  • jiāng diào zhè zhǐ
    The dentist is going to yank this tooth out.
  • dào 20 shì xué jiào jiāng duì měi nán rén réndōu miǎn fèihuì jiàn suǒ quán guó yòu míng de xuéhái men huì xué jiǎn dān yīng shì yìng jiǎn huà yīng zài dīng xué shì chá rén yuán dìng jiǎn chá zhī hòugōng xué xiào huì gěi pín qióng de xiǎo hái miǎn fèi pèi yǎn jìngmiǎn fèi kàn gōng zhǒng miǎn fèi de liáo
    "A university education will be free to every man and woman [by the end of the 20th Century]. Several great national universities will have been established. Children will study a simple English grammar adapted to simplified English and not copied after the Latin Medical inspectors regularly visiting the public schools will furnish poor children free eyeglasses, free dentistry, and free medical attention of every kind."
  • kāi wǎng běi jīng de huǒ chē jiāng bàn xiǎo shí hòu cóng sān zhàn tái kāi chū
    The train to Beijing will depart from platform 3 in half an hour.
  • huǒ chē jiāng kāi shàng hǎi
    The train will depart from Shanghai.
  • men jiāng cóng lún dūn chū zhōng guó
    Our team will depart from London for China.
  • kāi wǎng běi jīng de huǒ chē jiāng bàn xiǎo shí hòu cóng sān zhàn tái kāi chū
    The train to Beijing will depart from platform3 in half an hour.
  • qǐng guì jiāng shēn qǐng biǎo lái shèng gǎn xiè
    Your sending me the departmental form for admission will be much appreciated.
  • céng yòu guò jiāng mén jīn chóngxīn fēn gěi yán jiū de shuō zhè zhǒng shuō huāng táng xiàoyīn wéi gēn běn xíng tōng de
    There was talk of departmental funds being reallocated to the research section. That's strictly for the birds - not a chance it'll happen.
  • hēng jiāng dòng shēn de shí jiān 'ān pái zài jiǔ yuè
    Henry scheduled his departure for September.
  • zài hěn chéng shàng jiāng jué duì zhè nán de fǎn yìng
    A lot will depend on how she responds to the challenge.
  • men jiāng gèng jiā lài
    They will depend more on their parents.
  • lài kuàng rán liào jiāng rán dǎo zhì guó nèi de 'ān quán
    Prolonging our dependence on fossil fuels would guarantee homeland insecurity.
  • tóng shíyīnggāi nián qīng rén men de tóng líng rén jiāo wǎng zhǎn men de jiāo néng zhè jiāng bāng zhù men jiǎn shǎo duì de lài bìng qiě bǎo chí jiàn kāng de jīng shén zhuàng tài
    At the same time, young people should be encouraged to communicate with their peers and develop their interpersonal skills, which may help them greatly to reduce dependence on their parents and are essential in the maintenance of healthy mental condition.
  • jiāng zhè guó jiā biàn wéi bān shǔ guó de jìhuà rén xīn
    Her plot to turn this country into a dependency of Spain is unpopular.
  • zhuā zhù chū shēng rén kǒu jiǎn shǎoshè huì zǒng yǎng xià jiàngláo dòng yuán fēng de shǐ zhǎn jiào kuò shè huì tóu gāo lěi shuǐ píng jiāng wéi jiā kuài jīng zhǎnzēng qiáng zōng guó shí xiàn rén kǒu jīng shè huì yuánhuán jìng de xié diào zhǎn chí zhǎn diàn dìng jiān shí de chǔ
    In the advantageous historical period with a decreasing birth rate and a declining total social dependency ratio and rich labor resource, it is essential to develop education, science and technology in a big way, expand social input, and raise the accumulation level. Thus China will lay a solid foundation for speeding up economic development, strengthening its overall national power, and realizing the goal of a coordinated and sustained development of population, economy, society, resources and environment.
  • rén jiāo jiāng huì shǐ rén lèi shī xìng
    Will computers depersonalize human interactions?
  • míng nián men de jiāng huì yòu cǎi bīn fēn de huā duǒ
    Next year, we shall depict a riot of flowers on our calendar.
