  • 在对中间派的关系上,只有坚持对顽固派的斗,才能取动摇的中间派,支持同情的中间派,否则都是不可能的。
    In our relations with the intermediate sections, persistence in the struggle against the die-hards is the only way to win over the waverers and give support to our sympathizers -- there is no other way.
  • 在我党我军的思想基础和组织基础已经巩固地建设成功的现在时期,大量地吸收同情分子(当然决不是破坏分子),不但没有危险,而且非此不能取全国同情和扩大革命势力,所以是必要的政策。
    Now that the ideological and organizational foundations of our Party and our army have been firmly laid, not only is there no danger in drawing in large numbers of sympathizers (not saboteurs of course) but it is indeed an indispensable policy, for otherwise it will be impossible to win the sympathy of the whole country and expand our revolutionary forces.
  • 又一方面,积极发展全国党政军民学各方面的统一战线,力国民党中的大多数,力中间阶层,力抗战军队中的同情者,力民众运动的深入,力知识分子,力抗日根据地的巩固和抗日武装、抗日政权的发展,力党的巩固和进步。
    On the other hand, it must actively develop the united front of the political parties, the government organs, the armed forces, the civilian population and the intellectuals;it must do its utmost to win over the majority of the Kuomintang, the intermediate classes and sympathizers in the armies fighting against Japan, to deepen the mass movement, to win over the intellectuals, to consolidate the anti-Japanese base areas, expand the anti-Japanese armed forces and the organs of anti-Japanese political power, and consolidate our Party and ensure its progress.
  • “怕输”的心理曾经有助于新加坡人提高工作品质,但在新的经济竞面前,单有怕输的心态是不够的,反而会束缚自身的主动性和创造性,也会排斥其他有创造力的人。
    The kiasu syndrome (the fear of losing) among Singaporeans has helped raise work quality. But it is not enough to meet the challenges of new competition. Instead, it is likely to stifle initiative and creativity, and lead o a resentment against creative people.
  • “怕输”的心理曾经有助于新加坡人提高工作品质,但在新的经济竞面前,单有怕输的心态是不够的,反而会束缚自身的主动性和创造性,也会排斥其他有创造力的人。
    The kiasu syndrome (the fear of losing) among Singaporeans has helped raise work quality. But it is not enough to meet the challenges of new competition. Instead, it is likely to stifle initiative and creativity, and lead to a resentment against creative people.
  • (足球)离对方线很近的球员。
    (football) an offensive end who lines up close to the tackle.
  • 在为生存的斗场里,才能就是重拳,机智就是巧妙的步伐。
    In the battle for existence, talent is the punch, and tact is the clever footwork.
  • 这次试验中携带的信件和明信片中贴有记载这一事实的特种邮票很快被集邮者相搜集。
    Letters and post cards which were carried in this test, and which had a special stamp recording the tact, soon became much sought after by collectors.
  • 取时间而拖延使用拖延战术;为取时间而拖延
    To use delaying tactics; temporize.
  • 当然,游击战中不但战略上有防御,战术上也是有防御的;
    Of course, guerrilla warfare includes not only the strategic but also the tactical defensive.
  • 那末,游击战就只有战术问题,为什么提起战略问题呢?
    Thus, it seems there are only tactical problems in guerrilla warfare. Why then raise the question of strategy?
  • 这些特点,规定了中国革命战的指导路线及其许多战略战术的原则。
    These characteristics determine the line for guiding China's revolutionary war as well as many of its strategic and tactical principles.
  • 目的,是战的基本原则,一切技术的、战术的、战役的、战略的原理原则,一点也离不开它。
    The object of war is the underlying principle of war, and no technical, tactical, or strategic concepts or principles can in any way depart from it.
  • 因为敌我双方的技术、战术、战略的发展,一个战中各阶段的情形也不相同。
    Owing to technical, tactical and strategic developments on the enemy side and on our own, the circumstances also differ from stage to stage within a given war.
  • 毛主席提出的策略原则是:利用矛盾,取多数,反对少数,各个击破。
    The tactical principle put forward by Chairman Mao is: make use of contradictions, win over the many, oppose the few and crush our enemies one by one.
  • 战术不同于战略, 战略是指战期间一个国家整体的作战计划。
    T-differs from strategy, which refers to the overall plans of a nation at war.
  • 赢得战靠战略,打赢战役靠战术。
    Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.
  • 这方法,就是指导战的战略战术。
    The methods are the strategy and tactics for directing war.
  • 老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突然把话题一转,讲开他自己的战经历来了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突然把话题一转,讲开他自己的战经历来了。
    The teacher was telling us about the poet's life,when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
  • 没人敢和他争吵。
    No one dare to tangle with him.
  • 男孩子们在比赛规则上发生了
    The boys get into a tangle over the rules of the game
  • 男孩子们在比赛规则上发生了吵。
    The boy got into a tangle over the rules of the game.
  • 约翰为了收费过高而跟煤气公司吵,这是第二次了。
    This is the second time John's tangled with the Gas Company over excessive charges.
  • 约翰为了收费过高而跟煤气公司吵,这已经不是第一次了。
    This is not the first time John has tangled with the Gas Board over excessive charges.
  • 其实,那时英、美、日在中国的斗已到十分露骨的地步,蒋桂冯混战的形势业已形成,实质上是反革命潮流开始下落,革命潮流开始复兴的时候。
    As a matter of fact, the struggle in China between Britain, the United States and Japan had by then become quite open, and a state of tangled warfare between Chiang Kai-shek, the Kwangsi clique and Feng Yu-hsiang was taking shape;
  • “知彼知已”等于是了解本身相对于敌人的强处和弱点(在商业环境中,敌人就是竞对手)。
    "Know your enemy, know yourself" is tantamount to knowing one's strengths and weaknesses relative to those whom we are fighting against (e.g. the competitors, in the case of business).
  • 由于巴西会议和延安会议(反对张国焘路线的斗是从巴西会议开始而在延安会议完成的)反对了张国焘的右倾机会主义,使得全部红军会合一起,全党更加团结起来,进行了英勇的抗日斗
    By combating Chang Kuo-tao's Right opportunism, the Pasi and Yenan Meetings (the fight against the Chang Kuo-tao line began at the Pasi Meeting and ended at the Yenan Meeting) succeeded in bringing all the Red forces together and in strengthening the unity of the whole Party for the heroic struggle against Japan.
  • (二)张国焘的机会主义,则是革命战中的右倾机会主义,其内容是他的退却路线、军阀主义和反党行为的综合。
    The opportunism of Chang Kuo-tao, however, was Right opportunism in the revolutionary war and was a combination of retreatist line, warlordism and anti-Party activity.
  • 五中全会以后,又有过两次有历史意义的党内斗,这就是在遵义会议上的斗和开除张国焘出党的斗
    After the Fifth Plenary Session there were two further historic inner-Party struggles, namely, the struggles at the Tsunyi Meeting and in connection with the expulsion of Chang Kuo-tao.
  • 比方张国焘,他也顽固了许多时候,我们就开了几次斗会,七斗八斗,他也溜了。
    Chang Kuo-tao, to take another example, was also a die-hard for a very long time, but he, too, took to his heels after we held a number of meetings and struggled repeatedly against him.
  • 在进口竞中保护国内企业的关税。
    a tariff imposed to protect domestic firms from import competition.