Chinese English Sentence:
  • 蓝色卡片上的玻璃罩里放一点糖浆,其他卡片上的玻璃罩都着。
    The watch-glass, on the blue card has some syrup in it, all the others are empty.
  • 几个小时之后,我们把蓝色卡片上有糖浆的玻璃罩拿走,换上一块的玻璃罩。
    Then after some hours, we take away the watch-glass of syrup which was on the blue card and put an empty one in its place.
  • 江泽民最后说,加快开发西部地区,是一个巨大的系统工程,也是前艰难的历史任务。
    Jiang Zemin concluded that expediting the development of the west region represents a huge systemic project and also an arduous historical task of an unprecedented scale.
  • 由于java是一种形式自由的语言,所以额外的格、制表位以及回车都不会对结果程序造成影响。
    Since Java is a free-form language, the extra spaces, tabs, and carriage returns do not affect the resulting program.
  • 中午还有几个位,订一张中午的4个台怎么样?
    And we have still several tables free at this noon. How about a table for four at that time?
  • 有一张空桌时
    a table becomes uacant
  • 对不起,(时间)没有桌子了,但是我们可以在(时间)为您安排。
    I' m sorry, there aren't any tables left for (time), but we can give you a table at (time).
  • 对不起,12点没有席位了,但我们可以在1点为您安排。
    I'm sorry, there aren't any tables left for twelve o' clock, but we can give you a table at one o'clock.
  • 我们今晚都没桌子。
    We do not have any tables available tonight.
  • 他知道此时一切的言都没用,只得改变了方法,等他们都走了,他就和她单独媾和,她提出的条件是:
    He knew that everything that was being said then was just empty talk. He had to change tack. Wait for them to leave and he would negotiate with her alone. The conditions she laid down were:
  • 王平:专家认为,一个国家体育消费热的兴起,有三个方面的原因:消费者有充足的闲时间;国民收入达到一定水平;政府的大力提倡。
    Wang Ping: The experts think that there are three reasons for the rising of the sports consumption fever of a country. They are: the con-sumers have enough spare time, the national income has reached a cer-tain level and the govermnent gives energetic supports for the people's participation.
  • 公司提出了在机场要有更多的起降时间的要求。
    The airline has requested more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 公司提出了在机场要有更多的起降时间的要求。
    The airline have request more takeoff and landing at the airport.
  • 他只会说空话。
    He is all talk.
  • 话连篇的人,夸夸其谈的人说话内容无实质性东西或趣味的多嘴的人
    A talkative person who communicates nothing of substance or interest.
  • 什麽事都不要依靠他他光会说话.
    Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker.
  • 他用对讲机请总部派飞机进行袭。
    He used his walkie talkie to radio headquarters and call in an air strike.
  • 我们车子的油箱了。
    The petrol tank in our car is empty.
  • 这些飞机可在中接受加油飞机的加油
    These planes can be refueled in the air by tanker
  • 中加油导管连结在飞机油箱上长的套管,油料通过它流向中被加油的飞机
    A long hollow tube attached to a tanker aircraft, through which fuel flows to another aircraft being refueled in flight.
  • 陶易科在贵公司营销部当秘书,他是我的朋友,就是他告诉我贵公司有缺职位的。
    Mr. Tao like is serving as a secretary in your sales department. He is a friend of mine. It was he that informed me of the vacant position in your company.
  • 欧洲的一种多年生植物,已被移入美国,花茎中,叶子狭长且尖,有淡黄色单生的花。
    European perennial naturalized throughout United States having hollow stems with a few long narrow tapered leaves and each bearing a solitary pale yellow flower.
  • 他慢慢地倒烟斗,然后告诉我们发生的一切。
    He slowly tapped his pipe out, then began to tell us what had happened.
  • 类别信息是使用categorybag元素来指定的,其中包含了具备命名间修饰的对分类法键值和描述的引用。
    Categorization is specified using the element named categoryBag, which contains namespace-qualified references to taxonomy keys and descriptions.
  • 只有通过校验的合法的keyvalue数据将以”已进入注册中心”的数据而保存,如果没能通过校验,该校验服务将把这一分类数据加上”unchecked”(也就是说是不合法的)命名间修饰。
    Only valid keyValue data will be stored as entered unless the taxonomy specified by the tModelKey reference represents an unchecked (e.g. non-validated) namespace.
  • 这些机会包括:提供外部分类法和命名间校验认证服务,在基础的uddiapi之上提供更丰富的搜索机制等。
    These opportunities include such options as becoming an external taxonomy or namespace validation authority, or providing richer search facilities that go beyond what the base UDDI API provides.
  • 1980年的教师节,来自英国的老师大早走进某初院教室,发现里头无一人,但每张桌面上,都摆着一束青菜。
    On Teachers' Day in 1980, a junior college teacher from the United Kingdom walked into class that morning only to find it empty. But there was a stalk of vegetables on every desk.
  • 她看到了玻璃杯和茶杯,知道房间里来过三个人。
    She has seen empty glass and teacup, and has known that has been three men inside the room.
  • 在外部间穿行的交通工具;环绕太阳的人造卫星。
    a vehicle capable of traveling in outer space; technically a satellite around the sun.
  • 探讨太的科技计划。
    a technological program intended to explore outer space.
  • 侵略者把村中财物洗劫一
    The invaders gut ted the village.
  • 我那个十几岁的儿子很能吃-冰箱总是被吃得的。
    My teenage son eats like horse – the fridge is always empty.