  • 设窃听器安搭线窃听置的行为
    The act of installing such a device.
  • 不同年龄的男人常常花上几个小时的空闲时间,安自己的壁炉,设计自己的花园。
    Men of all ages spend hours of their leisure time installing their own fireplaces, laying-out their own gardens;
  • 安装winaip软件
    Installing the WinAIP Software
  • 化工安装公司
    Installing Company of Chemical Industry
  • 物品收取的费用。
    the charge for installing something.
  • 她正装做有礼貌。
    She is just installing the doing manners.
  • 某些东西(例如设备)。
    the act of installing something (as equipment).
  • 她揣想他们正在安机器。
    She gathered that they were installing the machines.
  • 工人们正在工厂里安一台机器。
    The workers are installing a machine in a factory.
  • 制造、出售和安照明设备的行业。
    an industry devoted to manufacturing and selling and installing lighting.
  • 他正做滑稽可笑的样子。
    He is just installing to do the funny laughable appearance.
  • 他们不断安新织布机,最后总共达到108台。
    They kept(on)installing new looms until they had a total of 108.
  • 我们希望安新机器从而加快生产速度。
    We are hoping to speed up production by installing new machinery.
  • 这项工作包括快速建起堤坝和安涡轮水泵。
    The work consisted of throwing up embankments and installing water turbine pumps.
  • 给电器系统或设备安线路。
    the work of installing the wires for an electrical system or device.
  • 我们请专家来处理安新型计算机所遇到的问题。
    We have brought in expert to attend to the problems of installing the new computers.
  • 企业界在帮着净化空气,他们安上了特别的设备来净化烟雾。
    Industries are beginning to help to clean up. They are installing equipment to clean up their smoke.
  • 当他十六岁在底特律的工作间做事时,制造和安发动机就成了他的工作。
    Making and installing them was the business of the Detroit workshop that he joined at the age of sixteen.
  • 备修理水管或者煤气管道的工作。
    the occupation of a plumber (installing and repairing pipes and fixtures for water or gas or sewage in a building).
  • mpls是通过先入,然后检查包中被称之为标签的短固定长度的身份(id)标志,成为一种在网络上转发信息的简便方法。
    MPLS presents a simple way to forward information through networks by installing and then examining short, fixed-length ID markings called labels in packets.
  • 对这种威胁的反应是越来越多的网络管理员安了最新的代理服务器或应用程序级别的防火墙,作为对付外界攻击的主要屏障。
    Reacting to this threat, an increasing number of network administrators are installing state-of-the-art proxy server, or application-level firewalls as a barrier against outside attacks.
  • 当你进入的网页含有需要使用插件程序的文件,而你却又没有这个程序时,通常你会收到一个信息,询问你是否需要下载该程序并安到你的电脑里。
    When you arrive at a web page which contains a file requiring a plug-in which you don't have, you will usually receive a message asking if you want to get it by downloading it and installing it into your computer.
  • 满的动作或事例
    An act or instance of filling.
  • 没有鞋舌、有一种饰性的提带的鞋。
    a shoe without a tongue and with decorative lacing up the instep.
  • 能够进行分析的置。
    an instrument that performs analyses.
  • 通过勒杀执行死刑的置。
    an instrument for execution by strangulation.
  •  (一)气象设施,是指气象探测设施、气象信息专用传输设施、大型气象专用技术备等。
    Meteorological facilities include meteorological observation instrumentation, transmission devices dedicated to meteorological information and specialized large meteorological equipment.
  • 第九条 国务院气象主管机构应当组织有关部门编制气象探测设施、气象信息专用传输设施、大型气象专用技术备等重要气象设施的建设规划,报国务院批准后实施。
    Article 9 The competent meteorological department under the State Council shall make arrangements for relevant departments to work out plans for the construction of key meteorological facilities including meteorological observation instrumentation, transmission devices dedicated to meteorological information and specialized large meteorological equipment. These plans shall be submitted to the State Council for approval before they are implemented.
  • 含有开关刻度盘和仪表的用来控制电的置的绝缘面板。
    an insulated panel containing switches and dials and meters for controlling electrical devices.
  • 机箱,套壳机器的隔离,包,或保护盒或部分
    An insulating, enclosing, or protective casing or part in a machine.
  • 通过用绝缘材料包来防热防冷防噪。
    protect from heat, cold, noise, etc. by surrounding with insulating material.
  • 一种轻量的热塑性塑料,尤其用于包和绝缘。
    a lightweight thermoplastic; used especially in packaging and insulation.