  • 现在感恩节有鲜亮的菊花,圣诞节有粉色的一品红,复活节有色的百合,生日时有天鹅绒般红色的玫瑰。
    Now there were bright -- orange mums for thanksgiving and a huge pink poinsett ia at christmas, white lilies at Easter, and velvety red roses for birthdays.
  • 她证明她自己是清的。
    She proves that it is pure that herself is.
  • 茅一种东半球多年生的草(印度茅属),作为杂草广泛分布于温暖地区,盖层顶用
    An Old World perennial grass(Imperata cylindrica), widespread as a weed in warm regions and used for thatching.
  • 我们的房子是色的,他们的是褐色的。
    Our house is white ; theirs is brown.
  • 神学家那么注意拯救的问题,那么不注意快乐的问题,所以他们对于将来,只能告诉我们说有一个渺茫的天堂;当我们问道:我们在那边要做什么呢,我们在天堂要怎样得到快乐呢,他们只能给我们一些很渺茫的观念,如唱诗,穿衣裳之类。
    Theological minds are so much occupied with salvation, and so little with happiness, that all -they can tell us about the future is that there will be a vague heaven, and when questioned about what we are going to do there and how we are going to be happy in heaven, they have only ideas of the vaguest sort, such as singing hymns and wearing white robes.
  • 如果情况并不这样严重,或者情况的严重性简直使红军连在根据地也无法开始反攻,或者反攻不利需要再退以求局势之变化时,那末,把退却终点选在区也是应该承认的,至少在理论上是应该承认的,虽然我们过去很少这种经验。
    If the situation is not so serious, or if it is so serious that the Red Army cannot begin its counter-offensive even in the base area, or if the counter-offensive is not going well and a further retreat is necessary to bring about a change in the situation, then we should recognize, theoretically at least, that the terminal point for the retreat may be fixed in a White area, though we have had very little experience of this kind.
  • 但氧气疗法的替代物可在常温下存放数月到数年,并且没有红细胞外表所含的与血型相关的蛋
    But oxygen therapeutics last months to years at room temperatures and lack blood-typing proteins, which are found on the coats of red cells.
  • 生活是一张纸,每个人都在上面写上自己的一两句话。(洛威尔)
    Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two.( A. Lowell)
  • 他们好像明他们做的事情。
    They seem to know what they're doing.
  • 旧大陆的一种落叶的灌木,有色的花簇和鲜红色的小浆果。
    deciduous thicket-forming Old World shrub with clusters of white flowers and small bright red berries.
  • 北极地区毛厚的狐狸;夏季为浅褐色,冬季为色。
    thickly-furred fox of Arctic regions; brownish in summer and white in winter.
  • (特别是用来指马)有洒满色或者灰色的褐色皮毛。
    (used of especially horses) having a brownish coat thickly sprinkled with white or gray.
  • 我不明人们为什么对他评价这么高,他仅仅只在美国教过书,而现在都把他当成了偶像。
    I don't know why people think so highly of him: he only taught in America and now everyone thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread!
  • 肚饥不需加佐料;口渴水当美酒。
    Hunger needs no sauce and thirst turns water into wine.
  • 北美洲西部的蓟,有色绒毛的叶子。
    thistle of western North America having white woolly leaves.
  • 美国中部和东部的一种大而多刺的树木,有羽状的复式叶片和开色花朵的下垂的总状花序,;被广泛移植到温带的许多地区。
    large thorny tree of eastern and central United States having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of white flowers; widely naturalized in many varieties in temperate regions.
  • 欧亚一种有刺的灌木或小乔木,花密集、簇生、色至红色,果深红色;在北美东部成为逸生种。
    thorny Eurasian shrub of small tree having dense clusters of white to scarlet flowers followed by deep red berries; established as an escape in eastern North America.
  • 厅英国伦敦的一条宽阔大道,南北走向,位于特拉法尔加广场与议会大厦之间,根据怀特霍尔宫而命名(1529年-1698年),是英国法庭的主要所在地,以其为政府办公机构所在地而著名
    A wide thoroughfare in London, England, running north and south between Trafalgar Square and the Houses of Parliament. Named after Whitehall Palace(1529-1698), the chief residence of the Court of London, it is noted for its government offices.
  • 片段在胶片或磁带尾部的空段,用来装片或卷片
    A blank strip at the end of a film or tape used in threading or winding.
  • 黑种草一种地中海地区的植物,(黑种草属黑种草毛莨科)开蓝色或色花朵,花朵被无数线状苞叶包围
    A Mediterranean plant(Nigella damascena) having blue or whitish flowers surrounded by numerous threadlike bracts.
  • 花极其美丽,有精致的线状流苏,花头被薄的色或粉色的边花围绕;生长在美国和加拿大。
    especially pretty plant having a delicate fringe of threadlike rays around flower heads having very slender white or pink rays; United States and Canada.
  • 次日---我能看的第二天---我会随黎明一道起来,看那黑夜转成昼的激动人心的奇迹,
    The next day- the second day of sight-I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is transformed into day.
  • 次日---我能看的第二天---我会随黎明一道起来,看那黑夜转成昼的激动人心的奇迹,
    The next day- the second day of sight-I should arise with the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night is transformed into day.
  • 伊丽莎于1952年继承了王位。
    Eliabeth succeeded to the throne in 1952.
  • 我对他的劝告等于说。
    My advice was thrown away upon him.
  • 我已经学会在花与阳光里微语的意义。——再教我明你在苦与死中所说的话吧。
    I have learnt the simple meaning of thy whispers in flowers and sunshine -- teach me to know thy words in pain and death.
  • 如果甲状腺出现状况,便会引起蛋质代谢紊乱,导致脱发和头发稀疏。
    If there's a thyroid condition it will cause a disturbance to the protein metabolism, causing hair to shed and thin.
  • 一种碘蛋制剂,有类似甲状腺素的作用。
    a preparation made from iodinated protein and having an action similar to thyroxine.
  • 我实在弄不明她为什麽这样。
    I've never really understood what makes her tick.
  • 我们要让国内外明,加强控制是为了稳定,是为了更好地改革开放,进行现代化建设。
    We should make it clear at home and abroad that the purpose of tightening control is to maintain stability and to facilitate the reform, the opening to the outside and the drive for modernization.
  • 双方白首偕老。
    Till death dispart the union.
  • 弗兰克:也许是的,先生。蒂姆的衬衫是的。
    Frank: Perhaps it is, sir. Tim's shirt is white.