  • 结果,由于主要跨区交通走廊堵塞,巴士车程仍长时受到阻延。
    As a result, buses still suffer significant delays due to traffic congestion in major inter-district traffic corridors.
  • 海上聚会鲸群或老捕鲸者之的集会,尤指在海上
    A herd of whales or a social congregation of whalers, especially at sea.
  • 在代表大会期我们提出了32份报告。
    During the Congress we presented32 reports.
  • 他们尽量安排好各自的时表,以便周末3天能在查帕阔共同度过。这位前总统一个月大约会两次飞往华盛顿探望希拉里。在那里,作为议员的配偶,他会到海军俱乐部打高尔夫球,并保持低调。
    They try to arrange their schedules to overlap for three-day weekends in Chappaqua, and roughly twice a month when the former president takes the US Airways shuttle to Washington, where he plays golf as a congressional spouse at the Army Navy Club and keeps a low profile.
  • 预言与事实之偶然的一致
    the occasional congruity between prophecy and fact
  • 犬牙,犬齿位于门牙和第一颗前磨牙之的锋利圆锥形牙齿
    One of the pointed, conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.
  • 法国大革命期及年前的美国人们戴着作为自由象征的一种贴头的锥形帽。
    close-fitting conical cap worn as a symbol of liberty during the French Revolution and in the U.S. before 1800.
  • 犬齿的门牙和第一颗前磨牙之的锋利锥形牙的、与犬齿相关的或位于犬齿的
    Of, relating to, or being one of the pointed conical teeth located between the incisors and the first bicuspids.
  • 婚姻的与婚姻或婚姻状况有关的;夫妻
    Relating to marriage or the married state; conjugal.
  • 实际上,他们是夫妇,是新一代工作狂的一份子,双方日程满得相冲突,都工作到很晚,他们惟一能聊聊天及行使夫妻权利的指望就是在周末来个约会。
    In fact, they're married. They a re part of a new generation of workaholics with clashing schedules and long work ing hours, whose only hope of a chat and some conjugal rights to meet up at the end of the week.
  • 通常和抗体结合用于接萤光免疫检验法的一种荧光染料。
    a fluorochrome commonly conjugated with antibodies for use in indirect immunofluorescence.
  • “when”是一个时连接词。
    "When" is a temporal conjunction.
  • 该词是表示时的连词。
    The word is a temporal conjunction.
  • 表示词或概念之的关系的一种语言单位,如英语中的and、with、not等连词。
    A linguistic unit that indicates relationships between words or ideas; a conjunction such as and, with, not.
  • 以恒星位置为基准月球在轨道上公转一周的平均时,即/天。
    period between successive conjunctions with a star, 27.322 days.
  • 一刹那魔术师从杯中取出一只鸟。
    In the twinkling of an eye, the conjurer pulled a bird out of a cup.
  • 在康涅狄格州西港一家室内设计公司做事的森德克称,新的时表“既讨厌,又麻烦。”
    Nancy Sendecke, who works for an interior design concern in Westport, Conn., called the new scheduling a "pain in the neck."
  • 听到有人把他们俩扯在一起,我感到很惊奇,我以前从未想到过他们之有什麽关系。
    I was surprised to hear them mentioned together: I've never connected them before.
  • 这两架班机在时上互相衔接。
    These two planes connect.
  • 那两个房以走廊连接。
    The two rooms connect by a corridor.
  • 人们之相互联系的状态。
    a state of connectedness between people (especially an emotional connection).
  • “大中华”指的是一个面积比中国国土还小的中国,之所以称为“大”中华是指它与其他区域之的联系和共同的经济活力。
    This Greater China view sees a China that is actually physically smaller than China proper, but called "Greater" because of the outer regions which share in economic vitality and inter-connectedness.
  • 位于长岛和美国康涅狄格之的一个海峡。
    a sound between Long Island and Connecticut.
  • 特朗布尔,约拿丹1710-1785美国政治家,曾经任康涅狄格殖民地总督,独立战争期为大陆军提供给养及支持
    A town of southwest Connecticut north of Bridgeport. It is a residential community with varied industries. Population,32, 016.
  • 他们在旅馆租到两相连的房
    They got two connecting rooms in the hotel.
  • 壁连接两个类似结构的围墙
    An enclosing wall connecting two towers or similar structures.
  • 到那儿后我们有时办理换车手续吗?
    Will there be enough time for our connecting train?
  • 这两个概念之有何联系?
    What is the connection between the two ideas?
  • 他们之没有什么关系。
    There is no connection between them.
  • 人与人地与地之的相互连接。
    a connection allowing access between persons or places.
  • (通常用于复数)相互交易或人与人之的联系。
    (usually plural) mutual dealings or connections among persons or groups.
  • 齿轮隙由于齿轮或其它机械装置之的连接处松动而造成的
    The play resulting from loose connections between gears or other mechanical elements.