  • shí zhèng duàn zēng pài duì fēi bìng yáng yán yào xiān lián guó shí xíng hǎi shàng fēng suǒjiēguǒ chéng zhī qiē jiāng chì luǒ luǒ de qīn lüè miáo huì chéng měi guó guó zhù de chōng
    By continuing to add troops and planes, and by threatening to act in advance of the United Nations to enforce a shipping blockade, the Bush Administration is playing into Mr.Hussein's desperate effort to depict his naked aggression as a confrontation between Iraq and the "imperialist" U.S.
  • rén qún zhōng de rén jiāng xuān yáng men de zhèng de biāo liǎo xià lái
    The crowd ripped down posters depiction their political opponents.
  • xué jiā dān xīnshàng juàn chòu yǎng céng de sǔn huài jiāng huì yǐn biàn de jiàn kāng wèn
    Scientists fear that the continued depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere will thus cause widespread health problems.
  • men wàng bìng qiě xiāng xìn zhè xiē biàn huà jiāng huì duì men bēi de jìng kuàng chǎn shēng yǐng xiǎng
    We hope and trust that these changes will affect our own deplorable state.
  • kǒng jiāng lái gēn zhōng guó jīng mào wǎng lái hái kào mín dào xīn jiā de zhōng guó rén
    It can become so deplorable that, in the future, Singapore will have to depend on new Chinese immigrants to do business with China.
  • radicati chēngzhè jiāng gěi xuǎn zhǒng biāo zhǔn zào chéng hùn luàn
    That will add to the confusion over which directory standard to deploy, Radicati says.
  • jiāng jūn mìng lìng de shì bīng zhǎn kāi zhèn xíng kàng rén de jìn gōng。"
    The general ordered his men to deploy in order to meet the offensive of the enemy.
  • " yòu de shàng jiāng huì míng bái, " zǒng tǒng shuō, " men jiāng shǔ men de jiàn tǐng fēi lái jiān shì men de huó dòng
    “ Yes.As you and your superiors will understand,” the president said,“ we will deploy our ships and aircraft to observe yours.
  • zēng pài qián xiàn jǐng rén yuán zhù shǒu jiāng jūn 'ào 'ān shān děng xīn zhǎn
    * deploy more front-line Police officers in newly developed areas such as Tseung Kwan O and Ma On Shan; and
  • guó fáng yán jiū shǔ de dǎo dàn fáng tǒng jǐn néng gòu bǎo měi guó měi guó de jūn duìhái jiāng néng gòu bǎo men de méng guó
    The Defense Department will develop and deploy missile defenses capable of protecting not only the United States and our deployed forces, but also our friends and allies.
  • shǐ néng zài chāo guò suàn de qíng kuàng xià bǎo zhèng guó jiā dǎo dàn fáng tǒng de jūn shì shù shàng de dìng shuǐ píngcǎo shuài shǔ tǒng jiāng duì quán qiú wěn dìng dài lái yán zhòng wēi xiǎn
    Even if the NMD system can be made to work on the military/technical level without breaking the budget,a hasty decision to deploy NMD poses grave risks to global stability.
  • dàn idc suí zhe gōng yìng shāng duì zài xiàn yòu huí shè bèi shàng shǔ dsl yòu liǎo gèng hǎo de liǎo jiězài jīn hòu 5 nián zhōng dsl shè bèi de shì chǎng jiāng zēng zhì 10 měi yuán
    But as service providers gain a better understanding of how to deploy DSL over existing loop plants, the market for DSL equipment will grow to more than $1 billion during the next five years, according to IDC.
  • zhèng mìng lìng jiāng suǒ yòu wài guó qiáo mín zhú chū guó
    The government ordered the deportation of all foreign nationals.
  • diào chá yuán men jiāng ràng zhèng rén men zài guān de mén hòu xuān shì zuò zhèng
    Investigators will depose the witness behind closed doors.
  • guǒ shǎo shù cūn gànbù dāng xuǎn hòu bàn shì gōng quán móu wéi luàn cūn mín tōng guò mín zhù chéng jiāng miǎn
    After election, should any cadre handle village affairs in an unfair way, seek personal gains and privileges by abusing his power, or even violate laws and disciplines, the villagers could depose him through democratic procedures.