  • 束带穿入衣边或嵌套的线绳或带子,用以拉紧或闭合开口
    A cord or ribbon run through a hem or casing and pulled to tighten or close an opening.
  • 这里应当指出:在目前的件之下,农业生产是我们经济建设工作的第一位,它不但需要解决最重要的粮食问题,而且需要解决衣服、砂糖、纸张等项日常用品的原料即棉、麻、蔗、竹等的供给问题。
    It should be pointed out that in the present conditions agriculture occupies first place in our economic construction; It is by agriculture that we solve both the most important problem of food, and the problem of raw materials such as cotton, hemp, sugar-cane and bamboo, which are needed for the making of clothes, sugar, paper and other necessities.
  • 所以,扩大内需是有件的。
    Hence, there are conditions to expand domestic demand.
  • 随你诱人的件一同去吧,我是不会让步的。
    Hence with your tempting offers. I shall not yield.
  • 兹将我们按fob价格件成交的装运款函告如下:
    This is to inform you herein below of our terms of shipment in regard to our orders on FOB terms:
  • 这是解决目前世界经济发展中存在问题的根本出路,也是推动新经济进一步发展的必要件。
    Herein lies not only the fundamental solution to the problems in the world economic development, but also an essential condition for development of the New Economy in the new century.
  • 1.除本协议的特殊规定之外,1994年“关税与贸易总协定”文本就解释及适用总协定第二十二及第二十三而达成的解决争端的规范和程序的谅解协议,应适用于就本协议而产生的争端的协商与解决。
    1. The provisions of Articles XXII and XXIII of GATT 1994 as elaborated and applied by the Dispute Settlement Understanding shall apply to consultations and the settlement of disputes under this Agreement except as otherwise specifically provided herein.
  • 这是今天抗日游击战争的长处,不但使游击战争迅速地发展,并且使之迅速地提高,较之东三省的游击战争,件优越得多了。
    Herein lies the advantage which makes possible the swift expansion of the present anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare and its rapid development to a higher level; thus the conditions for guerrilla warfare are far superior to what they were in the three northeastern provinces.
  • 地主转让给佃户的件在下文中称作转让件。
    the landlord demises unto the tenant the premises hereinafter called the demised premises.
  •  第二 本办法所称合格境外机构投资者(以下简称合格投资者),是指符合本办法规定的件,经中国证券监督管理委员会(以下简称中国证监会)批准投资于中国证券市场,并取得国家外汇管理局(以下简称国家外汇局)额度批准的中国境外基金管理机构、保险公司、证券公司以及其他资产管理机构。
    Article 2. Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (hereinafter referred to as "QFII" which can be a single or a plural, as the case may be) are defined in this Regulation as overseas fund management institutions, insurance companies, securities companies and other assets management institutions which have been approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as "CSRC") to invest in China's securities market and granted investment quota by State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SAFE").
  •  第一根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。
    Rule 1. These Implementing Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Patent Law).
  •  按照专利合作约提出并指定中国的专利国际申请(以下简称国际申请)进入中国国家阶段的件和程序适用本章的规定;
    Where any international application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty designating China (hereinafter referred to as the international application) enters the Chinese national phase, the requirements and procedures prescribed in this Chapter shall apply.
  •   (ii)对建立世界知识产权组织(以下简称“本组织”)公约中所述的知识产权国际局(以下简称“国际局”)作关于筹备修订会议的指示,但应适当考虑本联盟国家中不受第十三至第十七约束的国家所提的意见;
    (ii) give directions concerning the preparation for conferences of revision to the International Bureau of Intellectual Property (hereinafter designated as "the International Bureau") referred to in the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (hereinafter designated as "the Organization"), due account being taken of any comments made by those countries of the Union which are not bound by Articles 13 to 17;
  • 第二国务院设立进出口商品检验部门(以下简称国家商检部门),主管全国进出口商品检验工作。
    Article 2 The State Council shall establish an Administration for Import and Export Commodity Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the State Administration for Commodity Inspection), which shall be in charge of the inspection of import and export commodities throughout the country.
  • 第三 国务院设立动植物检疫机关(以下简称国家动植物检疫机关),统一管理全国进出境动植物检疫工作。
    Article 3 An animal and plant quarantine department shall be instituted under the State Council (hereinafter referred to, for short, as the State animal and plant quarantine department), which shall conduct a unified administration of the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine in the whole country.
