  • 小麦市场的圆顶是规模巨大的一顶国赛马骑手的鸭舌帽。
    The dome of the wheat market is an English jockey cap, on a grand scale.
  • 他经常慢慢跑以减轻6尺1寸身躯上的194磅的体重。
    He has been jogging regularly to trim down the 194 pounds on his six-foot-one-inch frame.
  • 约翰尼在这笔交易中赔了10镑。
    Johnny is 10 pounds out of pocket.
  • 约翰被法庭罚款500镑。
    John was mulcted in??500 by the court.
  • 约翰逊先生的本国语是语。
    Mr. Johnson's native language is English.
  • 1972年国脱离欧洲自由贸易联盟, 加入了欧洲经济共同体.
    In 1972 Britain left EFTA and joined the EEC.
  • 她已加入国陆军妇女队。
    She has joined the WRACs.
  • 国自从加入共同市场以来, 与欧洲的贸易大增.
    Since joining the Common Market, Britain's trade with Europe has greatly increased.
  • 玩笑归玩笑,你能游十五里吗
    All joking aside, can you swim15 miles?
  • 1970年代后期,我在一家福利机构工作,我的文化震荡来自我的同事,他们讲的是华语,掺一点点不合语法的语,此外,他们的想法跟我有很大的差别。
    I received a jolt in the late 1970s when I landed a position in a community service organisation. It was a cultural shock to work with colleagues who spoke mainly in Mandarin or ungrammatical English; and who exhibited mind-sets quite different from my own.
  • 我听过的最动人的赞赏来自前驻国大使约瑟夫·乔特。
    The most loving compliment I’ve ever heard of was given by Joseph Choate, former ambassador to Great Britain.
  • 她在读<国医学杂志>。
    She's reading the British Medical Journal.
  • 去年12月《美国医学协会学报》和《新格兰医学杂志》公布的两项规模稍小的研究结果,都得出了类似的结论。
    Two smaller studies, published last December in the Journal of the American medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine, came to similar conclusions.
  • 那个词不是正式文,它是新闻文体(中的词)。
    That word is not English. It's journalese.
  • 英国新闻事业
    journalism in United Kingdom
  • 信天翁每一或二年繁殖一次,为了喂养孩子,他们跋涉数千里去觅食。
    Albatrosses breed once every one or two years. While rearing youngsters, parents undergo journeys of thousands of miles to find food.
  • 美国有成千上万里的免费高速公路。快速干道和收费高速公路。因为车速限制在每小时55里,所以快速行车是不可能的,除非驾车者准备冒支付一大笔罚金的风险。
    There are thousands of miles of freeways, expressways and turnpikes, yet rapid journeys are not possible unless the driver is prepared to risk a heavy fine, for there is a speed limit of 55 mph.
  • 这位提坦巨人坚忍不拔地忍受着煎熬,因为他知道在第十三代时就会有一个雄——朱庇特的亲儿子——来解救他。果然不爽,时候一到雄真的来了。
    In his steadfastness to withstand the torment the Titan was supported by the knowledge that in the thirteenth generation there should arrive a hero,- sprung from Jove himself,- to release him.
  • 学习语是我的最大乐趣。
    Learning English is my great joy.
  • 看看在女皇登基50周年纪念和世界杯球赛期间,年轻人们对自己国家的态度就知道了。"
    It will be interesting to see how the Jubilee and the World Cup have affected young people's attitudes to their country."
  • 一个明和正直的法官。
    a wise and upright judge.
  • 格兰,法官由大法官委派。
    In England, judges are appointed by the lord chancellor.
  • 在过去的属印度,地区长官有审判权.
    In British India, district commissioners had judicial powers.
  • 司法官中世纪时国的高级司法官员
    A high judicial officer in medieval England.
  • 国是司法部首脑和上议院发言人的内阁大臣。
    the British cabinet minister who is head of the judiciary and Speaker of the House of Lords.
  •  第九条香港特别行政区的行政机关、立法机关和司法机关,除使用中文外,还可使用文,文也是正式语文。
    Article 9 In addition to the Chinese language, English may also be used as an official language by the executive authorities, legislature and judiciary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  • 词典出版经理朱迪-佩萨尔说:"我们一直非常关注这些正以惊人速度涌现出来的缩略语。而这些缩略语已经具有相当的影响力,我们理应把它当作语不可缺少的一个组成部分。"
    "We have been monitoring the phenomenal growth of text messaging with great attention: its influence is now such that we felt it was time to treat it as an integral part of English," said the dictionary's publishing manager, Judy Pearsall.
  • 那最后3里要花很长时间才走完。
    The last three miles took the longest time to do it by a jugful.
  • 二到三寸的热带水果,果肉多汁,使人想起桃子和菠萝。
    two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples.
  • 1935年10月1日,朱丽叶.伊里莎白.威尔丝出生在国泰吾士河畔的瓦尔顿。
    Julia Elizabeth Wells was born in Walton-on-Thames, England, on October 1st 1935.
  • 由于25年前朱莉娅·莫利提出了"美丽与目的同行"这一主题,到目前为止,世界小姐比赛已经筹集了数百万镑的资金。
    It has now raised incredible millions of pounds thanks to the theme " Beauty with a Purpose" that was created by Julia Morley 25 years ago.
  • 朱利叶斯。路透出生在德国,但最后他在伦敦落户,成为了一个国人。
    Julius Reuter was born a German, but he finally settled in London and became an English man.