  • 飛機大約五鐘後就起飛。
    The plane will be taking off in approximately five minutes.
  • 這個練習花費大約10鐘的時間。
    This exercise takes approximately 10 minutes.
  • 兩個基本相等部之一。
    one of two (approximately) equal parts.
  • 與舊的類中的中央苔座目大致相當。
    corresponds approximately to the older group Centrospermae.
  • 二叉枝式以多次叉或兩個近似相等劃的特點的
    Branching characterized by successive forking into two approximately equal divisions.
  • 他自己完成了這項工作的三之一。
    it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement.
  • 用於原來的類係統中;與中央胎座目基本同義。
    used in former classification systems; approximately synonymous with order Caryophyllales.
  • 在正常情況下ap的這種狀態可持續近2鐘。
    An AP remains in this state for approximately 2 minutes under normal conditions.
  • 光在真空中一鐘內所走的距離。
    the distance light travels in a vacuum in one minute; approximately 18 million kilometers.
  • 當概率小而試驗次數大時逼近二項式布的一個理論布。
    a theoretical distribution that is a good approximation to the binomial distribution when the probability is small and the number of trials is large.
  • 膨脹一收縮是運動的基本形式之一。正如恩格斯所說:“所以一切運動的基本形式都是接近和離,收縮和膨脹——簡言之,是吸引和排斥這一古老的兩極對立。
    Expansion-contraction is one of the basic form of motion, as Engels said: "Hence the basic form of all motion is approximation and separation, contraction and expansion -- in short, the old polar opposites of attraction and repulsion.
  • 第二批期支付的款項於4月13日到期。
    2nd installment is in April 13
  • 第二批期支付的款項於4月13日到期
    2nd installment re in april 13
  • 圍裙上部,工裝褲上部圍裙的一部或工裝褲胸前的部
    The part of an apron or pair of overalls worn over the chest.
  • 中堂永遠一成不變地成兩個殿,交叉成十字形,上頂端圓弧形後殿是訓練唱詩班的地方;
    There are, invariably, two naves, which intersect in a cross, and whose upper portion, rounded into an apse, forms the choir;
  • 長方形廊柱大廳古羅馬的一種公共建築,中央有一個正廳,在一邊或兩邊的末端和兩邊的通道是由幾排柱子隔的半圓形室,它曾用作法庭或公衆集會的場所
    A public building of ancient Rome having a central nave with an apse at one or both ends and two side aisles formed by rows of columns, which was used as a courtroom or assembly hall.
  • 我們認為按水平班,更便於教師因材施教。
    We think it will be benefit to teach students in accordance with their aptitude to assign the class according to the students' aptitude.
  • 香港教育制度的首要目標,應是培育學生各方面的才能,因此,我們必須評估現時在中三把學生流入讀理科和文科班的做法,並檢討如采用較多元化的綜合課程,會否更有效地達緻我們的目標。
    The over-riding objective of our education system should be to groom all-round achievers. In this connection, we have to evaluate the current practice of streaming students into science and arts classes at Secondary three, and ask ourselves whether or not a more broad-based and integrated curriculum would achieve our objective more aptly.
  • 第九條 國傢鼓勵全民所有製單位、集體所有製單位和個人充利用適於養殖的水面、灘塗,發展養殖業。
    Article 9 The state shall encourage units under ownership by the whole people, units under collective ownership and individuals to make the best use of suitable water surfaces and tidal flats to develop aquaculture.
  • 肉類和水産品總産量別為5354萬噸和3561萬噸,畜牧和水産養殖業已成為農村經濟的增長點和農民增加收入的重要來源。
    The total output of meat came to 53.54 million tons and aquatic products to 35.61 million tons. Animal husbandry and aquaculture have become significant points for rural economic growth and a major source of the increase in farmer' incomes.
  • 簡單幾近無莖淡水水生植物;廣泛布。
    simple nearly stemless freshwater aquatic plants; widely distributed.
  • 第四十三條 在開採多層地下水的時候,如果各含水層的水質差異大,應當層開採;
    Article 43 In exploiting ground water from multiple aquifers, layered exploitation shall be resorted to if the water quality differs greatly from one aquifer to another.
  • 按付款當日價格計算,整個機場核心計劃的成本預算為1,553億元,其中新機場、機鐵和西隧的預算成本別為702億元、340億元和65億元,而其他7個由政府斥資進行的項目,預算成本則是446億元。
    The ACP is projected to cost $155.3 billion in money-of-the-day values. Of this amount, the estimates for the new airport, AR and WHC are $70.2billion, $34 billion and $6.5 billion respectively, and $44.6 billion for the seven other government ACP projects.
  • 阿拉伯半島被英國人瓜了。
    The Arab peninsula was partitioned by the British.
  • 麥地那位於北非的一阿拉伯城市的舊城部
    The old section of an Arab city in North Africa.
  • 經過談判,恐怖子被告知將派飛機把他們和人質送往一個阿拉伯國傢。
    After some negotiations, the terrorists were told they would be flown with their hostages to an Arab country.
  • 非洲赤道以南地區的屬於或關於包括非洲和大部阿拉伯的動物地理學區域的
    Of or relating to the zoogeographic region that includes Africa and most of Arabia.
  • 亞丁以前為英國的殖民地及阿拉伯半島南部的一個保護國,1967年以後是南也門(現也門)的一部
    A former British colony and protectorate of southern Arabia, part of Southern Yemen(now Yemen) since1967.
  • 位於印度洋岸阿拉伯半島西南角的一個共和國;以前是蘇聯的一部
    a republic on the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula on the Indian Ocean; formerly Southern Yemen.
  •  請求書、說明書、權利要求書、附圖和摘要應當別用阿拉伯數字順序編號。
    The request, description, claims, drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.
  • 巴基斯坦的官方文學語言;接近於印地語;在印度廣泛地使用(大部是穆斯林);以阿拉伯手跡所寫。
    the official literary language of Pakistan, closely related to Hindi; widely used in India (mostly by Moslems); written in Arabic script.
  • 假設美國的情報組織能夠搜集到足夠的證據,而每一項證據都指嚮和奧薩馬有聯繫的阿拉伯裔恐怖子,那世界上其他國傢所能做的便非常有限,衹能擔心美國的反擊會帶來怎樣的強烈衝擊。
    Assuming that the US secret services had done their homework and every single factor incriminates terrorists of Arabic descent with links to Osama bin Laden, the world could do little but fear backlash by the Bush administration.