  • 失去了味觉,三珍海味于他索无味。
    his cold deprived him of his sense of taste.
  • 迪纳摩队仍保持2比1的比分。
    Dynamo still dept the score of 2-1.
  • 一天,一个男人游到了深海处,后他发现了那只孤独的牡蛎。
    One day,a man came swimming to the depths of the sea,and he saw the lonely oyster.
  • 而如要成功,它需抛弃关于纳米机器人可以使冷冻的尸体复活过来等错误百出的说法而且还要抛掉那些虚张声势的宣传辞令,它们会于抗争取基金的努力。
    But to succeed, it will need to discard not only fluff about nanorobots that bring cadavers back from a deep freeze but also the overheated rhetoric that can derail any big new funding effort.
  • 由于资金缺乏而突中止的运动;被新政府下突中止的政策
    A campaign derailed by lack of funds; a policy that derailed under the new administration.
  • 而,批评者并没有否认延长保护期对创造力的鼓励作用。
    The critics, however, have not derailed the duration extension train's momentum.
  • 他的突来到把我所有的计画全部搞乱了。
    My plans were completely deranged by his sudden arrival.
  • 微分用独立变量乘以含有一个度量的函数,后对其求导所得的结果
    The product of the derivative of a function containing one variable multiplied by the increment of the independent variable.
  • ,我想从细小的论题里面得出伟大的结论,似乎太狂妄、太大胆了。
    In truth, it must seem very forward of me to seek to derive such great results from the slender subject which I treat;
  • 怕输,怕死,怕老婆,人们自的引申出更多说法,还至少提出另一怕:怕政府。
    As for kiasu, kiasee and kiabo, people can derive many opinions of their own, and perhaps suggest another fear: the fear of the government.
  • 这次会议放开把问题摆出来,后由中央,特别是财经委员会,再来梳辫子,得出比较好的办法。
    At this meeting, problems will be posed first, and then the central authorities, in particular, the Financial and Economic Commission, will sort them out and derive fairly workable solutions to them.
  • 能早上的就集中资金早上,早上一年早得利一年,不要拖到下个世纪去了。
    We should concentrate our funds on those projects that can be launched sooner than others. If we start some a year earlier, we shall derive the benefits a year earlier. Things must not be allowed to drag on into the next century.
  • 鲍伯和他女友突来我家过周末。
    Bob and his girl friend descend on us for the weekend.
  • 我们转过弯,看到路陡下倾。
    We turn the corner and see that the road descend steeply.
  • 约翰盛怒之下竟说出这样的蠢话。
    John was so angry that he should descend to such a stupid remark.
  • 了,前面总有站头,只要她想回家,随时可以下车往回走。
    To be sure there was always the next station, where one might descend and return.
  • 所以,中国不能把自己搞乱,这当是对中国自己负责,同时也是对全世界全人类负责。
    So China must not allow itself to descend into turmoil; We have that responsibility to ourselves and to all mankind.
  • 香港的天地形主要由陡峭的山坡及山脉构成,其中许多山脉直伸海中,而海床较为平坦。
    Hong Kong's natural terrain is dominated by mountains and hills with steep slopes, many of which descend directly into the sea.
  • 在大部分分类中,取代protista;包含原生动物;裸藻门;绿藻门;隐藻门;红藻门;单细胞原生生物及它们的多细胞有机体后代;与动植物截不同。
    in most modern classifications, replacement for the Protista; includes: Protozoa; Euglenophyta; Chlorophyta; Cryptophyta; Heterokontophyta; Rhodophyta; unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms: regarded as distinct from plants and animals.
  • 我们转过弯, 看到路陡下倾.
    We turned the corner and saw that the road descended steeply.
  • 他全家突来拜访我。
    His whole family descended onme.
  • 许多名人突光临该岛访问。
    Many famous visitors descended on the island.
  • 我军对敌军的司令部发起突袭击。
    Our army descended on the enemy headquarters.
  • 一阵可怕的寂静突笼罩着整个厅堂。
    A terrible silence descended upon the whole hall.
  • 圣诞节他们全家突来我家作客。
    The whole family descended on us at Christmas.
  • 使飞机突下降的向下气流或局部低气压地区。
    a local region of low pressure or descending air that causes a plane to lose height suddenly.
  • 可是我的哥哥看见我们下楼的时候,居还有脸喊叫,‘什么,已经完啦?’
    and yet my brother had the face to exclaim, when he saw us descending, "What, done already?"
  • 描述舞步,后带着舞伴作演示
    Described the dance step, then took a partner and demonstrated.
  • 主义在文学中精确地描述人类现实环境的实践
    The practice of describing precisely the actual circumstances of human life in literature.
  • 那次聚会索寡味得无法形容。
    The party was dull beyond description.
  • 她很爱他,但最后他仍抛弃了她。
    Much as she loved him (=Though she loved him very much), he deserted her in the long run.
  • 他们理所当要受到社会的尊重和爱护。
    They deserve respect and care from the community.