Chinese English Sentence:
  • 号当关键码被打开或没接上时电报传送信息的间隔
    One of the intervals during the telegraphic transmission of a message when the key is open or not in contact.
  • 根据有效期至二零零六年九月的专营牌照的规定,香港国际电讯有限公司(简称"香港国际电讯")提供若干对外线路和服务,包括对外公共电话服务和电视通讯线,本地和国际专用电报和电报服务、国际专用线路,以及本港的船岸和地通讯等。
    Under an exclusive licence ending in September 2006, Hong Kong Telecom International Limited (HKTI) provides certain external circuits and services including external public telephone services and television connections; domestic and international telex and telegram services;international private leased circuits; and shore-to-ship and ground-to-air communications from Hong Kong.
  • 中电动缆车运输系统的一个单位(或是汽车)。
    one of the units (or cars) in a telpherage.
  • 另一种说法是在航器上的数据模块中使用临时高度以提醒你需要改变航器的高度。
    Another idea is to use temp altitudes in data blocks on aircraft to remind you that an altitude change needs to be made.
  • 大气层的上部气稀薄。
    the tenuity of the upper atmosphere.
  • 高空的稀薄空气
    the tenuous air at a great height
  • 他从市区(航)集散站坐出租汽车。
    He take a taxi from the city terminal.
  • 我想去航空站。
    I want to go to the air terminal.
  • 集散站每隔半小时有一辆客车开往机场。
    Buses from the terminus go to the airport half an hour.
  • 集散站每半小时有一辆客车开往机场。
    Buses from the terminus go to the airport every half an hour.
  • 集散站每半小时有一辆客车开往机场。
    Coaches from the terminus go to the airport every half an hour.
  • 集散站每半小时有一辆客车开往机场。
    Coach from the terminus goes to the airport every half an hour.
  • 趁着记者们在豪华的皇家饭店的阳台上围着布什和希拉克,无暇顾及自己的当,德国总理施罗德和俄罗斯总统普京溜到外面草坪上散步去了。
    Schroeder and Russian President Vladimir Putin exploited the photographers' fixation on the goings-on on the terrace of the plush Hotel Royal to wander onto the lawn.
  • 生长于森林边缘或旷地带的陆地蕨类植物;分布于整个热带地区。
    terrestrial ferns of forest margin or open ground; pantropical.
  • 我们跳伞降到敌占区.
    We parachuted into enemy territory.
  • 火箭把卫星送上了太
    the astronauts walked in space without a tether.
  • 军的理论是,发展那种使敌人雷达难以发现的飞机,是减少飞机和人员伤亡的更为有效的途径。
    The Air Force theorized that it would be even more efficient to develop aircraft that would be relatively invisible to enemy radar.
  • 充气囊出于治疗目的而插入体腔或体管内的充满气或其他气体的囊,如血管成形术
    A sac that is inserted into a body cavity or tube and distended with air or gas for therapeutic purposes, such as angioplasty.
  • 不是有一张的在那儿吗?
    Isn't there one vacant over there?
  • 国际社会应尽早谈判缔结必要的法律文书,禁止在外部署武器和对间物体使用或威胁使用武力,确保外的和平与安宁。
    The international community should negotiate and conclude the necessary legal instrument as soon as possible to prohibit the deployment of weapons in outer space and the use or threat of use of force against objects in outer space, so as to ensure peace and tranquility therein.
  • 空调房间热工设计
    thermal design for airc-onditioned room
  • 电子学中有关热离子现象(特别是热离子真管)的分支。
    the branch of electronics dealing with thermionic phenomena (especially thermionic vacuum tubes).
  • 气热力学关于气的热力学,特别是在高相对速状态下气的热力学研究
    The study of the thermodynamics of gases, especially at high relative velocities.
  • 空气中烟雾弥漫。
    The air was thick with smoke.
  • 空中尘土飞扬。
    The air was thick with dust.
  • 他抬腿走过森林的繁茂地带,不多久他来到了林中的另一片地,与他昨晚睡下的地方很相似。
    He started walking through the thickness of the forest and before long he came to another clear spot,very similar to the place where he had slept.
  • 海拔高的地方气很稀薄;稀汤;脱脂乳比全脂奶要稀的多;稀油。
    air is thin at high altitudes; a thin soup; skimmed milk is much thinner than whole milk; thin oil.
  • 这位思想家整天在想。
    The thinker is lost in the clouds all day.
  • 山越高空气越稀薄。
    The higher the mountain be, the thinner the air be.
  • 山越高空气越稀薄。
    The higher the mountain is, the thinner the air is.
  • 山越高空气越稀薄。
    The higher is the mountain, the thinner is the air.
  • 我爬到山顶时,气变得更加稀薄了。
    The air became even thinner when I climbed to the top of the mountain.