  • 有些人是非常爱护家的财物。
    Some men cherish the state's propertiesvery very much.
  • 让我们继续努力完成正在从事的事业,包扎好国家的创伤,去做能在我们自己中间和与一切国家之间缔造并保持正持久和平的一切事情。
    Let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation-s wounds, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
  • 搬离旧家已十四年,但当年在15层楼高长长的共走廊上的温馨回忆,却依然清晰地印在脑海里。
    IT HAS been 14 years since my family moved out of our old flat, but I still cherish a vivid and sweet memory of life in the long common corridor high on the 15th floor.
  • 我们到园去看日本樱花。
    We went to the park to see Japanese cherry blossoms.
  • 爵樱桃介于甜与酸樱桃之间的一种樱桃
    A type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry.
  • 但这家餐馆离我的办室很远,所以我就穿上雨衣,跑过街道,改到对面的皮埃尔饭店去了。
    But it's a long way to Chester's from my office, so I put on my raincoat and ran across the street of Pierre's instead.
  • 今年(指2000--编者注)3月,生产切斯特菲尔德和云雀牌香烟的利格特集团承认吸烟使人上瘾并会引发癌症,并且同意向22个州支付总额为7.5亿美元的赔偿金,这22个州提起了诉讼,要求烟草司向治疗与吸烟有关的疾病的医疗补助制度进行赔偿。
    In March, the Liggett Group, makers of Chesterfield and Lark brand cigarettes, admitted that cigarettes were addictive and cause cancer and agreed to pay about $750 million total to 22 states that had filed suit to force tobacco companies to pay for Medicaid for smoking-related illnesses.
  • 鲁和齐是中国春秋时代(元前七二二——前四八一)的两个国家。
    Lu and Chi were two feudal states in the Spring and Autumn Era (722-481 B.C.).
  • 春秋时候,鲁与齐(28)战,鲁庄起初不待齐军疲惫就要出战,后来被曹刿阻止了,采取了“敌疲我打”的方针,打胜了齐军,造成了中国战史中弱军战胜强军的有名的战例。
    During the Spring and Autumn Era, when the states of Lu and Chi[28] were at war, Duke Chuang of Lu wanted to attack before the Chi troops had tired themselves out, but Tsao Kuei prevented him. When instead he adopted the tactic of "the enemy tires, we attack", he defeated the Chi army. This is a classic example from China's military history of a weak force defeating a strong force.
  • 上海爱国领袖,指当时在上海领导抗日爱国运动的全国救国会负责人沈钧儒、章乃器、邹韬奋、李朴、王造时、沙千里、史良等。
    They were Shen Chun-ju, Chang Nai-chi, Tsou Tao-fen, Li Kung-pu, Sha Chien-li, Shih Liang and Wang Tsao-shih.
  • 西九龙快速路连接西区海底隧道与荔枝角,全长4.2里,为西九龙填海区的发展提供服务,并有助纾缓区内现有道路的压力。
    The West Kowloon Expressway runs 4.2 kilometres from the WHC to Lai Chi Kok. It serves developments on the West Kowloon Reclamation and helps relieve pressure on existing local roads.
  • 元502年到556年的梁朝史官编纂的《梁书》中写道:齐朝(元499年)有一个名叫慧深的中国和尚去扶桑国宣扬佛教,“扶桑”在大汉国以东20,000里7,000英里)。
    It was written in the Great Chinese Encyclopedia, compiled by the court historian of the Liang emperors from 502 to 556, that there was a Chinese Buddhist missionary, named Hui Shen, who went to a Kingdom of Fu sang during Chi Dynasty (499 A.D.) and that that country was 20,000 li(7,000 miles) to the east of Tahan.
  • 伊斯利投资了20万美金把一座体育馆改建成了这个酒店,并雄心勃勃要把他独特的高雅奢华宠物理念推出拉斯维加斯,推向全世界,并使司上市。
    Easley, who spent some $200,000 converting a gym into the resort, is ready to bet his concept of luxury pet chic will catch on outside of Sin City, dreaming of expanding the concept nationwide, and then taking the company public.
  • 与菊苣近缘的小型草本植物的一个属;矮小蒲英。
    small herbs closely related to chicory: dwarf dandelions.
  • 喂,是总工程师办室吗?
    Hello. Is this chief engineer's office?
