  • (文盲在文件上当作签的)十字画押
    Cross made on a document instead of a signature by an illiterate person
  • 林洲也指出,一几乎目不识丁的技工教导4位教育程度良好的人士如何卷烟盒,这封信显示了实践的重要性。
    Lim Chew also draws attention to the practical value and lesson of the letter about the near illiterate mechanic showing 4 well educated people how to use the cigarette rolling tobacco box.
  • 扉页插图在书或杂志的书页前的插图
    An illustration that faces or immediately precedes the title page of a book, book section, or magazine.
  • 为了说明,本文研究了四个著的问题。
    For an illustrative purpose, four well-known problems are studied in this paper.
  • 莎士比亚这个光辉的
    illustrious name of Shakespeare
  • 在封建时代的中国,在竞争激烈的考试中列前茅,是日后官运亨通的必要条件。
    The passing of the competitive examinations was the prerequisite to an illustrious career in officialdom.
  • 以死亡为主题和呼唤言语表达方式而著的法国诗人。
    a French poet noted for macabre imagery and evocative language (1821-1867).
  • 当年dsiay的母亲年青守寡,一手把五子女带大,刻苦栽培,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主内”的中国传统家庭价值观传授给子女。
    Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 当年她的母亲年青守寡,一手把五子女带大,刻苦栽培,让他/她们受高深教育,同时也把“男主外,女主内”的传统家庭价值观传授给子女。
    Let me elaborate. Daisy's mother was widowed when she was very young. She tapped on her resources and talents and single-handedly raised five children, toiling very hard to ensure that they not only had a high education, but also imbibe traditional Chinese values that "men should handle external matters, while women look after the home."
  • 以模仿其它鸟类叫声而著的美洲林莺。
    American warbler noted for imitating songs of other birds.
  • "他是个出色的模仿者,他能扮演所有著的政治家。"
    He is an outstanding imitator and can impersonate all the well-known politicians.
  • 一个著作家、艺术家或者音乐家的劣等的模仿者。
    an inferior imitator of some distinguished writer or artist of musician.
  • 九月二十七日一艘渔船在鸭洲对开海面沉没,3被困船中的人士丧生;
    the immersion of a fishing vessel off Ap Lei Chau on September 27 in which three people trapped inside the vessel were killed;
  • 你不喜欢当一,叫什么来着,移民?
    You do not like is a, now what's the word, immigrant?
  • 你不喜欢当一,叫什么来着,移民?
    You don't like being a, now what's the wordm, immigrant?
  • 虽然整体数字下降,但非法入境儿童的人数却显著增加,由一九九六年的751增至一九九七年的2257
    Despite the overall decrease, the number of illegal immigrant children increased substantially from 751 in 1996 to 2257 in 1997.
  • 先生,帕特里克已露相了。在一篇文章中他流露出他的真正目的是要利用吸收外来移民和贫穷这些问题来败坏以色列的声。
    Sir, Patrick's slip is showing. In an article he reveals that his real aim is to use the problems of immigrant absorption and poverty to besmirch the name of Israel.
  • 年内,该处共招聘了46入境事务主任和201入境事务助理员。
    A total of 46 Immigration Officers and 201 Immigration Assistants were recruited in 1997.
  • 莎士比亚的作品赋予他不朽的声
    Shakespeare's works have given him immortality.
  • 让死者有那不朽的,但让生者有那不朽的爱。
    Let the dead have the immortality of fame, but the living the immortality of love.
  • 使享盛名,使不朽
    To make perpetually famous; immortalize.
  • 动词是行为词汇,比固定的、稳固的词要好多了。
    Verbs are action words, much nicer than stolid, immovable nouns.
  •  (五)国家规定的自然保护区、重要风景区,国家重点保护的不能移动的历史文物和胜古迹所在地;
    nature reserves and important scenic spots designated by the State, major sites of immovable historical relics and places of historical interest and scenic beauty that are under State protection; and
  • 法国的国际商事仲裁协会以办事公正而闻
    The International Commercial Arbitration Association of France is well-know for its impartiality.
  • 你算知道,中国商检局的公正全球闻
    And as you may know, China Commodity Inspection Bureau enjoys international reputation for impartiality.
  • 于是,里查德·尼克松,这位唯一因受到弹劾威胁而辞职的美国总统,后来却因在对华政策上所显示出的才能而成了一资深政治家。
    Thus, Richard Nixon, the only U.S.president ever to resign under threat of impeachment,became an elder statesman in his later years on the strength of his China policies.
  • 他为他出身于门望族而骄傲。
    He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.
  • 性接触的渴望协迫性太强,使得人常不顾一切冒死投入,罔顾誉。
    So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it.
  • 身份证上必须有你的亲笔签
    It's imperative that your signature appear on your identification card.
  • 他能饰演许多著政治家的角色.
    He can impersonate many well-known politicians.
  • 他模仿所有有的政治家达到维妙维肖的地步。
    He impersonates all the well-known politicians exactly right.
  • 他能饰演许多着政治家的角色.
    He can impersonate many well known politicians.