  • 是的,我虔诚到总是把收入的十分之一奉献教会。
    Yes, I'm so religious that I always donate ten percent of my income to the church.
  • 是的,我如此虔诚以至于我总是把收入的十分之一奉献教会。
    Yes , I am so religious that I always donate ten percent of my income to the church.
  • 还有好几年前,我国收藏家刘作俦的名贵书画,准备把它捐献博物馆时,因条件谈不拢,只好转送香港。港方为他建立了纪念馆,妥善保存珍藏,传为佳话。
    A few years back, local collector Low Chuck Tiew wanted to donate some priceless paintings to the National Museum, but when they could not reach an agreement, he decided to give the artworks to the Hong Kong Museum of Art which went on to build a gallery to house them.
  • 捐给医院的钱
    a donation of money to the hospital
  •  (三)将个人收藏的重要文物捐献国家的;
    donation of important cultural relics in one's own collection to the state;
  • 不用要求哈里饥饿的孩子们捐赠些东西,他是个无情感的家伙。
    There's no point in asking Harry for a donation for starving children; he's as hard as nails.
  • 这把他给毁了。
    That has done him.
  • 我不太清楚,我想我是在东安?上的什么地方。我是在一家书店你打的电话。
    I do not know exactly. I think I am somewhere on dong a road. I am calling you from a bookstore.
  • 几星期后,生活恢复了正常。这时,唐娜意识到自己予了玛丽极大的支持,却根本未曾在自己失意的时候予自己以同样的支持。
    Several weeks later,when life began to return to normal,Donna realized that the level of support she had given Mary far exceeded any support she had offered herself during her dark time.
  • 同种异体移植物接受体与供体同种但遗传上不同的组织移植
    A graft of tissue obtained from a donor genetically different from, though of the same species as the recipient.
  • 血浆除去法从捐献者的血液中提取血浆,将剩余的成份,大多数是红细胞,返还献血者的一种方法
    A process in which plasma is taken from donated blood and the remaining components, mostly red blood cells, are returned to the donor.
  • 他的妹妹,15岁的苏珊是通过另一位捐精者孕育的。她最近写了一篇非常感人的文章,表示她对那个"了我生命和父母巨大欢乐"的男子很感兴趣。
    His sister, Susannah, 15, conceived through another sperm donor, recently wrote touchingly of her interest in the man who " gave me life and my parents great joy".
  • 那天我兄弟把doom这个游戏介绍我玩,这是我第一次我这个多人游戏,我立刻被深深吸引住了。
    Since that fateful day of playing my first multiplayer game of Doom,I've been hooked.
  • 手头总需备些糖果或一分的硬币施舍那些穿着奇装异服、扮作妖怪的小矮人,这些小矮人上门要求“些糖果”。
    Candies or pennies should always be on hand to dole out to the oddly dressed midgets, doubling for goblins, who ring his doorbell and demand "Trick or treat".
  • 看门人留了个话。
    He left a message to the doorman.
  • 了门嘥一些钱,终於得以进入旅馆。
    He finally gained entry to the hotel by giving some money to the doorman.
  • 当门卫(夜总会等)当门卫
    To serve as a doorman or doorwoman of(a nightclub, for example).
  • 请把钥匙交那看门的人,他会我的。
    Please hand over the key to the doorman. He will give it to me.
  • 把你的箱子送看门人,他会照料送到你的房间的。
    Hand your cases over to the doorman he will see that they are delivered to your room.
  • 她的手指给门夹了.
    She nipped her finger in the door, ie between the door and the doorpost.
  • 我们睡在门口的狗绊了一脚。
    We stumbled over a dog sleeping in our doorway.
  • 医生我服用了各种药品以求控制住发烧。
    The doctor has doped me up with all sorts of medicine to try to control the fever.
  • 送丽丝到我们这来,时间长短由你来定;我们俩都很喜爱她,她会我们家带来欢乐的。
    Send Doris to us for as long as you like; we're both so fond of her, and she's an angel of light in the house.
  • 那边就是你们住的宿舍。
    Over there stands the dormitory for you to live in.
  • 另附,张蕾小姐将从加州洛杉矶你寄来肆拾美元的宿舍押金。
    I remain PS.40 dollars dormitory deposit will be advanced to you by Miss Zhang Lei in Los Angeles, California.
  • 让事情象这样吧:我会对一个姑娘说:“请把你的水罐拿下来,好让我喝点水!如果她回答说:‘请喝吧,我还你的骆驼也喝点水。’那她就是你预定要你的仆人以撒迎娶的姑娘。”
    Let it be like this: I shall say to a girl, "please lower your jar so that I may drink; and if she answered, "Drink, and I will water your camels also", that would be the girl whom thou dost intend for thy servant Isaac."
  • 让事情象这样吧:我会对一个姑娘说:“请把你的水罐拿下来,好让我喝点水!如果她回答说:‘请喝吧,我还你的骆驼也喝点水。’那她就是你预定要你的仆人以撒迎娶的姑娘。”
    Let it be like this: I shall say to a girl,"please lower your jar so that I may drink; and if she answered,"Drink, and I will water your camels also", that would be the girl whom thou dost intend for thy servant Isaac."
  • 请稍等,我马上回来……您收据,请您在虚线这里签个字。
    Wait a minute please. I'll be back right away... Here is the receipt sir, could you put your John Hancock on the dotted line here?
  • 里德工作得很好,他们他工资加了一倍。
    Reed worked so well that they doubled his wages.
  • 我两杯双倍量的威士忌。
    Give me two double whiskeys.
  • 我要你加倍的薪水。
    I will double your salary.
  • 她因掉了她祖母她的那对耳环中的一只而伤心。
    She is sad to having losed a doublet of the earrings given to her by her grandmother.