  • 盖有舱口盖的一个入口;多指一船的甲板之间的出入口。
    an entrance equipped with a hatch; especially a passageway between decks of a ship.
  • 有一规定,禁止卡车在回程时载运货物。
    There is a rule prohibiting a truck from carrying goods on its return haul.
  • 具有或好象有三腿的。
    having or as if having three legs.
  • 新铁索盘卷在那。
    There's a new hawser faked down there.
  • 第六十二 造成大气污染危害的单位,有责任排除危害,并对直接遭受损失的单位或者个人赔偿损失。
    Article 62 Any unit that has caused an atmospheric pollution hazard shall have the responsibility of removing the hazard and of making compensations to the units or individuals that have suffered direct losses.
  • 第四十一造成环境污染危害的,有责任排除危害,并对直接受到损害的单位或者个人赔偿损失。
    Article 41. A unit that has caused an environmental pollution hazard shall have the obligation to eliminate it and make compensation to the unit or individual that suffered direct losses.
  • 第五十五 造成水污染危害的单位,有责任排除危害,并对直接受到损失的单位或者个人赔偿损失。
    Article 55 A unit which has caused a water pollution hazard shall have the responsibility to eliminate it and make compensation to the unit or individual that has suffered direct losses.
  • 第四十四 对危险废物的容器和包装物以及收集、贮存、运输、处置危险废物的设施、场所,必须设置危险废物识别标志。
    Article 44 A distinguishing mark of hazardous waste must be put on the containers and packages of hazardous waste as well as on the installations and sites for collection, storage, transportation and treatment of hazardous waste.
  • 第五十 收集、贮存危险废物,必须按照危险废物特性分类进行。
    Article 50 Hazardous wastes must be collected and stored separately according to their different characteristics.
  • 第五十二 运输危险废物,必须采取防止污染环境的措施,并遵守国家有关危险货物运输管理的规定。
    Article 52 Whoever transports hazardous waste must adopt measures for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and observe State regulations on the control of transportation of hazardous goods.
  • 收银员隔着那台奇怪的、很可能对人体有害的码扫描仪,微笑着向我问道,"您是用纸包装袋还是塑料包装袋?
    The cashier smiles across that strange and possibly hazardous bar code reader and asks:“Paper or plastic?
  • 第五十一 转移危险废物的,必须按照国家有关规定填写危险废物转移联单,并向危险废物移出地和接受地的县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门报告。
    Article 51 Whoever transfers hazardous waste, must, according to relevant State regulations, fill in duplicate forms for transfer of hazardous waste and report to the competent administrative departments of environmental protection of the local people's governments at or above the county level in the places where the hazardous waste is to be moved out or moved in.
  • 第五十八 禁止经中华人民共和国过境转移危险废物。
    Article 58 It is forbidden to transfer hazardous waste via the territory of the People's Republic of China.
  • 第四十二 危险废物污染环境的防治,适用本章规定;
    Article 42 The provisions of this Chapter shall apply to the prevention and control of environmental pollution by hazardous waste.
  • 在那个危险的放射性年代,这些生物可能是为数不多利用了当时件的幸运儿。
    These beings may have been some of the lucky few who were able to advantage of conditions in these hazardous, radioactive times.
  • 根据《废物处置例》,在没有许可证的情况下输入危险废物或不可循环再造的废物,不论其进口的目的为何,均属违法。
    The import of hazardous or non-recyclable waste without a permit, regardless of the purpose of the import, is an offence under the WDO.
  • 若全盘考虑,这项办法可能害多利少。内中款诸多含混不清,将使律师们忙碌若干年。
    On balance, the measure probably will do more harm than good. Ii is riddled with hazy provisions that will keep lawyers busy for years.
  • 头巾传统的穆斯林戴的头饰,由一长的亚麻、棉或丝制的围巾组成,缠在一顶小帽周围或直接缠于头上
    A traditionally Moslem headdress consisting of a long scarf of linen, cotton, or silk that is wound around a small cap or directly around the head.
  • 注索引在多于一个标目下为(某特定目)注索引
    To index(a particular item) under more than one heading.
  • 市区建成1.25万公顷的绿化隔离带;建设第二城市绿色生态屏障。
    12,500 hectare’s green shelter will be formed for the urban area and the second green shelter shall be built.
  • 绿篱一种用这些植物的插或枝组成的篱笆
    A hedge consisting of these plant cuttings or slips.
  • 我们在那种件下忽视了危险。
    We were heedless of danger in the condition.
  • 我那狗一路紧跟著我跑到河边。
    My dog heeled me all the way to the riverside.
  • 平底、带鞋帮便鞋。
    a flat-heeled sandal with an upper of woven leather straps.
  • 《中华人民共和国刑法》第四十三规定:“死刑只适用于罪大恶极的犯罪分子。
    Article 43 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that, "the death penalty is only applicable to criminals who have committed the most heinous of crimes.
  • 船已不能随舵转向。
    The ship no longer answers the helm.
  • 船好象不太听舵的使唤。
    The boat seemed very slow to answer to any movement of the helm.
  • 船好像不太听舵的使唤。
    The boat seemed very slow to respond to any movement of the helm.
  • 这是海员的说法,说明企业就是一艘船,而这位特别的首席长官在航行途中某段时间掌着舵,恰好此时捕得一巨大的白鲸或者撞上了冰山。
    " It's a nautical expression suggesting that the enterprise is a ship and that this particular chief executive took the helm at some moment mid-journey, just in time to land a great white whale or hit an iceberg.
  • 头巾缠绕在礼帽或遮阳帽帽冠周围的布或三角巾
    A cloth band or scarf wrapped around the crown of a hat or sun helmet.
  • 船在滔滔的巨浪间孤单无援地颠簸着。
    The boat wallowed helplessly in the troughs of the waves.
  • 把裙子折一点起来缝一新的折边。
    Turn up that skirt and make a fresh hem.