  • 种光学错觉,大气中的层热空气通过折射扭曲或颠倒了远处物体的影像。
    an optical illusion in which atmospheric refraction by a layer of hot air distorts or inverts reflections of distant objects.
  • 1993年,中国与德国合资成立了华德宇航技术公司。1995年中国与德国、法国的宇航公司签订了“鑫诺号”卫星的研制生产合同,并于1998年发射成功。这是中国与欧洲宇航界的首次卫星合作。
    In 1993, a Sino-German joint venture - EurasSpace GmbH - was established, and a contract on the development and manufacture of Sinosat-1 was signed with DASA and Aerospeciale in 1995. Sinosat-1, which was successfully launched in 1998, was the first cooperative project on satellite development between the Chinese and European aerospace industries.
  • 晕环绕着诸如太阳或月亮等发光体的圈有色光晕,通常是由于散布在大气层中的冰物质使光线发生反射或折射而引起的
    A circular band of colored light around a light source, as around the sun or moon, caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice particles suspended in the intervening atmosphere.
  • 个可以免遭攻击的避难所。
    a refuge from attack.
  • 他们躲避在棵树下。
    They took refuge under a tree.
  • 那个逃亡者躲在所废弃的旧房子里。
    The fugitive took refuge in a deserted house.
  • 个小窑洞是抵御寒冷的唯藏身之处
    A small cave is the only refuge from the cold
  • 在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在棵大树下
    In the storm we took refuge under a big tree
  • 个提供庇护或避难的地方,比如为轮船。
    a place of refuge (as for a ship).
  • 如果说玛格丽特的婚姻直不顺的话,她的感情生活也挫折不断。
    If Margaret's marriage was troubled, her affairs were no refuge.
  • 在那次暴风雨中,我们躲在棵大树下。
    In the storm we take refuge under a big tree.
  • 她咂咂嘴唇来掩饰自己时的难堪。
    She took refuge for a moment in licking her lips.
  • 找寻庇护所建起或住进个温暖而安全的避难所
    To create and settle into a warm and secure refuge.
  • 这次的民意调查是由家马里兰航空咨询公司furtoncorp.委托佐格比国际公司进行的,furton公司与美国国家航空和宇宙航行局签定了价值180万美元的合同,该公司将在未来的20年中和航空和宇宙航行局合作开发太空旅行的申请的有关事宜。
    The poll by Zogby International was commissioned by Futron Corp., a Maryland aerospace consulting group which has a $1.8 million contract with NASA to explore the commercial applications of space travel, including what space tourism could look like in the next 20 years.
  • 洞穴个用于避难或藏身的洞穴或空洞
    A cave or hollow used as a refuge or hiding place.
  • 这本书描述了个可怕的神秘主义者避难的地方。
    it was luridly described in the book as the place where mystics took refuge.
  • 接着,指导委员会的个成员还提出在无家可归者们赖以藏身的树林里砍去树木的大枝。
    Next, a member of the Board of Supervisors encouraged chopping limbs off trees where the homeless had taken refuge.
  • 航空机械工人工会主席贝克说,“我们将要尽力争取大幅增加般工资。当公司需要我们让步的时候,我们让了步。现在我们的待遇要改善了。”
    "We're going to go very hard for a very substantial general wage increase," Thomas F.Baker, president of the aerospace machinists' local, said. "We took our lumps when the company seemed to need it and now we're going to get well."
  • 我问她愿不愿意搬到夏威夷,佩特森正筹集经费准备在那儿建个大猩猩保护区。
    I asked her if she was looking forward to moving to Hawaii, where Patterson is raising money to build a gorilla refuge.
  • 这座花园使莫奈远离了人生的种种焦虑,得以自由地呼吸:人们在欣赏这些画的时候也会不由自主的进入种安详的状态。
    The garden offered Monet the kind of refuge from the stress of daily life that many people share when looking at his paintings.
  • 还有些令人难以置信的例子——有些人甚至住进酒店,避免亲戚朋友造访。
    In extreme cases, some would even seek temporary refuge in a local hotel so as to avoid being visited by relatives and friends, or having to visit them.
  • 安格尔西岛威尔士西北爱尔兰海上的座岛屿。有都伊德教徒留下的遗物,尤其是石板墓,据说这里是都伊德教徒躲避罗马入侵者的最后个避难所
    An island of northwest Wales in the Irish Sea. It has druidic ruins, especially dolmens, and is said to have been the last refuge of the druids from the invading Romans.
  • 国民党集团的部分军政人员退据台湾。他们在当时美国政府的支持下,造成了台湾海峡两岸隔绝的状态。
    A group of military and political officials of the Kuomintang clique took refuge in Taiwan and, with the support of the then U.S. administration, created the division between the two sides of the Straits.
  • 英侨于是撤离广州,往澳门暂居,但因澳门总督声言不能负责保障他们的安全,所以在八三九年夏季,英侨全部退居香港港内的船舶上。
    The British community retired to Macau and, when warned by the Portuguese Governor that he could not be responsible for their safety, took refuge on board ships in Hong Kong harbour in the summer of 1839.
  • "国家航空航天器"项目开始于1994年,目的是设计种超音速喷气机,能够像航天飞机样把负载运送到太空,还可以用作轰炸机,在数小时内到达世界上任何指定地点。
    The National Aerospace Plane program,created to design a supersonic jet that could fly payloads into space like the shuttle and also be used as a bomber to reach destinations around the world in a couple of hours,was scrapped in1994.
  • 警方说,马斯蒂克海滩威廉·弗洛依德许学九年级学生普罗费塔和汉德森星期结伴逃学,并去赫斯顿路普罗费塔家,然后上午十点钟左右步行到附近沃特海姆国家野生保护区。
    Police said Profeta and Henderson, ninth graders as William Floyd High School in Mastic Beach, played hooky together Monday and went to Profeta's house on Heston Road before walking to the nearby Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge about 11 a.m.
  • 尽管这些疑问只是将我们领入更多的未知领域,然而我们追寻着答案,梦想可能有天,遥远的某天,我们能够理解所有原理,使宇宙为我所用,并且踏上我们只是在梦中才去过的地方。
    Although these questions just lead us into more and more unanswered problems, we seek and find refuge into them, dreaming that maybe one day, one far off distant day, we will understand all the conceptions and we will be able to use the universe to our advantage and go where only our dreams could take us.
  • 关于被告的助手,陪审团不能作出个多数人赞同的裁决。
    As regard or regarding the second of the accused, the jury is unable to reach a majority verdict.
  • 圣巴巴拉美国加利福尼亚南部城市,位于洛杉矶西北偏西方的圣巴巴拉海峡。它是西班牙早期的要塞和传道区之,现为居住及疗养区,有航天和电子研究与发展业。人口85,571
    A city of southern California on the Santa Barbara Channel west-northwest of Los Angeles. Site of an early Spanish presidio and mission, it is a residential and resort community with aerospace and electronics research and development industries. Population,85, 571.
  • 关于党内的奖励和处分,党章草案作了以下的重要的修改:第,取消了关于奖励的规定。
    With regard to commendatory and disciplinary measures within the Party, the draft Constitution contains the following important changes: First, the former provisions regarding commendation have been taken out;
  • 对这个问题,我认为政治家无权发表什么意见;我觉得这仅是关于切艺术创造的心理基础的无可置辩的事实。
    I regard this not as a question upon which the politicians have the right to say anything, but merely as an incontrovertible fact regarding the psychological origin of all artistic creation.
  • 把某事物看成具有某种属性的类事物中的个。
    consider or regard as being.