  • 记下到此目录的路径,因为它会被用来安其它机器,这些机器可能使用网络安选项。
    Record the path to this directory as it will is used to install the other machine using the network install option.
  • 喂,我想在房子里安电话。
    Hello, I'd like to install a telephone in my apartment.
  • 我们会派职员于下星期一替你安电话。
    Our man will come to install your phone next Monday.
  • 正确安和使用winaip软件,需要满足以下要求:
    To properly install and use WinAIP software requires the following:
  • 应该在所有的pop机上安x11。
    You shall install x11 on all of the pop machine.
  • 那些人今天下午要来暖气设备吗?
    Are the men coming to install the heating apparatus this afternoon?
  • 如webstarter1.1安指南所述,安webstarter软件。
    Install the webstarter software as describe in the webstarter1.1 installation guide.
  • 在使用动力电话前应该已经安了windowsnt*4。0版。
    The power phone shall come with window nt* version 4.0 already install.
  • 其它机器时,在必要的时候修改用于网络安的设置
    Modify the install set for network installing the other machine as required
  • 只要有要求,上门服务人员就可在你的房间里置电视机。
    Room service will install a TV set in your room upon demand.
  • 线务员雇佣来修电话线、电报线或电线网的工人
    A person employed to install or repair telephone, telegraph, or electric power lines.
  • 如果空间不是一个问题,那么就安它们,因为它们是很有用的
    If space is not an issue install them, as they are very useful
  • 在所有的动力电话上安netseatdceclientruntimekit。
    Install the netseat dce client run time kit on all the power phone.
  • 新电话系统我们必须预先付款。
    We have to pay in advance to have the new telephone system install.
  • 他花了许多钱给房子上现代设备。
    He has spent a lot of money to install modern equipment for the house.
  • 在试图安软件时,请确保硬件没有问题。
    Make sure no hardware problems are present when you try to install the software.
  • 然后返回并选择在每台机器上安附加的服务器。
    Then go back and choose to install additional server on each of the machine.
  • 从电话线路上窃取搭线窃听,或偷录置或用它监视通话内容
    To install a concealed listening or recording device or use it to monitor communications.
  • 它的确提供除ad3以外系统上pop指定的软件的安信息。
    It do provide information of the installation of pop specific software on system other than ad3.
  • 预浇的,预铸的与建筑结构有关的或处于其中的(尤指水泥),在运到安地点以前就已浇铸成形的
    Relating to or being a structural member, especially of concrete, that has been cast into form before being transported to its site of installation.
  • 你方生产的产品价格将正好补偿我方提供的设备及安生产线的费用。
    The price of these product will just compensate the cost of equipment and installation of the line.
  • 机械设备的安工程;
    Installation of machinery and equipment;
  • 建筑安工程预算定额
    estimate norms of construction and installation
  • 建筑安工程概算定额
    preliminary estimate norms of construction and installation
  • 军备仓库存放军事备及物资的仓库
    A storage installation for military equipment and supplies.
  • 建筑安企业经营方式
    forms of operation of construction and installation enterprise
  • 电话安仅需要几分钟。
    the telephone installation took only a few minutes.
  • 设新收费表的工程将于一九九八年四月展开。
    Installation of the new meters will start in April 1998.
  • 多数情况下安是自动运行的。
    Most of the time, the installation will be automatic.
  • 你可以在windows95安盘1上找到此文件
    You can find the file on Windows 95 installation disk1
  • 之前有没有什么准备工作需要我们做?
    Be there any preparation work we can do before installation?
  • 淋浴器只花了几分钟时间。
    The installation of the shower only take a few minutes.