  • 要是约翰直接回家就不会发生这种事了。算了吧,生活充满了诱惑和风险,没有人挡得住的。
    If John had come straight home none of this would have happened. Ah well, life is full of snares and pitfalls and no one is proof against them all.
  • 离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧。(法国作家 比西-拉比旦.R.)
    Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great. (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer)
  • 最近一次的阿拉斯加大地震引起了海啸,这次由地震引起的海浪,远在1500英里的地方也感觉到。
    The last big Alaskan earthquake created a tsunanmi, a seimic sea wave, that was felt 1,500 miles away.
  • 如果巴称干大战爆发,土耳其……可觉得不得不为了阿尔巴尼亚穆斯林而介入。如果土耳其人参战,那么俄国民族主义者公开支持塞尔维亚人是可以想象得到的。
    If a general Balkan war breaks out, Turkey…might feel compelled to intervene on behalf of the Albanian Muslims. And if the Turks jump in, conceivably Russian nationalists could then openly throw their weight behind the Serbs.
  • 信天翁是一种自如地利用空气的滑翔鸟,但必需顺着气流飞行。
    The albatross is the class of fliers which harness the air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition.
  • 因此,事情只是这两者之一:要么是尼尔又找到一项新的室内娱乐活动,尽管这项活动有点奇特;要么是出现了另一个女人。
    So it could only have meant one of two things--Neil had at last found himself an indoor pastime, albeit a strange one, or else there was another woman.
  • “重力不为人们坠入爱河负责”--阿尔伯特爱因斯坦。
    gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love--Albert Einstein.
  • 昨天正当葛市长替戈尔参议员总统竞选打气的时候,州长科莫却给杰克逊浇冷水说:他缺乏从政经验,在十一月可成为竞选障碍。
    While Mayor Koch was boosting the presidential campaign of Sen. Albert Gore Jr. yesterday, Gov.Cuomo was letting some air out of Jesse Jackson's sails by asserting that his lack of government experience could be a campaign handicap in November.
  • 例如,灰熊在美国西部是被保护的,但是如果它们跨过边界进入加拿大的艾伯塔和不列颠哥伦比亚省就可被猎杀。
    For instance, grizzly bears in the Western United States are protected, but they can be hunted if they cross into the Canadian provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.
  • 念珠菌病一种念珠菌所导致的海绵状的感染,尤指假丝酵母,这种感染可发生于身体的各部位,如皮肤和粘膜等
    A fungous infection caused by a member of the genus Candida, especially Candida albicans, that can involve various parts of the body, such as the skin and mucous membranes.
  • 拿影集给我看看吗?
    Can you show me some photo album?
  • 蛋白鸡蛋的白色部分,主要由溶于水的白蛋白构成
    The white of an egg, which consists mainly of albumin dissolved in water.
  • 溶剂炼金术士曾一度寻求的假想的万溶剂
    The hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists.
  • 够像魔术一样变化物质。
    capable of being changed in substance as if by alchemy.
  • 这种物质够溶解在酒精中。
    This substance is soluble in alcohol.
  • 酒,酒精饮料含有酒精的醉人的饮料
    Intoxicating liquor containing alcohol.
  • 酒精影响司机的注意力。
    Alcohol affects drivers' concentration.
  • 被甲醇变性而不饮用的酒精。
    ethyl alcohol denatured with methyl alcohol to prevent its use as an alcoholic beverage.
  • 酒精影响一个人的大脑。
    Alcohol can act on one's brain.
  • 一种不与酒同时服用的药物
    A medication that is incompatible with alcohol.
  • 影响肝脏功的一种慢性疾病;主要原因是酒精中毒。
    a chronic disease interfering with the normal functioning of the liver; the major cause is chronic alcoholism.
  • 他们倒是不会在离异后痛哭失态,但他们更容易患肠胃功紊乱,也容易酗酒和发生交通事故。
    It is true that after divorce they will not lose control of themselves by crying bitterly, but they suffer more from stomach disorders, plunge into alcoholism and cause traffic accidents.
  • 在过去的十年里,有关基因新发现的传闻漫天飞。这些发现称,基因与人的同性恋倾向、酗酒、政治信仰和奔跑力、艺术鉴赏力等都息息相关。
    For the past decade, the public has witnessed a rising epidemic of tales of discoveries of genes that dispose humanity to homosexuality, to alcoholism, to political persuasion, to running ability, and to artistic taste.
  • 在那小暖房里,的确还有一张椅子,但是椅上的麦秸已经脱了一半,并且只有三只脚,只是靠在墙上才用。
    There was still another chair in the detached alcove, but the straw was half gone from it, and it had but three legs, so that it was of service only when propped against the wall.
  • 我们应该够轻而易举地击败对方球队。
    We should be ale to knock the other team over without any trouble.
  • 后者的出现是非常可的,因为当时每一个邮车站,每一家麦酒店都可有人“拿了老大的钱”,这些人从老板到最糟糕的马厩里的莫名其妙的人都有,这类花样非常可出现。
    As to the latter, when every posting-house and ale-house could produce somebody in `the Captain's' pay, ranging from the landlord to the lowest stable nondescript, it was the likeliest thing upon the cards.
  • 苔丝一次又一次的严辞拒绝未制止亚历克,他整天缠住苔丝,先是用结婚证书和神圣的誓言来说服她。
    Repulse after repulse failed to deter Alec, who persisted day by day, at first with a marriage license and holy words.
  • 亚历克认识到他可把他的钱和时间花得更划算些,就决定退伙了。
    Alec decided to cash in as he realized he might spend his time and money more wisely.
  • 耳朵尖的人听出这个错。
    An alert listener will have noticed the error.
  • 这些高效、独立于协议、安全的防火墙引擎够完成应用层的安全、用户验证、统一支持和处理所有的协议、审计和报警。
    These efficient, protocol-independent, secure firewall engines are capable of application-level security, user authentication, unified support, and handling of all protocols, auditing and alerting.
  • 在处于低负荷工作强度时,管制员感受到的工作压力可下降到要保持足够的注意力和警觉的最低要求以下。
    During light traffic loads, perceived workload may decrease below the minimum needed to maintain attention and alertness.
  • 西雅图海洋学者柯蒂斯·埃贝斯迈尔负责整理漂流到华盛顿沿岸的运动鞋。他说,因为这些鞋是在加利福尼亚附近的门多西诺角"弃船而逃"的,所以这一漂流大军还可继续前往加拿大的不列颠哥伦比亚省海岸及阿拉斯加的阿留申群岛。
    According to Seattle oceanographer Curtis Ebbesmeyer, who is cataloging Nike beachings in Washington state, the aquatic parade of shoes should continue to land along the British Columbia coast in Canada and meander to Alaska's Aleutian Islands since they abandoned ship near Mendocino, California.