  • 外面的那个家伙是个老古董——嘴上蓄古式骑兵胡子,戴独眼镜,身灰色前下摆向后斜切的燕尾服。
    The chap outside was a museum piece--cavalry mustache, single--eye glass, gray cutaway.
  • 乌鸦在树上呱呱叫
    The raven cawed on the tree.
  • 与一张cd能保存74分钟的数据相比,dvd的容量标志巨大的进步。
    In comparison to the 74 minutes of data that a CD can hold, this capacity marks a vast improvement.
  • 停止活或行动;死了
    To cease living or functioning; die.
  • 已经停止存在或者不再活
    having ceased to exist or live.
  • 海浪不停地拍打海岸。
    Spray slaps the coast ceaselessly.
  • 中华文化源远流长五千余年,蕴含极其丰富且闪烁智慧光芒的哲理,取之不尽,用之不竭。
    The origin of Chinese culture dates back to more than 5,000 years ago. Its philosophy is built upon the vast ocean of abundant and radiating wisdom that the Chinese people have accumulated over the years and which today's generation can ceaselessly draw upon for inspiration and emulation.
  • 在饭店的院子旁矗立一棵高英尺的古老雪松,据说它就是那棵"智慧之树"。
    Beside the hotel yard stands a venerable 70ft cedar said to be the Tree of Knowledge.
  • 砍伐者确实留下了一棵100英尺高的杉树,这棵树上有一个由科学家标17号的鸟巢,还有一棵小树立在旁边。
    The loggers did leave a 100-foot cedar that held a nest designated by scientists No.17, and a younger tree alongside.
  • 天花板上吊几盏大吊灯。
    Big lights hung from the ceiling.
  • 天花板上吊几盏大吊灯。
    There hung big lights from the ceiling.
  • 他们唱、跳庆祝这令人欢乐的时刻。
    They were singing and dancing to celebrate this joyful occasion.
  • 色的、煮过熟了的蛋,或鸡蛋形状的糖果,用来庆祝复活节。
    a colored hard-boiled egg or egg-shaped candy used to celebrate Easter.
  • 那位了迷的崇拜者追踪这位名人。
    The infatuated fan stalked the celebrity.
  • 孩子们大声地咀嚼芹菜梗。
    The chidren crunched the celery sticks.
  • 以自己为中心不为别人想的人。
    a self-centered person with little regard for others.
  • 故事的主要情节围绕这个孩子展开。
    The main action of the story centered around the child.
  • 他们的研究工作总是围绕发明新的化学制品而展开。
    Their research has always centered about the creation new chemicals.
  • 第二次是一条鳟鱼,他惊喜的喊叫声在小溪上空飘荡。然后我们高兴地卷起钓线,钓起了一条足有20厘米长的、闪闪发亮、拼命挣扎的虹鱼。
    The second time a trout struck, his shouts of surprise and joy rang up and down the creek, and we happily reeled in a sparkling, 20 centimetre wild rainbow.
  • 也许现在和以后一个相当时候,更要重强调该集中的必须认真集中,以便把效率提高一些。
    Now and perhaps for a rather long time to come, we will have to stress centralization where it is really required, so as to increase efficiency.
  • 必须重地指出,党是一个战斗的组织,没有集中统一的指挥,是不可能取得任何战斗胜利的,一切发展党内民主的措施都不是为了削弱党的必需的集中,而是为了给它以强大的生气勃勃的基础,这是我们大家都充分明了的。
    It must be emphasized that the Party is a militant organization. Without centralized, unified command it would be impossible to win any battles. The measures taken for the development of inner-Party democracy are not meant to weaken necessary centralization in the Party, but to supply it with a powerful and vigorous base. This is perfectly clear to every one of us.
  • 我认为这确实是指挥与控制的一个核心问题。而且我认为我们必须设法在集中指挥与控制的有效性存在实际限制的情况下(例如,要有一个系统来控制战斗机向哪里飞和哪一个作战平台发射以及何时发射),求得集中与分散两者之间的平衡。
    I think that is really one of the central issues for command and control, and I think we're going to have to somehow strike a balance between the two in the sense that there are practical limitations to the effectiveness of centralization, for example, in terms of having a system that controls where fighters are going to go and which platform fires and at what time.
  • 对信息系统的管理人员来说,这意味他们可以在整个企业范围内对软件大部分实现集中化管理,从而降低了成本。
    For IS managers, this means they can centralize much of the administration of software across their enterprises and thereby lower their costs.
  • 信息技术的发展,指挥与控制好像将要向集中和分散两个方面发展,在实践中怎样使指挥控制的集中与分散有效地结合起来?
    Along with the development of information technology, it is likely that command and control will become both centralized and decentralized. How can centralized and decentralized command and control be effectively combined in practice?
  • 指陶瓷的表面;覆盖细小的网状裂纹。
    of a ceramic surface; covered with a network of fine cracks.
  • 釉料烧制陶器前附在陶器表面上的一层色的、不透明或透明的材料
    A coating of colored, opaque, or transparent material applied to ceramics before firing.
  • 因为那时中国的陶器烧好时都带窑厂的印记。
    There came the period the ceramics used to bear the seal of the companies that made them.
  • 间脑位于将中脑与大脑两半球相连的前脑后部,包第三室,内包含有丘脑和下丘脑
    The posterior part of the forebrain that connects the mesencephalon with the cerebral hemispheres, encloses the third ventricle, and contains the thalamus and hypothalamus.
  • 她是皇后区斯普林菲尔德花园的退休管理员,是个寡妇,她还照看一个叫赛杜的10岁男孩,也患有脑瘫症,另一个1岁的小孩叫艾弗雷,患有先天性失明和脑损伤。
    A retired housekeeper and widow from Springfield Garden, Queens, she also takes care of Saidu, a 10-year-old boy with cerebral palsy, and Ivory, a 1-year-old who was born blind and brain damaged.
  • 当他穿全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。
    He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig.
  • 穿仪式上的衣服,特别是指牧师的礼服。
    dressed in ceremonial garments especially clerical vestment.
  • 沿特定的路线行进。
    travel along a certain course.