  • 这使几乎所有教授都要定购新的教科书,当是我们学生掏腰包。
    This forced almost every professor to order new textbooks and that really put a dent in our wallets.
  • 在亚洲金融风暴的影响之下,香港经济放缓稍令我们愉快的心情受损,但我们仍充满希望。
    Even though the euphoria has been somewhat dented by the economic downturn as a result of the Asian financial turmoil, hope remains high in Hong Kong.
  • 我丈夫昨天心情一定很好,当我告诉他我把汽车弄出了凹痕时,他态度极为泰
    My husband must have been in a good mood yesterday, he didn't bat an eyelid when I told him I'd dented the car.
  • 牙医的麻醉注射使我的下腭仍有酥痒的感觉。
    My jaw still tickles from the dentist 's injection.
  • 逃亡秘密地或突地离去
    To depart secretly or suddenly.
  • 本位主义多多少少是有的,地方主义也曾经发生过,山头主义也存在过(当也是历史上形成的),这些都是由于缺乏集中统一和全局观点所造成的。
    In fact, departmentalism existed to varying degrees, and localism and "mountain-stronghold" mentality (which, of course, has historically been a problem) have also been a problem, because local authorities lacked sufficient understanding of the need of centralized and unified guidance and of consideration of the overall situation.
  • 她突离去,打乱了我的计划.
    Her sudden departure has disarranged my plans.
  • 继续依赖矿物燃料将必导致国内的不安全。
    Prolonging our dependence on fossil fuels would guarantee homeland insecurity.
  • 布什的白宫政府在中东的军事事务上一直言词强硬,而对由于美国依赖矿物燃料而造成的长期问题却完全保持沉默。
    The Bush White House talks tough on military matters in the Middle East while remaining virtually silent about the long-term problem posed by U.S.dependence on fossil fuels.
  • 决定的或偶性。
    dependent upon or characterized by chance.
  • 偶然的或带任意性的
    Dependent upon or characterized by mere chance.
  • 性取决于机会的情形;不确定性
    The condition of being dependent on chance; uncertainty.
  • 描绘自景色的一种艺术流派。
    a genre of art dealing with the depiction of natural scenery.
  • 人类必须注意,切莫耗尽地球上的自资源。
    Mankind must take care not to deplete the earth of its natural resources.
  • “西藏自资源受到严重破坏;”
    "the natural resources in Tibet have been seriously depleted;"
  • 没有液体或水分;缺乏自的或正常的水分,或水分丧失的;不湿的。
    free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet.
  • 达赖在出国后的三十多年里,不顾事实,编造了大量诸如“‘十七条协议’是武力逼迫下强加给西藏的”;“汉人屠杀了120万藏人”;“由于汉人移民,藏族在西藏成了少数”;“共产党在西藏强行对妇女实行计划生育、堕胎”;政府反对宗教自由,迫害宗教人士;藏族传统文化艺术遭到灭绝危险;西藏自资源受到严重破坏;西藏环境受到污染等等谎言,蓄意挑拨民族关系,煽动西藏群众反对中央政府。
    Ignoring facts, the Dalai Lama fabricated numerous lies to sow dissension among the various nationalities and incite the Tibetan people to oppose the central government during his 30-year self-exile abroad. He said that "the 17-Article Agreement was imposed on Tibet under armed force"; "the Hans have massacred 1.2 million Tibetans"; "owing to Han immigration, the Tibetans have become a minority in Tibet"; "the Communists in Tibet force women to practice birth control and abortion"; the government opposes religious freedom and persecutes religious people; traditional Tibetan culture and art are in danger of extinction; the natural resources in Tibet have been seriously depleted; there is severe environmental pollution in Tibet, etc.
  • 人口过剩由于地区内人口过剩而引起的过度拥挤、自资源枯竭或环境恶化
    Excessive population of an area to the point of overcrowding, depletion of natural resources, or environmental deterioration.
  • 现在它虽没有运行应用程序和在台式机部署应用程序所需的网络操作系统服务,但这是可以发明的。
    And yet it has none of the network operating system services that are required to run applications and deploy applications to the desktop.But it can be invented.
  • 沉积沉淀过程,尤指由于自过程而造成物质沉淀
    The act of depositing, especially the laying down of matter by a natural process.
  • 留下橡胶将机动车从静止状态猛提升到很高的速度时,车轮旋转,后胎或轮胎便会在路上留下一薄层烧尽的橡胶
    To accelerate suddenly a motor vehicle from a halt to a high speed, thereby spinning the wheels and depositing on the road a thin film of burned rubber from the rear tire or tires.
  • 而这些事情,无论其在人们堕落的判断力及好尚中是如何,真理(它是只受本身底评判的)却教给我们说研究真理(就是向它求爱求婚),认识真理(就是与之同处),和相信真理(就是享受它)乃是人性中最高的美德。
    But howsoever these things arc thus, in men's depraved judgements, and affections, yet truth, which only doth judge itself, teacheth, that the inquiry of truth, which is the love-making,or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it; and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it; is the sovereign good of human nature.
  • 他不以为地挥挥手,含糊地说那算不了什么,别人也会那样做的。
    He waved his hand deprecatingly and muttered that it was nothing at all, what he had done, and that any fellow would have done it.
  • 亚洲多个地区已把货币大幅贬值,但中国内地的劳工成本,仍较亚洲大部分经济地区为低。
    Even after the marked depreciation of the Asian currencies, labour costs in the Mainland of China are still lower than most Asian economies.
  • 石油充斥压低了天气的价格。
    The glut of oil depressed gas prices.
  • 度假无望,日子自过得很沉闷。
    With no hope of a holiday life's very depressing.
  • 因为人心的滋养要么是自身之善,要么是他人之恶,而缺乏自身之善者必要摄取他人之恶,于是凡无望达到他人之德行境地者便会极力贬低他人以求得平衡。
    For men's minds, will either feed upon their own good, or upon others' evil; And who wanteth the one, will prey upon the other; and whoso is out of hope, to attain to another's virtue, will seek to come at even hand, by depressing another's fortune.
  • 除了加强教育,没有什么能够解决更大的问题,而,教育现状却令人堪忧。
    Nothing will solve the larger problem, however, except greater education -- something that remains depressingly far off.
  • 依赖于物质性东西的人;突吸取了物质症状的人。
    someone who is physiologically dependent on a substance; abrupt deprivation of the substance produces withdrawal symptoms.
  • 我们不知道分离和丧失亲人的长期后果,但我们知道它们能立即引起剧烈的悲痛。
    Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress.
  • 窗外的树木把房子遮挡得暗无光。
    The trees outside the windows deprive the house of light.
  • 使索无味或变得没精神。
    make vapid or deprive of spirit.