  • 英国出版业
    publishing in the United Kingdom
  • 英国法院组织
    court system of the United Kingdom
  • 属于或关于国的汉诺威国王的。
    of or relating to the Hanoverian kings of England.
  • 国在诺曼底王朝时代受到严厉统治。
    England was under iron rule in the time of the Norman Kings.
  • 捐税盎格鲁-撒克逊和诺尔曼王朝时期国地主向君王交纳的捐税
    A tax paid to the crown by English landholders under Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings.
  • 他们带着全副装备行军二十里.
    They marched twenty miles in full kit.
  • 我答应我去逛贱卖场时花费不会超出100镑,因此你不必惊慌。
    I promise I won't spend more than a hundred pounds in the sales so don't get your knickers in a twist.
  • (在中世纪国)骑士的随从和盾牌的携带者;骑士爵位身份的投考者。
    (in medieval England) an attendant and shield bearer to a knight; a candidate for knighthood.
  • 他因对国电影的贡献而被授予爵位
    He was awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the British cinema
  • 他因对国电影的贡献而被授予爵位。
    He is awarded a knighthood in recognition of his truly great contribution to the british cinema.
  • 每年收入四百英镑
    Knock up $400 a year
  • 该不该修吉利海峡隧道,是一个难以决定的复杂问题。
    Whether the Channel tunnel should be built or not is a knotty point.
  • 她懂英语和法语。
    She knows English and French.
  • 她因精通语而得益。
    She scores by knowing English well.
  • 在去年的国庆群众大会上,吴作栋总理首次提出须培养华文文化精(同时也培养精通马来语与印度语的文化精):“我们必须设法在未来保有高水平的华文掌握能力……我们必须培育一批对中华文化遗产、历史、文学和艺术有渊博知识的核心分子。”
    The need to cultivate a Chinese elite (together with a Malay and Indian elite) was first mentioned in PM Goh's speech at the National Day Rally last year:"We must... find ways to sustain a high level of to reproduce a core group of Singaporeans who are steeped in and knowledgeable about the Chinese cultural heritage, history literature, and the arts."
  • 本公司香港一家总承包商,目前需要此项货品100万平方尺,须马上交货。
    As a general contractor in Hong Kong, we are in need of one million square feet of the caption goods for prompt delivery.
  • 将近一万名西方平民(多半是国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们将被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。
    Nearly10, 000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
  • 大阪与京都两大城市的直线距离为40里。
    Forty miles apart, as the stork flies, stand the great cities of Osaka and Kyoto.
  • 作为执业预备学校,学院成立于1970年,距京都有20里,是以受人尊敬的公司创始人命名的。
    Named after the company' s revered founder, the prep school, about 20 miles outside Kyoto, opened in 1970.
  • 1825年推出的第十辆蒸汽机最大速度每小时仅为13里,而那时的大帆船行驶得更慢,还不到这个速度的一半。
    The first steam locomotive, introduced in1825, had a top speed of only thirteen mph, and the great sailing ships of the time laboured a long at less than half that speed.
  • 我苦学了两年语课程。
    I laboured at the English course for two years.
  • 1825年推出的第十辆蒸汽机最大速度每小时仅为13里,而那时的大帆船行驶得更慢,还不到这个速度的一半。
    The first steam locomotive, introduced in 1825, had a top speed of only thirteen mph, and the great sailing ships of the time laboured a long at less than half that speed.
  • 为了达到这个目的,政府还颁布了重要法令,规定“存粮存款不负担”,“雇工工资一半不负担”,“羊群不负担”,“负担照抗战后平年应产粮计算,多收产粮归人民自己”等,并奖励劳动雄和“吴满有运动”的参加者,这就是在限制封建剥削下促进国民经济发展的方针。
    To this end, the government has promulgated important decrees providing, among other things, "No taxes shall be levied on grain stores and bank savings", "No taxes shall be levied on one half of a hired labourer's income," "No taxes shall be levied on flocks of sheep", and "Taxes shall be imposed on the basis of the grain yield of an average year since the outbreak of the war of resistance, the surplus amount belonging to the producers".Moreover, labour heroes and those who participate in the "Wu Manyou Campaign" will be rewarded. These policies are all designed to promote development of the economy while restricting feudal exploitation.
  • 国圣诞节的传统图景总有1张餐桌,上面摆满了酒菜。
    The traditional picture of an English Christmas a table laden with food and drink.
  • 国圣诞节的传统图画总有一张餐桌,上面摆满了酒菜。
    The traditional picture of an English Christmas includes a table laden with food an drink.
  • 青少年们还会开玩笑说:"他就像本·拉登那样难找(he'sashardtofindasbinladen)";或者形容那些对9·11事件过分敏感的人为"emo(文单词emotional的缩写)"。
    Teenagers breeze through such expressions as "He's as hard to find as bin Laden," or "emo" to describe people who are very emotional about Sept.11.
  • 舍勒老师现在已经退休,居住在格兰的西南部。他认为现在拉登变得极端暴力是和当年西式教育在幼年拉登的心中播下了暴力的种子分不开。
    Fyfield-Shayler, now retired and living in southwest England, said he believed the Western-style education at the school may have sewn the seeds of violence in bin Laden.
  • 支付条款为:凭提单在伦敦以镑支付。
    Payment will be made in Pound Sterling in London on presentation of on board bill lading.
  •   他在得了卖情报的第一笔酬金2.5万镑后,跑到一个酒吧里叫了一品脱的酒庆祝,就在这时,警察冲了进来将他逮捕归案。
    As the father-of-two sat in the pub drinking a pint of lager to celebrate the £25,000 he had just been given, police swooped and arrested him for spying.
  • 1991年3月,达赖访问国时向报界宣称,西藏“是当今世界上被占领的一个最大的国家”。
    In March 1991, during his visit to Britain, the Dalai Lama told the press that Tibet "is the biggest occupied country in the world today."
  • 国非正式用法)疼痛或者跛。
    (British informal) sore or lame.
  • 单语系统出身的人常感叹说,在双语政策下,年轻一代的华文和文,往往只“通”不“精”,学不到语文的精髓,因此两头都不到岸。
    People from a single-language background often lament that our bilingual policy has produced a younger generation of Singaporeans who understand both the Chinese and English language, but can hardly be said to be proficient in them. They have failed to grasp the essence of either and end up neither here nor there.