House, Nasser, an Aussie, realized he hadn't packed his tuxedo.
  • 这不禁使我想起了二十年代在远离上海的浙江上虞农村位于马湖边的春晖中学。
    This reminds me of the Chun Hui Middle School in the Twenties. Situated by the banks of the Baima Lake, in Zhejiang Province's Shangyu Village, the school is a long distance away from Shanghai.
  • 给你工钱不是让你整天游手好闲, 明吗!
    You're not being paid to twiddle your thumbs all day, you know!
  • 我很快就明了是谁告诉他们的.
    I soon twigged who had told them.
  • 里士满城与枫丹露城结成对子关系。
    Richmond is twin with fontainebleau.
  • 总状花序,花色或粉色,有香味,花瓣末端扁平伸展,捕捉夜蛾,将其卷在花中至凌晨。
    robust twining shrub having racemes of fragrant white or pink flowers with flat spreading terminal petals that trap nocturnal moths and hold them until dawn.
  • 有典型的黑色和色皮毛的品种。
    a breed having typically a black-and-white coat.
  • 主要是东半球的大型涉水鸟,典型的黑色羽毛。
    large mostly Old World wading birds typically having white-and-black plumage.
  • 打字时留出两倍的行空
    typing that leaves two lines blank between lines of typing.
  • 一种必需氨基酸,儿童生长所需,儿童和成人蛋质新陈代谢所需,牛奶、鸡蛋中富含,在人体内通常转化为酪氨酸。
    an essential amino acid needed for growth of children and for protein metabolism in children and adults; abundant in milk and eggs; it is normally converted to tyrosine in the human body.
  • 当然也有不堪回首的:水事件、崔弗盖特事件、莫尼卡丑闻。
    Of course, there was ugliness too:Whitewater;Travelgate;Monica gate.
  • 随着专辑"天使"的推出,罗比时来运转,该专辑达到金销量,其中的单曲"惟一"甚至进入英国排行榜的第四名。
    Turn has come with release of “ Angels” ,which got platinum,even with “ Only” # 4 in UK chart.