  • 电脑游戏和电视节目这类东西不属于人与人之的双向交流。
    "Computer games, television shows... are not two-way human connections.
  • 一种连接装置,用来实现一个或多个系统(和/或子系统)的不同部分之的连接,从而使其获得协同工作的能力。
    A connective device designed to affect operative capability between different parts of one or more systems and/or subsystems.
  • 洲际航班;校际比赛;小叶的结缔组织。
    intercontinental flights; interscholastic athletics; interlobular connective tissue.
  • 它的主要责任是确保端至端之的可靠连接。
    Its chief responsibility is to ensure reliable end-to-end connectivity.
  • 注意,所有这些协议都是基于分组的协议,经过优化以便通过有限的带宽和隔的连通性在无线网络上运行。
    Note that all of these protocols are packet-based protocols that have been optimized to function over a wireless network with limited bandwidth and intermittent connectivity.
  • (2)需要在数据库服务器中实现java虚拟机和j/sql或jdbc接口,并实现两者的紧密结合;
    Require implementation of a Java Virtual Machine (JVM), J/SQL or Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) interfaces in the database server and tight integration between the two.
  • 其它公司对采用浏览器作为人机之通用的接触点所带来的好处仍存有疑虑,尤其是当存在远程访问连接问题时更为如此。
    Others are not yet convinced as to the benefits in adopting the browser as the universal point of contact between computer and personnel,particularly if there is a remote access connectivity issue.
  • 各种样式的战争将不是士兵对士兵的对抗,而是新型战士在信息空的交战,而信息空是可同时进行商务、对话和联系的虚拟空
    It will be a place where wars of every type will be fought not by soldiers confronting soldiers but by new warriors engaging in the infosphere,the virtual world where commerce,conversation and connectivity will all occur.
  • 例如,网络管理员可以把下列每种因素结合起来:低价、高性能的第2层交换机、广播包容的vlan、vlan之连接的高速第3层交换机以及优化整体交换机能力的抄近道路由。
    For instance, a network manager may combine elements of each: low-cost, high-performance Layer 2 switches, VLANs for broadcast containment, wire-speed Layer 3 switches for inter-VLAN connectivity and cut-through routing for optimization of overall switch capacity.
  • 攻克英语需要时间。
    It takes time to conquer English.
  • 随着时的推移,罗马通过征服异邦而成了一个大帝国。
    In process of time, Rome became a great empire by conquest.
  • 诺曼人征服英国期,英国官场采用法语作为官方语言。
    During the Norman Conquest British officialdom took on French as their official language.
  • 征服外层空是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。
    The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science.
  • 然而,随着对空的征服,我们可能考虑是否该迁往另一个星球。
    With the conquest of space, however, we may now wish to consider whether it might be desirable to move to another planet.
  • 她不晓得他在这房里。
    She was not conscious of his presence in the room.
  • 原来不知不觉,詹妮已经超越理智进入到理解的深层次了,即心理学家称之为"精神智商"的一个刚被公认的认知方法。
    Without consciously realizing why or how, Jennie had reached beyond reason to a deeper level of understanding, a newly recognized way of knowing that psychologists have dubbed "spiritual intelligence."
  • 在边缘或边界的邻接。例如,不断的连续的一串存储单元。
    Touching or joining at the edge or boundary. For example, an unbroken consecutive series of storage locations.
  • 元音连续在连续的音节中两个紧密相连的元音中轻微的停顿,例如在reality和naive中
    A slight pause that occurs when two immediately adjacent vowels in consecutive syllables are pronounced, as in reality and naive.
  • 现在下种苗已经完毕,只要雨水及时,不致形成连续性的灾荒。
    Now the work of sowing and thinning out seedlings has ended, and with timely rainfall, there will be no consecutive natural disaster.
  • 字符识别中的一种情形,其中同一行上两个连续打印字符的字符隔参考线的距小于指定的距离。
    In character recognition, a condition in which the characters spacing reference lines of two consecutively-printed characters printed on the same line are separated by less than a specified distance.
  • 国际也达成共识,认为促进和鼓励可持续经济发展极为重要。
    There is also a consensus on the importance of promoting and facilitating sustainable economic growth.
  • 人力资源开发已成为亚太地区经合组织合作的核心内容之一,是各成员共识最广泛、合作基础最好的领域。
    It has now become one of the core areas of APEC cooperation, an area that members enjoy the broadest consensus and the best foundation for closer cooperation.
  • 但和他结婚的这些女人最小的才14岁,他的辩解是“先生,这属于成人之自愿结合,”陪审团不管怎样仍判他有罪。
    As for those girls he married as young as 14, well, sir, those were " relations among consenting adults.
  • 由某一行为产生的接的或久远的影响或结果。
    a remote or indirect consequence of some action.
  • 结算银行支票、汇票和钞票之的交换和相应差额的结算
    The exchange among banks of checks, drafts, and notes and the settlement of consequent differences.
  • 土生土长的人们和外来人口之,所需要作出的相互调整和适应,往往是令人感到非常不愉快的经验。
    The consequential adjustments by the natives and newcomers are often traumatic.
  • 因此,过去10年,自然增长率由千分之八下降至千分之四。
    Consequently, the rate of natural increase dropped from eight to four per 1000 over the decade.
  • 故在红色区域,豪绅阶级和中阶级,同被打击。
    consequently, in the Red area the big and middle landlord class and the intermediate class are both being attacked.
  • "大家必须学会节约用水,特别是在干旱期。"
    "People have to learn to conserve water anytime, especially during the drought."
  • 干旱期我们必须节约用水。
    We must conserve water during the drought.
  • 六、七月,内地渔业当局在南中国海实施为期两个月的休渔期,以存护渔业资源,约有1350艘本港渔船受到影响。
    During June and July, the Mainland fisheries authority imposed a two-month fishing moratorium in the South China Sea to conserve fisheries resources. About 1 350 Hong Kong fishing vessels were affected.
  • 那么,如果你一天能节省1小时,一年下来,你就不仅节约了价值几千美元的时,而且还给自己提供了许多机会去学习和做那些使你的时更有价值的事情。
    And if you can save just one hour a day,you'll not only conserve thousands of dollars'worth of time each year but also give yourself opportunities to learn and do things that make your time even more valuable.