  • 特别答复申诉书中的陈述和指控,并提供所有的理由说明被申诉方(域名持有方)要保留和使用该有议的域名(回复书的这个部分应按照服务提供方的补充条例中对文字或页面限定的规定排版);
    Respond specifically to the statements and allegations contained in the complaint and include any and all bases for the Respondent (domain-name holder) to retain registration and use of the disputed domain name (This portion of the response shall comply with any word or page limit set forth in the Provider's Supplemental Rules.);
  • 抗日战中,正规战是主要的,游击战是辅助的。
    In the War of Resistance Against Japan, regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary.
  • 当然,这些部分的暂时的外援,也是应该取的,但决不可过于依赖,不可看作可靠的援助。
    Of course, China should try to obtain such supplementary and temporary foreign help, but must never depend too much on it or consider it reliable.
  • 与其他卖主的报价相比,贵方价格一点竞力也没有。
    Compare with what is quoted by other supplier, your price is not competitive at all.
  • 美国独立战的支持者。
    a supporter of the American Revolution.
  • 美国独立战中支持反英斗的人
    A supporter of the war against England during the American Revolution.
  • 他拒绝批评布什的国内政策,坚决支持反恐战,而且通常遵守前总统俱乐部"不讲坏话"的非正式原则。
    He has declined to criticize Bush on domestic policy and stayed strongly supportive of the war against terrorism, usually sticking to the informal speak-no-evil rules of the ex-presidents' club.
  • 英雄已经褪色,但还在为与internet上的霸权而继续战斗。
    The heroes have deserted and gone on to fight the battles over Internet supremacy.
  • 我认为在未来的几年内将是巴西、意大利、美国、荷兰这几支实力相当的球队夺世界男子排坛的主导权。
    I think in the coming years, Brazil, Italy, U. S. and the Netherlands will fight closely with each other for the men's supremacy.
  • 由于当时美日两帝国主义在远东霸的矛盾,他根据美国的利益,对于西安事变,也主张和平解决。
    Championing U.S. interests he, too, favoured a peaceful settlement of the Sian Incident, because U.S. imperialism was at loggerheads with Japanese imperialism with which it was then contending for supremacy in the Far East.
  • 许多士兵在战中牺牲。
    Many soldiers made the supreme sacrifice during the war.
  • 律师:对纳税议,必须先按税务机关意见交纳税款和滞纳金。在接到税务机关填发的交款书60日内申请复议。只有对复议决定不服的才可以起诉。
    Lawyer: For this kind of arguments, you must pay the tax and surcharge according to the decision of the tax authority at first. The application is due within60 days after the tax authority fill in the bill of tax payment. If only you do not accept decision of the reexamination, you can take further step of justice.
  • 结果必定会发生战
    War is sure toresult.
  • ,好胜心取赶上或超过另一个的努力或野心
    Effort or ambition to equal or surpass another.
  •  坚持走改革和发展的道路,以全面实施全民健身计划和奥运光计划为工作基点,推动北京体育发展模式由局部赶超型向整体推进型转变,管理方式由直接、微观管理向间接、宏观管理转变,参与方式由政府动员向大众自主消费转变,北京体育要展现北京高度、北京特色、北京风格、北京气派,成为2008年北京奥运会为中国及世界体育留下独特遗产的重要组成部分,为全面促进首都经济发展、城市繁荣和社会进步做出突出的贡献。
    Adhere to the road of reform and development, implement the National Physical Fitness Programme and the Programme for Olympic Honours in an all-round way as the base point for the work, promote the change of Beijing’s sports development pattern from surpassing the advanced level in part of the sports to an overall improvement of all sports, the change of the management mode from direct and micro management to indirect and macro management, the change of the mode of participation from government mobilization to people’s voluntary consumption. Beijing sports should display Beijing’s elevation, Beijing’s characteristics, Beijing’s style and Beijing’s manner as an important component part of the unique legacy left by the 2008 Olympics in Beijing to the Chinese and world sports and make an outstanding contribution to promoting the economic development, urban prosperity and social progress in the capital city in an all-round way.
  • 在抗日战中,亲日派大资产阶级(投降派)已经投降,或准备投降了。
    In the present war the pro-Japanese big bourgeoisie (the capitulationists) have either surrendered or are preparing to surrender.
  • 但是醴陵等县,尚有一部分地方(如醴陵之西南两区),表面上地主权力低于农民权力,实际上因为政治斗不激烈,地主权力还隐隐和农民权力对抗。
    But in counties like Liling there are still some places (such as Liling's western and southern districts) where the authority of the landlords seems weaker than that of the peasants but, because the political struggle has not been sharp, is in fact surreptitiously competing with it.
  • 设计e-4b的目的,是在各种规模的冲突中(包括核战),为国家指挥当局提供指挥和控制部队的生存能力。
    The E-4B is designed to provide National Command Authorities (NCA) with a survivable capability to direct and control military forces in all levels of conflict,including nuclear war.
  • 那不是生存竞强加给它们的;
    It was not forced upon them by the survival competition;
  • 但当每种系统的价格像以往常见的那样降低时,竞中的优胜者就成为成千上万更多的不愿开最新式汽车的美国车手们可接受的汽车了。
    But as costs for each system fall, as they typically do, the survivors will become available to millions more American motorists who don't drive high-end cars.
  • 冻结对战国家援助。
    Suspend the aid to the war-torn country.
  • 安姆伯勒,埃里奇生于1909英国作家,以其包括战通道(1959年)的悬疑小说而著称
    British writer noted for his suspense novels, including A Passage of Arms(1959).
  • 信仰自由和宗教自由的思想,不过表明自由竞在信仰的领域里占统治地位罢了。
    The ideas of religious liberty and freedom of conscience merely gave expression to the sway of free competition within the domain of knowledge.
  • 起而代之的是自由竞以及与自由竞相适应的社会制度和政治制度、资产阶级的经济统治和政治统治。
    Into their place stepped free competition, accompanied by a social and political constitution adapted to it, and by the economical and political sway of the bourgeois class.
  • 三十年战的一次战役(1632);在国王古斯塔夫斯·阿道弗斯领导下的瑞典人在沃伦斯坦战胜那些帝国主义者;阿道弗斯被杀死。
    a battle in the Thirty Years' War (1632); Swedes under King Gustavus Adolphus defeated the Imperialists under Wallenstein; Adolphus was killed.
  • 他广泛地谴责这个国家所有的人犯下了战罪行。
    he sweepingly condemned the entire population of the country for the war crimes.
  • 我们的主管总是就我们的工作与我们论不休,但是老板出现时,她的态度就变得极为亲切而又和蔼。
    Our supervisor is always having arguments with us about our work, but when the boss comes round she is all sweetness and light.
  • 他们把讨论变成了论。
    They switched the discussion to an argument.
  • 瑞士是一个中立国家,从不卷入战
    Switzerland is a neutral country for it is not involved in wars.
  • 美国队和法国队在悉尼奥运会上进行决赛,夺金牌。
    The USA and France contested the Olympic final for the gold medal in Sydney.
  • 对于广大的同情我们的党外知识分子,则应该同他们建立适当的联系,把他们组织到抗日和民主的伟大斗中去,组织到文化运动中去,组织到统一战线的工作中去。
    We should maintain suitable contact with the huge numbers of non-Party intellectuals who sympathize with us and organize them in the great struggle for resistance to Japan and for democracy, and in the cultural movement and the work of the united front.
  • 结束之后,我们就要处理通敌的人。
    When the fighting is over , we will reckon with the enemy 's sympathizers.