  • 第四国家商检部门根据对外贸易发展的需要,制定、调整并公布《商检机构实施检验的进出口商品种类表》(以下简称《种类表》)。
    Article 4 The State Administration for Commodity Inspection shall, in the light of the needs in the development of foreign trade, make, adjust and publish a List of Import and Export Commodities Subject to Inspection by the Commodity Inspection Authorities (hereinafter referred to as the List of Commodities).
  • 第二 在中华人民共和国境内从事地震监测预报、地震灾害预防、地震应急、震后救灾与重建等(以下简称防震减灾)活动,适用本法。
    Article 2 This Law shall be applicable to earthquake monitoring and prediction, protection against earthquake disasters, measures for earthquake emergencies, post-earthquake relief and reconstruction, etc. which are carried out within the territory of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as protection against and mitigation of earthquake disasters for short).
  •  第三十二申请人依照专利法第三十的规定办理要求优先权手续的,应当在书面声明中写明第一次提出专利申请(以下称在先申请)的申请日、申请号和受理该申请的国家;
    Rule 32 Where any applicant goes through the formalities of claims priority in accordance with the provisions of Article 30 of the Patent Law, he or it shall, in his or its written declaration, indicate the date and the number of the application which was first filed (hereinafter referred to as the earlier application) and the country in which the application was filed.
  •     (c)尽管有(b)项的规定,如任何一次会议出席的国家不足大会成员国的半数,但达到三分之一或三分之一以上时,大会可以作出决议,但是,除有关其本身的议事程序的决议外,所有其他决议只有符合下述件才能生效。
    Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (b), if, in any session, the number of countries represented is less than one half but equal to or more than one third of the countries members of the Assembly, the Assembly may make decisions but, with the exception of decisions concerning its own procedure, all such decisions shall take effect only if the conditions set forth hereinafter are fulfilled.
  • 第一 为防止动物传染病、寄生虫病和植物危险性病、虫、杂草以及其他有害生物(以下简称病虫害)传入、传出国境,保护农、林、牧,渔业生产和人体健康,促进对外经济贸易的发展,制定本法。
    Article 1 This Law is formulated for the purpose of preventing infectious or parasitic diseases of animals, diseases, insect pests and weeds dangerous to plants, and other harmful organisms (hereinafter referred to, for short, as diseases, insect pests and harmful organisms) from spreading into or out of the country, protecting the production of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery as well as human health, and promoting the development of foreign economic relations and trade.
  • 第二十八例自一九九一年四月一日起施行。
    Article 28 These Regulations hereof become effective as of April 1, 1991.
  • 第三款本限非在国会将其提交各州之日起七年以内,由各州修宪会议依照本宪法规定批准为宪法修正案,否则不发生效力。
    Section 3.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by conventions in the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
  • 第三款本除非在国会将其提交各州之日起七年以内,由各州议会按宪法规定批准为宪法修正案,否则不发生效力。
    Section 3.This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as an amendment to the Constitution by the legislatures of the several States, as provided in the Constitution, within seven years from the date of the submission hereof to the States by the Congress.
  • 第十三已批准的专利代理机构,因情况变化不再符合本例第四规定的件,并在一年内仍不能具备这些件的,原审查的专利管理机关应当建议中国专利局撤销该专利代理机构。
    Article 13 If an approved patent agency no longer meets the conditions stated in Article 4 of these Regulations hereof due to a change of circumstances and will not be able to meet such conditions within 1 year, the authorities that endorsed its opening should propose to CAP that it be canceled as a patent agency.
  • 我们现在同意按你的...月...日来函所提件,任命你为我们的代理。
    We herewith appoint you as our agent at the terms mentioned in your letter of...
  •  第四个人承包应得的个人收益,依照本法规定继承。
    Article 4 Personal benefits accruing from a contract entered into by an individual are heritable in accordance with the provisions of this Law.
  • 这个样品盒的口用密封封着。
    A hermetic seal is used at the top of this sample box.
  • 这个玻璃瓶的口用密封封着。
    A hermetic seal is used at the top of this glass bottle.
  • 那小说中之女主角,一位极为美丽而非凡的女性,经营着一铁路...
    The novel's heroine, a toothsome superwoman who runs a railroad...
  • 鲤科小鱼或其它小的淡水或咸水鱼(尤其是鲱鱼);通常整鱼烹饪。
    minnows or other small fresh- or salt-water fish (especially herring); usually cooked whole.
  • 她那短裙实在是不雅观.
    That short skirt of hers is positively indecent.
  • 超显性杂合了具有产生比纯合子延伸更长或适应性更好的表现型的
    The condition of a heterozygote having a phenotype that is more pronounced or better adapted than that of either homozygote.