  • 当然要接着干。
    We'll certainly go on.
  • 《远走高飞》现在成了毋庸置疑的奇迹。这张专辑最先在成年人中流行开来,它的传播是从全国公共广播电台,而不是音乐电视开始的;随时间的推移,它后来才传到更为年轻的听众。
    Come Away with Me is now a certifiable phenomenon,an album that caught on with grown-ups,starting with NPR instead of MTV and then moving to younger audiences as the months went by.
  • 现在终于有了听起来相当真实的说法:现已证实来自火星的一块陨石携带一种化学物质,它们可能反映出火星上生命新陈代谢的某些特微。
    But here at last, it seemed, was a claim that bad the ring of truth: A meteorite, certifiably from Mars, carried the chemical signature of what could be the by-products of Martian metabolisms.
  • 各级政府要做好规划,增加对农业的科技投入,加强服务,力抓好农产品质量标准和认证体系、检验检测体系、市场信息体系建设,创造良好的市场环境。
    In order to create a favorable market environment, governments at all levels must work out feasible plans, increase scientific and technological input in agriculture, improve their services, and improve the quality standard and certification system, the inspection and testing system, and the market information system for agricultural products.
  • [26]但在过去的八年中,随学生与持证教员一起对体育投入时间的增加,教员们帮助学生不断提高特定的保健技能----包括社交合作和集体配合,成绩开始发生了变化。
    [26] But over the past eight years, as students spent more time in PE with certified instructors who helped them work on specific fitness skills--including social cooperation and teamwork--the scores began to tell a different story.
  • [11]布什参加过一些更传统的体育课----上课时,任课老师,而不是持证体育教员,拿一只英式足球,随一声吼叫“走!”把一群孩子放进运动场。
    [11] Bush has participated in more traditional PE classes, where a classroom teacher, rather than a certified physical education instructor, released a stream of children onto the playground with a soccer ball and one barked command. "Go!"
  • 当她得知她患有子宫颈癌时,将此事隐瞒了许久,我想她一定非常注意保护身体的那个部位,”麦当娜捂肚子说,“所以我也就那样。
    And when she found out she had cervical cancer,she hid it form people for a long time.I think she was very protective over that part of her body,”Madonna says,enfolding her tummy,and so I used that.
  • 汹涌的波涛猛烈地冲击礁岸。
    The foaming waves chafe against the rocky shore.
  • 她脖子上戴一条银项链。
    She wore a silver chain around her neck.
  • 她脖子上戴项链,上面挂银的十字架。
    She wore a small sliver crucifix on a chain round her neck.
  • 公牛被链子拴着。
    Bulls are kept on a chain.
  • 狗被链子拴着。
    The dog is on the chain.
  • 他经营一个面食餐馆联号。
    He run a chain of pasta restaurant.
  • 她在脖子的周围挂一根金项链。
    She has a gold chain about her neck.
  • 纵犬袭击作为一种运动而放狗攻击(如一个拴的动物)
    To set dogs upon(a chained animal, for example) for sport.
  • 这些警犬白天一直被拴,晚上才放开。
    These guard dogs are kept chained up until evening, when they are released.
  • 为此,朱庇特命令将普罗米修斯锁在高加索山上的一块绝岩峭壁上,成年累月地受一头老鹰的折磨,它天天啄食他的肝脏却总不能把它吃光。
    By Jove's order Prometheus was chained to a rock on Mount Caucasus, and subjected to the attack of an eagle which, for ages, preyed upon his liver, yet succeeded not in consuming it.
  • 精神病医院是多萝西娅·迪克斯在19世纪40年代的一场改革运动中创办的。多萝西娅·迪克斯是波士顿的改革者,她当时曾警告说,患精神病的人正被关在笼子、壁橱、地窖、小单间、牲口棚中,用链子拴,光身子,用棍子打和鞭子抽以使他们驯服。
    Mental hospitals, or asylums, grew out of a crusade in the 1840's by Dorothea Dix, the Boston reformer, who warned that "insane persons" were being confined in "cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens; chained, naked, beate with rods and lashed into obedience."
  • 听说他星期一那天,乘一辆驷马大轿车来看房子,看得非常中意,当场就和莫理斯先生谈妥了;
    that he came down on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place, and was so much delighted with it that he agreed with Mr. Morris immediately;
  • 彬格莱小姐要她乘马车回去,她正打算稍许推辞一下就接受主人的盛意,不料吉英说是舍不得让她走,于是彬格莱小姐便不得不改变了请她坐马车回去的主意,请她在尼日斐花园小住一阵。
    Miss Bingley offered her the carriage, and she only wanted a little pressing to accept it, when Jane testified such concern in parting with her that Miss Bingley was obliged to convert the offer of the chaise into an invitation to remain at Netherfield for the present.
  • 玛丽看窗外,没看黑板,她思想又开小差了。
    Mary is looking out the window, not at the chalkboard; her head is in the clouds again.
  • 索尔兹伯里英格兰南部一城市,位于南安普敦西北,在石林所在地的一个白垩高原索尔兹伯里平原的边缘,城市建于1220年并围绕它著名的大教堂发展。人口35,700
    A municipal borough of southern England northwest of Southampton on the edge of Salisbury Plain, a chalky plateau that is the site of Stonehenge. The city was chartered in1220 and developed around its noted cathedral. Population,35, 700.
  • 有它在旁边,做作业就得随时防点。
    Homework proved a challenge with her around.
  • 他们都争着顶球。
    They all challenge to head the ball.
  • 原先普遍存在对那一地区生活的成见越来越站不住脚了.
    Common preconceptions about life in this district are increasingly being challenged.
  • 冠军面临一个勇敢的挑战者。
    the champion is faced with a feisty challenger.
  • 他们个个都看我,有些怀疑,但又希望这是真的。
    They all looked at me challenging, but wanting to believe.
  • 开发无线internet应用程序是一种挑战,原因主要有四个方面:(i)与台式个人电脑相比,无线设备有不同的形式因素和输入能力;
    ? Developing wireless Internet applications is challenging for four reasons: (i) Wireless devices have very different form factors and input capability than desktop personal computers;
  • 在这种情况下,张伯伦突然带和平的建议出现,使会场的气氛活跃起来。
    The sudden appearance in these circumstances of Chamberlain with the olive branch in his mouth added piquancy to the scene.
  • 每间屋子的地上都铺了红砖,每星期洗一次,床的前面都铺麦秸席。
    The chambers were paved in red bricks, which were washed every week, with straw mats in front of all the beds.
  • 桌上杂乱地堆放一些纸张和未拆的信
    The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.
  • 但接又搞文化大革命,这是一场灾难,经济方面完全乱了。
    But then came the "cultural revolution", a disaster for the nation, causing economic chaos.