  •  (一)在申请日前或者最迟在申请日(有优先权的,指优先权日),该生物材料的样品提交国务院专利行政部门认可的保藏单位保藏,并在申请时或者最迟自申请日起4个月内提交保藏单位出具的保藏证明和存活证明;
    depositing a sample of the biological material with a depositary institution designated by the Patent Administration Department under the State Council before, or at the latest, on the date of filing (or the priority date where priority is claimed), and submit at the time of filing or at the latest, within four months from the filing date, a receipt of deposit and the viability proof from the depository institution;
  • 书籍放在写字桌上。
    He deposited the books on the desk.
  • 晚上贵重物品存入饭店的保险箱内。
    Items of value can be deposited in the hotel safe overnight.
  • 晚上贵重物品存入饭店的保险箱内。
    Item of value can is deposited in the hotel safe overnight.
  • 我们已按你的指示钱存入你的活期存款帐户。
    In accordance with your instructions we have deposited the money in your current account.
  • 留下橡胶机动车从静止状态猛然提升到很高的速度时,车轮旋转,后胎或轮胎便会在路上留下一薄层烧尽的橡胶
    To accelerate suddenly a motor vehicle from a halt to a high speed, thereby spinning the wheels and depositing on the road a thin film of burned rubber from the rear tire or tires.
  • 小赤沙南部也已平整,并预留作军澳地下铁路车厂及综合发展区之用。
    The southern part of Siu Chik Cha has also been formed and is earmarked for a depot for Tseung Kwan O Mass Transit Railway and Composite Development Area.
  • 我们匍伏在地上祈求他不要发怒吗?
    Shall we prostrate ourselves and deprecate his wrath?
  • 因此,人民币升值的压力会减轻,但决不会贬值。
    Looking forward, the pressure on the appreciation of the Renminbi will be reduced, and depreciation is quite unlikely.
  • 一个学生如果没有了书籍,怎么办?
    What will a student do if he were deprived of his books?
  • 如果您不谨慎驾驶,我不得不没收您的执照。
    If you do not drive carefully, I shall be obliged to deprive you of your licence.
  • 一个学生假若没有了书,怎么办?
    What would a student do if he were deprived of his books.
  • 中央电视台科教部《希望——英语杂志》(outlook—englishmagazine)于近期筹备成立“希望英语”俱乐部。
    CCTV Science & Education Dept. Outlook English Magazine, will establish a "Outlook English" club recently.
  • 我不在时,约翰是我的代理人。
    John will be my deputy while I am away.
  • 经理已权力托付给代理人。
    The manager has delegated rights to deputy.
  • 我不在的时候,琼作为我的代理人。
    Jean will be my deputy while I am away.
  • 我度假时我的代理人负责我的事务。
    My deputy attended my affairs while I was on vacation.
  • 女王每年都马送去参赛的马赛
    The monarch raced her horses in the derby each year.
  • 随着加入世贸组织,中国以更加积极的姿态,进一步深化改革,扩大开放,有步骤地推动金融、保险、电信、外贸、内贸、旅游等服务领域的开放,逐步对外商投资实行国民待遇。
    Following the accession, China will take a more active stance in further deepening its reform and opening-up, steadily promoting deregulation in service sectors such as finance, insurance, telecommunication, foreign trade, domestic trade and tourism, and gradually granting national treatment to foreign investors.
  • 将有损你名誉的过失
    An error that will derogate from your reputation.
  • 国王认为召开议会有损他的权力。
    The King felt that summoning a parliament would derogate from his authority.
  • 2.不得上述第1款理解为阻止成员依其他理由拒绝为某些商标注册,只要该其他理由未背离巴黎公约1967年文本的规定。
    2. Paragraph 1 shall not be understood to prevent a Member from denying registration of a trademark on other grounds, provided that they do not derogate from the provisions of the Paris Convention (1967).
  • 那样的行为会毁损他的名誉。
    Such conduct will be derogatory to his reputation.
  • 两年之后,他成为公司董事长兼首席执行官,时年39岁。1998年,他公司改组后成立了现在的vivendi公司。
    Two years later he became chairman and chief executive at the age of 39. He relaunched Generale des Eaux as Vivendi in 1998.
  • 52岁的母亲玛丽·阿尔维把肾捐给了每天都得在医院做透析的儿子彼得,而55岁的父亲德则把肾给了伊丽莎白,她平均每天要做四次透析。
    Mary Alvey, 52, will donate to Peter, who undergoes dialysis at the hospital, Notts. Her husband, Des, 55, is giving a kidney to Elizabeth, who requires dialysis four times every day.
  • 他将详述风景的。
    He is going to descant on the beauties of the scene.
  • 在人类奥秘这个主题上作详细的评论。
    He is going to descant on the theme of our human mystery.
  • 原生物任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中它分为一个单独的界
    Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms, considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems.
  • 你能否将它描述一下?
    Can you describe it?
  • 中国领导人多次申办成功视为世界对中国庄严的信任。
    Chinese leaders describe winning bids as a solemn trust.
  • 报纸上她称为大有前途的青年歌手。
    The newspapers described her as a promising young singer.
  • 她描绘得丝毫不差。
    You've described her to a hair.