  • 他从烘果子奶油蛋糕手起家的。
    he baked the torte from scratch.
  • 蛋壳成分的另外5%是重要的“黏合剂”,可以防止垩灰化,并增加蛋壳硬度。
    The other 5 percent of eggshells consists of a crucial “binding agent” that keeps the chalk from turning into dust and toughens he shells.
  • 无论伊丽莎到哪里,她总是带着她母亲一起生活。
    Wherever Elizbeth goes she has her mother in tow.
  • 许多国家里,年轻人仍保持着妇女结婚时穿色长礼服的传统。
    In many countries young people still keep up the tradition that women will get married in a long white dress.
  • 电视比我们正常的视觉所看到的信息少。
    Black and White television gives us less information than we usually have tram normal vision.
  • 任何引起活化作用的介质;(生物)增加酶活性的分子或加速基因生成物在dna转录中生成的蛋质。
    any agency bringing about activation; (biology) a molecule that increases the activity of an enzyme or a protein that increases the production of a gene product in DNA transcription.
  • 很多公司的华文名都是简单的音译,字词的选择马虎轻率,失去以文传名的机会。
    Many companies rely on simple transliteration with poor and careless choice of words. As a result, they sometimes lose great opportunities to promote the business with a carefully-chosen name.
  • 美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》皮书和艾奇逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。
    The White Paper on United States Relations with China released by the Department of State in 1949 and Secretary of State Dean Acheson's letter of transmittal to President Harry S.Truman had to admit this.
  • 美国国务院一九四九年发表的《美国与中国的关系》皮书和艾奇逊国务卿给杜鲁门总统的信,都不得不承认这一点。
    The White Paper on United States Relations with China released by the Department of State in 1949 and Secretary of State Dean Acheson's letter of transmittal to President Harry S. Truman had to admit this.
  • 普通的玻璃是透明的。
    Plain glass is transparent.
  • 天旅行,每晚住旅馆。
    He traveled by day and stayed at hotels every night.
  • 比如说,当红色是主色时,象征着忠诚,蓝色象征列暴,黄色象片狡猾,色象征奸诈。
    For example, when red is the main color of the face, it suggests loyalty, blue suggests cruelty, yellow suggests cunning, and white suggests treachery.
  • 想当双重间谍者应该明,叛国要付出极其重大的代价。
    Would be double agents ought to know that there is a stiff price to pay for treason.
  • 想当双重间谍者应该明,叛国要付出极其重大的代价。
    Would be double agents ought to know that there is a stiff price to pay for treason.
  • 美国太平洋沿岸的一种观赏性常绿乔木状灌木,花大、色,果实红色、类似浆果常归入石楠属。
    ornamental evergreen treelike shrub of United States Pacific coast having large white flowers and red berrylike fruits; often placed in genus Photinia.
  • 达西只笑了一下,接着大伙儿都沉默了一阵子,这时候伊丽莎很是着急,怕她母亲又要出丑。
    Darcy only smiled, and the general pause which ensued made Elizabeth tremble lest her mother should be exposing herself again.
  • 珍妮站在他面前,脸色苍,略微有些颤动,一言不发。
    Jennie stood before him, pale, trembling a little, and silent.
  • “她的模样变得好厉害,我几乎认不出她来了。”我激动地说。我为什么激动,等会儿您就明了。
    'It strikes me she is very much changed, for I didn't recognize her, ' I said with a tremor which you will understand in a moment.
  • “她的模样变得好厉害,我几乎认不出她来了。”我激动地说。我为什么激动,等会儿您就明了。
    'It strikes me she is very much changed, for I didn't recognize her, ' I said with a tremor which you will understand in a moment.
  • 欧洲产的一种矮生金雀花,叶具有三小叶,花带黄色。
    low European broom having trifoliate leaves and yellowish-white flowers.
  • 北美西部或北部的一种花菜属植物;有时作为一种观赏植物。
    plant of western North America having trifoliate leaves and white or pink spider-shaped flowers; sometimes used as an ornamental.
  • 睡菜一种一年生草本植物(睡菜睡菜属),原产于北半球,有三小叶复叶和色、粉红、紫色花束
    A perennial herb(Menyanthes trifoliata) native to the Northern Hemisphere and having trifoliate leaves and clusters of white, pink, or purplish flowers.
  • 这时我才明,他从未想过我会扣扳机。
    I realized then: He had never expected me to pull that trigger.
  • 一旦被钙离子——生物介质在b细胞内引发崩溃后所产生的物质——诱发,发光蛋质立即产生光亮。
    The aequorin instantly emits light when triggered by calcium ions -- a substance that is produced when the bioagent-induced cascade occurs in the B cell.
  • 中国种每年落叶灌木或小型树种,三裂片树叶,粉红到色花冠。
    deciduous Chinese shrub or small tree with often trilobed leaves grown for its pink-white flowers.
  • 安妮:世界杯足球赛的奖杯很漂亮,但我不明早期的奖杯和后来的为什么不一样了?
    Annie: The "trophy" of the World Cup is very beautiful. However,I don't know why the former trophy was different from the present one.
  • 安妮:世界杯足球赛的奖杯很漂亮,但我不明早期的奖杯和后来的为什么不一样了?
    Annie: The "trophy" of the World Cup is very beautiful. Howev-er, I don't know why the former trophy was different from the present one.
  • 这条河没有鳟鱼,在这儿钓是费劲。
    It's no use fishing for trout in this river; there are none left.
  • 旗表示停战或投降。
    The white flag is a symbol of a truce or surrender.
  • 升起一块色的布表示投降或要求停战。
    a piece of white cloth that is hoisted to signal surrender or to ask for a truce.
  • 除了指出这些大家已明的问题外,我将把讨论集中在亚洲地区。
    Beyond pointing out these general truisms, I shall confine my discussion to the general areas of Asia.
  • 常青的木质缠绕植物,叶子大而有光泽,有香的色喇叭状花组成的美丽的伞房花序。
    evergreen woody twiner with large glossy leaves and showy corymbs of fragrant white trumpet-shaped flowers.