| - 你已将他描绘得丝毫不差。
You have described him to a hair. - 我肯定雇员们将受到公司更好的待遇。
I’m sure the employees will deserve better of the firm. - 您的指导者将指定这个练习用来获得状态信息的rcs号。
Your instructor will designate the RCS number to obtain status information for this exercise. - 我们将指派一名技术熟练称职的工程师对你方人员进行技术指导。
We'll designate a skilled and qualified engineer to give technical advice to your personnel. - 我们将指派一名技术熟练称职的工程师对你方人员进行技术指导。
We 'll designate a skilled and qualified engineer to give technical advice to your personnels. - 公民可以立遗嘱将个人财产指定由法定继承人的一人或者数人继承。
A citizen may, by making a will, designate one or more of the statutory successors to inherit his personal property. - 现在时的指现在或将来的用于指拉丁语,希腊语和梵语中各种现在或将来动词时态的总称
Referring to present or future time. Used as a collective designation for various present and future verb tenses in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit. - 2020年前,以人类基因组研究为基础的新型药物将已投放市场。
By 2020, the designer drugs based on research on the human genome will be coming on to the market. - 将来新机器人、的设计是非常重要的。
The designing of new robots will be very important in the future. - 条件作用某一对象逐步将渴望的行为和先前无关的刺激因素联系起来的行为改变过程
A process of behavior modification by which a subject comes to associate a desired behavior with a previously unrelated stimulus. - 随着这些产品变得越来越以台式机为中心,它们将需要支持完全开放的环境。
As these products become more desktop centric, they will need to support a fully open environment. - 按昨夜贵方电报要求,我们已于今日将下列货物赶紧发出,恳请确认为荷。
In conformity with your instructions by wire last night, we have today despatch the goods as mention below. - 按照你方要求,我们会在装运完成后立即将发货日期通知你方。
As requested, we will inform you of the date of despatch immediately upon completing shipment. - 依照贵公司指示,货物将在数日内迅速运抵樱木町站。
The goods will is despatch within a few day to sakuragicho station, to your order. - 请报fob价,说明经...(地点)将包裹发至上海的邮费。
Please quote your price on FOB basis, indicating the postage for despatch by parcel post to Shanghai via... - 倘若外援枯竭,形势将极为严重。
If foreign aid dries up the situation will be desperate. - 今天早上,我睁开眼睛,一想到已经是5月3号,我绝望极了,再过三天,我将失去我的大使。
I woke up this morning, desperate, thinking, it's May 3! In three days I'll lose my angel. - 虽然双方都保证绝不将炸弹投向妇孺,然而一旦双方都毫无顾忌时,可怕的日子将随之而来。
And while assurances have been given that there will be no bombing of women and children, there may come a time of desperation when all restraints go to the winds. - 我们要试图将梦想变成现实。
this dessert is a dream. - 在白昼将尽时我们接近了目的地。
We got near out destination as day drew in. - 这条船将开往纽约。
This ship is destined for New York. - 空想坚信某一事业或运动必将胜利或拯救世界的信念
Belief that a particular cause or movement is destined to triumph or save the world. - 中国政府将按照集中连片的原则,把贫困人口集中的中西部少数民族地区、革命老区、边疆地区和特困地区作为2001年至2010年扶贫开发的重点,并确定扶贫开发工作重点县,集中财力、物力和人力,实行统筹规划,分年实施,分类指导,综合治理。
From 2001 to 2010, the Chinese government will concentrate its poverty alleviation efforts on the ethnic minority areas, old revolutionary base areas, border areas and destitute areas in the central and western regions. Some counties will be designated for special help. The government will use its financial, material and human resources in a concentrated way in the comparatively concentrated poor areas. A unified plan will be drawn up, which will be carried out on a yearly basis. The government will combine separate guidance with a comprehensive approach in the work. - 这是一场神圣的战争,我们将不停地战斗,直到所有的贫穷,娼妓和剥削一扫而光。
This is a holy war, and we shall not cease until all destitution, prostitution and exploitation are swept way. - 他们将拖车卸下。
They detached the trailer. - 1990年4月26日18时,6.9级强烈地震将青海省第十三劳改支队的建筑物瞬间震为废墟。
On April 26, 1990, at 18:00 hours a severe earthquake of magnitude 6.9 quickly devastated most of the offices and dormitory buildings of the No.13 Reform-through-Labour Detachment in Qinhai. - 将细节都交给我们
Leave all the details to us. - 通过分子检测,病症的诊断时间将大大提前,甚至早于症状的出现。治疗将更有效也更易获得。
Illnesses would be detected much earlier by molecular surveillance, even before symptoms appeared, and therapies would be more effective -- and more available. - ioc的官员担心,基因疗法使得运动员能够将hgh基因注入自身的dna而躲过检测。
IOC officials fear that gene therapy could allow athletes to insert the HGH gene in their DNA and avoid detection. - 共有十位先生和十位女士参加了这项实验。心理学家将参加实验者分别系在一台名为"心理检流计"的机器上,这台"心理检流计"的工作原理和测谎仪基本相同。参加实验者不断收到不同的礼物,同时将微弱的电流通过他们身体。他们对不同礼物的感兴趣程度会影响皮肤对微弱电流的抵抗,从而反应出他们收到不同礼物时的兴奋程度。
Psychologists wired men and women up to a machine called a "psycho-galvanometer" for tests. Like a lie detector, the machine measures arousal levels by how the skin resists a small electrical current.Ten men and ten women were tested by showing them various gadgets, the newspaper said. - 希望法院开始运作后将有助于结束有罪不罚现象,防止潜在的战争犯罪。
As it begins functioning, it is hoped that the Court will help to end impunity and deter potential war criminals. - 将神上的迷惑只是喝酒的众多后果之一,另一后果是反社会的行为,还有体质下降。
Mental disorientation is but one of the many effects of alcohol consumption . Another is anti-social behavior , and still another is physical deterioration.