  • 世衣以标准尺寸、完成了的状态在市场售的衣物
    Clothing marketed in a finished condition in standard sizes.
  • 成衣的;制成的以标准的尺寸;完成的状态在市场上售的。用于指服装
    Marketed in a finished condition in standard sizes. Used of clothing.
  • 香肠在锅中发滋滋声。
    Sausages are sizzling in the pan.
  • 冰刀尖花样溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突部分
    A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.
  • 那个滑冰的人做了一套完美的花样动作。
    The skater executed a perfect set of figures.
  • 饰男主角的演员;芭蕾舞首席女明星;首席女歌手;著名花样滑冰运动员;主要角色;重要角色;一流演
    the leading man; prima ballerina; prima donna; a star figure skater; the starring role; a stellar role; a stellar performance.
  • 滑冰人眼花缭乱的跳跃动作;这些伟大的、在最佳状态画来的油画看起来仍旧令人惊异,仍旧像画来的时候……他光彩夺目的声望全盛的时候……一样动人的新——珍妮特·福兰勒;按栩栩如生、像闪电般的方式讲述的冒险故事——埃德沃尔·琼斯。
    the skater's dazzling virtuosic leaps; these great best canvases still look as astonishing and as invitingly new as they did...when...his fulgurant popularity was in full growth- Janet Flanner; adventures related...in a style both vivid and fulgurous- Idwal Jones.
  • 他全副武装,去滑冰。
    He is all kit out to go skating.
  • 滑冰的造型既在冰上划一个八字。
    a skating figure that carves an 8 in the ice.
  • 他为自己粗心的失误付了巨大的代价。
    He paid dearly for his careless slip.
  • 在参量的控制下,从骨架代码中选择子集以产生一个计算机程序。
    To produce a computer program by a selection of subsets from skeletal code under the control of parameters.
  • 肉(毒)碱一种甜菜碱,通常现在肝和骨骼肌里,在脂肪酸穿过线粒体膜的运输过程中起作用
    A betaine commonly occurring in the liver and in skeletal muscle that functions in fatty acid transport across mitochondrial membranes.
  • 对突然现的、意外的刺激(尤其是巨大的声响)做的一种复杂的、无意识的反应;伴随有大多数骨骼肌肉的弯曲和各种内脏反应。
    a complicated involuntary reaction to a sudden unexpected stimulus (especially a loud noise); involves flexion of most skeletal muscles and a variety of visceral reactions.
  • "我们门散步时,年纪大的人和孩子们总是落在后头。"
    The elder people and children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
  • 怀疑者指黑人与白人通婚的比率非常小,因此黑人的融合一时不会现。
    Skeptics point to the much smaller proportion of black-white marriages and say it won't happen soon.
  • 我们去散步时,孩子们总是落在后面。
    The children always lag behind when we go for a walk.
  • 自上周某机构宣称已经成功克隆第一个人类后,12月30日该机构负责人宣布,克隆宝宝和她的母亲已于周一回到自己的家中。此外,该机构还将在一周内向科学家和其他对此事抱怀疑态度的人们提供证据,来证明克隆宝宝确为克隆来的。
    The head of a company that says it has produced the first human clone said on Monday that the mother and baby were home following the child's birth last week and genetic proof demanded by scientists and other skeptics should be available in a week.
  • 院时,我已经完全痊愈了。
    When I left the hospital I was completely cured.
  • 布里吉特上周宣布她已经成功地克隆了人类。这一结果遭到了同一领域专家的质疑。她没有提供更多证据,只是透露说将于12月31日进行基因测试。
    Her claim to have cloned a human being last week drew skeptical reaction from experts in the field and she offered no proof, but said that genetic testing was scheduled for Tuesday.
  • 当克鲁拉现在媒体的众目睽睽下,收购了一家濒临倒闭的狗舍时,克洛艾的疑心就更重了。
    Her skepticism is further fueled when amidst a blaze of media attention,Cruella steps in and buys a failing dog shelter.
  • 大多数警察对陪审团参与的审判持有一种天然的怀疑态度。他们更喜欢地方法院所作的即刻的判决,因为在地方法院定罪率可达90%。
    Most policemen have a natural skepticism about jury trial. They prefer the rough justice of the magistrates' court where there is a 90pecent conviction rate.
  • 勾画这本书的大致轮廓。
    sketch the outline of the book.
  • 大纲或者勾画轮廓。
    draw up an outline or sketch for something.
  • 这小男孩子能迅速成地色画一匹马。
    The little boy can sketch out a horse quickly.
  • 勾划…的轮廓;画
    To draw or trace the outline of; sketch out.
  • 她迅速画一幅工地的草图。
    She quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site.
  • 画家用炭条在布上打图案的草样。
    The artist sketch the pattern in charcoal on the cloth.
  • 建筑师画一幅工地的草图。
    The architect quickly blocked out a sketch of the construction site.
  • 我丈夫迅速地为我们的新墙柜画一张草图。
    My husband rapidly blocked in a sketch for our new wall unit.
  • 给我一本纸簿和一支铅笔,我要把我想到的东西勾一个轮廓来。
    Give me a pad and pencil and I'll sketch out what I have in mind.
  • 那是用串肉签把韭菜、小绿辣椒和鸡丁串在一起,涂上特别的调味料烤来的。
    It is diced chicken with leek and small green peppers on a skewer, covered with a special sauce and barbecued.
  • 了车祸后,你向保险公司要求赔偿了吗?
    Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?