  • 培养遵纪守法、夫妻和睦、敬老爱幼的社会德和家庭美德,形成少生快富、男女平等、晚婚晚育等科学、文明、进步的婚育观、家庭观和养老观,增强全民人口意识。
    People should be encourged to develop social moralities and family virtues that include abiding by law, harmony of couples, respect for the old and love for the young. By doing so, we intend to cultivate the national sense of population and develop a scientific, culturally advanced concept of marriage, family and support for the old. Included in such concept are becoming well-to-do based on fewer children, equality between men and women, and late marriage and late childbearing.
  • 应当看到,在中国尤其是在农村地区、落后地区和边远地区,一部分育龄夫妇的生育意愿同现行的计划生育政策要求有一定距离,在计划生育工作中也难免会有这样那样的缺点,但是,由于计划生育政策从根本上符合中国绝大多数人的利益,而且在实际执行过程中,注意照顾一部分群众的实际困难和正当要求,坚决维护民的合法权益,因而计划生育政策得到了广大人民群众的理解和认同。
    We should see that in China, especially in rural, backward and remote areas, there is a gap between the desire for childbirth of some couples of childbearing age and the demand of the present family planning policy, and shortcomings of one kind or another are unavoidable in family planning work. However, as the family planning policy fundamentally conforms to the interests of the majority of the Chinese people and, during its actual implementation, the actual difficulties and reasonable demands of some people have been taken into consideration and the legal rights and interests of the citizens are strongly protected, the family planning policy has won understanding and recognition from the broad masses of the people.
  • 无疑地,最好,最有功于众的事业是出自无妻或无子的人的;
    Certainly, the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men;
  • 所以是能为众献身人,应当是不被家室所累的人。因为只有这种人,才能够把他的全部爱情和财产,都奉献给唯一的情人——众。
    Certainly the best works, and of greatest merit for the public, have proceeded from the unmarried or childless men; which both in affection and means, have married and endowed the public.
  • 我们乘共汽车去唐人街。
    Let's go to Chinatown by bus.
  • 演说角落将于八月底前,在牛车水芳林园内辟设。
    By the end of August, an area of Hong Lim Park in Chinatown will be designated as the Speakers' Corner.
  • 演说角落将于八月底前,在牛车水芳林园内辟设,让新加坡民毋须申请共娱乐准证,便可以开演说,使这个五十年代曾见证最激烈政治斗争、最精彩的政治演讲的芳林园,再次肩负一个新时代的使命。
    By the end of August, an area of Hong Lim Park in Chinatown will be designated as the Speakers' Corner. Citizens of Singapore will be able to make speeches there without having to apply for a permit from the Public Entertainment Licensing Unit.This will give a new lease of life to Hong Lim Park, which witnessed the most heart-stirring political strife and brilliant orations during the 1950s.
  • 他们司的值钱而又红利稳。
    The shares of their company are blue chip.
  • 应用数码解决方案司正在宣传"植入芯片"的新概念。
    Applied Digital Solutions--which is trademarking the phrase"Get Chipped!"
  • 经理逐渐修改司的做法。
    The director chipped away at the firm's methods.
  • 微软司(Microsoft)一位主管Excel的产品经理希金斯说:"我们正逐渐地削弱一个首要的竞争者。在这一行业里市场占有率颇为重要。"
    "We're chipping away at a very dominant competitor where market share means a lot, " said Peter Higgins, a Microsoft product manager in charge of Excel.
  • 微软司(microsoft)一位主管excel的产品经理希金斯说:“我们正逐渐地削弱一个首要的竞争者。在这一行业里市场占有率颇为重要。”
    "We're chipping away at a very dominant competitor where market share means a lot," said Peter Higgins, a Microsoft product manager in charge of Excel.
  • 英特尔司尚未透露其铜芯片计划。
    Intel Corp. has not disclosed its plans for copper chips.
  • 司设法骗我的加班费。
    The firm found a way to chisel out of my overtime pay.
  • 司找到了一个办法把他的超时加班费克扣掉。
    The firm found a way to chisel him out of his overtime pay.
  • gerstner不是一个闲谈的人,也不是一个众礼节完善的人,轻拍后背也不是他的风格。
    Gerstner isn't one for chitchat--or the finer points of corporate etiquette. Pats on the back aren't his style, either.
  • 中世纪君主,王的战士骑士团的模范人物;英雄的战士
    A paragon of chivalry; a heroic champion.