  • 他们明他们需要更多的木材。
    They realize that they need more timber.
  • 布什总统承认,当他在宫的录像机上设定时间以便录下电视节目时,笨手笨脚。其实何止他一人中此。
    President Bush admits he's all thumbs when it comes to setting the timer to tape a TV show on the White House VCR, and he's not alone.
  • 虽然她胆小,她懂得怎样区分是非黑
    Timid as she be, she know how to tell right from wrong.
  • 虽然她胆小,她懂得怎样区分是非黑
    Timid as she is, she knows how to tell right from wrong.
  • 要想当个好演员就要学会掌握道的时间分寸.
    A good actor must learn the art of timing, ie when to deliver a line most effectively.
  • 这个箱子是铁皮做的还是钢做的?
    Is that box made of tin or steel?
  • 这个箱子是铁皮做的还是钢做的?
    Is that box made of tin or steel?
  • (四)敌军刘和鼎师远在福建区的建宁,不一定越入江西。
    The enemy division under Liu Ho-ting was far away in Chienning in the White area of Fukien, and was unlikely to cross into Kiangsi.
  • (一)用何应钦、崇禧名义,发布致朱彭叶项的“皓”“齐”两电,以动员舆论;
    To publish the two telegrams of October 19 and December 8 to Chu Teh, Peng Teh-huai, Yeh Ting and Hsiang Ying over the signatures of Ho Ying-chin and Pai Chung-hsi, in order to arouse public opinion.
  • 用于漂衣物或头发,或使其带上淡蓝色。
    used to whiten laundry or hair or give it a bluish tinge.
  • 叶片呈螺旋状开略带紫色花的北美紫菀。
    North American perennial with apparently whorled leaves and showy white purple-tinged flowers.
  • 美洲热带树种,生长于美国南部,略带粉红的色果实。
    tropical American tree grown in southern United States having a whitish pink-tinged fruit.
  • 稍微染上粉红色的色花瓣;镀上了灿烂的阳光的旗帜;稍微染上了粉红色的苹果花。
    white petals touched with pink; the resplendent sun-touched flag; pink-tinged apple blossoms.
  • 做白铁匠
    To work as a tinker.
  • 那几乎全是色的,只稍微带着些许黄色。
    It was almost white having only a slight tint of yellow.
  • 北美的一种赤莲属植物,具有单生的以黄色为中心的色花朵。
    North American dogtooth having solitary white flowers with yellow centers and blue- or pink-tinted exteriors.
  • 石灰浆一种色的或浅色的液体,含有氧化锌、水、胶和着色物质,用于粉刷墙壁和天花板
    A white or tinted liquid containing zinc oxide, water, glue, and coloring matter, used as a wash for walls and ceilings.
  • 他常饮白兰地。
    He tipples brandy.
  • 我很明自己惹怒了她。
    I know too well that I get on her tit.
  • 我很明自己惹怒了她
    I know too well that I got on her tits
  • 1992年9月,中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室发表《西藏的主权归属与人权状况》皮书,以大量事实,全面介绍和阐述了西藏地方与祖国大家庭关系的历史,以及现代西藏人权发展与进步的情况。
    In September 1992 the Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued a white paper titled Tibet -- Its Ownership and Human Rights Situation. Drawing on a rich store of facts, the white paper introduced and expounded on the historical relations between Tibet and the big family of the motherland in a comprehensive way, as well as the progress in human rights in modern Tibet.
  • 人们劳苦着,工作着,为生活而烦虑到头发变,忘掉游玩:这种文化是多么不可思议啊!
    How inscrutableis the civilization where men toil and work and worry their hair gray to get a living and forget to play!
  • 旗被用来作为投降的标志。
    A white flag is used as a token of surrender.
  • 原产于欧洲东部和小亚细亚的一种高大树,其叶子下面被色绒毛;广泛作为观赏植物栽培。
    large tree native to eastern Europe and Asia Minor having leaves with white tomentum on the under side; widely cultivated as an ornamental.
  • 宝盖草,佛座一种(宝盖草野芝麻属)欧亚植物,有齿状的、对生的叶子和小小的、色或微紫红色的、由两片唇瓣构成的花朵
    A Eurasian plant(Lamium amplexicaule) having toothed, opposite leaves and small white or purplish-red flowers with two lips.
  • 一种色粉末,用于防蛀牙膏。
    a white powder that is used to fluoridate toothpaste.
  • “黑”牌牙膏今天有卖吗?
    Be the"black- and- white" toothpaste on sale today?
  • 在一堆火和一堆废牙膏皮旁,他面前的两个灰满面的小男孩正在开心地笑着。
    Along with a fire and a box of spent toothpaste tubes, in front of him were two little boys covered with white dust and smiling from ear to ear.
  • 香果兰属的任何一种攀援性植物,有肉质叶子,花大且极香、色、绿色或浅黄褐色。
    any of numerous climbing plants of the genus Vanilla having fleshy leaves and clusters of large waxy highly fragrant white or green or topaz flowers.
  • 甜的外壳由打破的蛋和糖做成的馅饼做成。
    sweet topping especially for pies made of beaten egg whites and sugar.
  • 酥皮卷将鸡蛋与糖搅拌至发硬,然后烘烤直至棕色而制成的糕饼或馅饼皮
    A topping for pastry or pies made of a mixture of egg whites and sugar beaten until stiff and often baked until brown.
  • 男人和人俱乐部在法律的威胁下,像多米诺骨牌一样倒下了。
    All-male and all-white clubs have toppled like dominoes under threats of legal action.