  • 以连字号连接用连字号分离或连接(音节、词素或字)
    To divide or connect(syllables, word elements, or names) with a hyphen.
  • 复合词;许多女性选择复合词给他们的孩子起--这在今天被称为复合婴儿。
    hyphenated words; many femninists have chosen hyphenated names their children--today's so-called hyphenated babies.
  • 骗子,冒名顶替者
    An impostor; a hypocrite.
  • 未定的主要新产品未命的或假想的制品
    An unnamed or hypothetical manufactured article.
  • 她不想在男孩当中得到轻浮的坏声,但也不想被他们看成是一座冰山。
    She doesn't want to get a bad name among boys for being easy-going in the clinches but neither does she want to be looked on as an iceberg.
  • 这座于1956年设计并于1973年宣布最后完工的建筑一直是全世界最著的建筑,直到另一座同样杰出的建筑在1997年落成:这就是弗兰克·格里设计的毕尔巴鄂的古根海姆博物馆。但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。
    First designed in l956 and finally declared complete in 1973, the opera house was the single best-known modern building in the world until the arrival of Frank Gehry's equally extraordinary Bilbao Guggenheim in l997. But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon because it did all the difficult work first.
  • 爱达荷大学的音乐学院也以汉普顿命,每年莱昂内尔·汉普顿爵士乐节也在此举办。
    The University of Idaho's music school is named for Hampton, and is the site of the annual Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival.
  • 他们可能会支持你并且允许你在上告时提到他们的字。
    Ideally, they will back you up and permit you to mention their names when you make your charges.
  • 最理想的是军方仅封锁有助于敌人的消息。可是新闻简报官有时做得过分。最初几美国飞行员被俘,而发言人即使在俘虏已出现在伊拉克电视以后仍拒绝肯定这件事。
    Ideally, the military should withhold only data that aid the enemy. But briefers occasionally go to odd lengths. When the first U.S. fliers were captured, spokesmen refused to confirm the fact even after the captives had been shown on Iraqi television.
  • 拥有一个假(通常是笔)或者通过这个字来识别的。
    bearing or identified by an assumed (often pen) name.
  • 其中,“参数”是指参数列表内的标识符,而“说明”代表一些可延续到后续行内的说明文字。
    in which parameter-name is the identifier in the parameter list, and description is text that can continue on subsequent lines.
  • 与标识符不同,一个命空间在域内没有一系列事先定义的值,但达到了避免冲突的效果。
    In contrast to an identifier, a namespace does not have a predefined set of values within the domain, but acts to avoid collisions.
  • unchecked:将一个tmodel归于这个分类类别下即表示这样一个分类类别tmodel,或是标识符tmodel,或是命空间tmodel没有一个合法性检验服务
    unchecked: Marking a tModel with this classification asserts that it represents a categorization, identifier, or namespace tModel that does not have a validation service.
  • java的这种特殊机制意味着所有文件都自动存在于自己的命空间里。而且一个文件里的每个类都自动获得一个独一无二的标识符(当然,一个文件里的类必须是唯一的)。
    This mechanism means that all of your files automatically live in their own namespaces, and each class within a file must have a unique identifier.
  • 在pl/1语言中,当预处理程序变量或入口的值不能替换源程序文本中相应的标识符时的状态。
    In PL/1, the state in which a preprocessor variable or entry name is said to be when its value cannot replace the corresponding identifier in source program text.
  • checked:将一个tmodel归于这个分类类别下即表示这样一个分类类别tmodel,或是标识符tmodel,或是命空间tmodel有一个合适的已注册的合法性检验服务(可参阅uddi操作入口规范2.0版的附录a部分)。
    checked: Marking a tModel with this classification asserts that it represents a categorization, identifier, or namespace tModel that has a properly registered validation service per the UDDI Version 2.0 Operators Specification Appendix A.
  • 通过姓点数并识别某人。
    mention and identify by name.
  • 自变量列表列出了想传递给方法的信息类型和称。
    The method name and argument list together uniquely identify the method.
  • 被害人的身份尚未确定。
    The identity of the murdered man has not yet been established.
  • 隐匿姓身份者,隐姓埋
    One whose identity is disguised or concealed.
  • 不知道姓或身份,或者不知道来源。
    having no known name or identity or known source.
  • 隐姓埋,匿隐匿姓身份或隐姓埋的情况
    The condition of having a disguised or concealed identity.
  • 病人们在急诊室里随意地翻阅着杂志,等着叫到自己的字。
    Patients in the waiting room idly flicked through magazines as they waited for their names to be called.
  • 歌迷们正争先恐后请自己的偶像歌星签
    The fans were falling over one another to ask their idol singer for signature.
  • 在麦卡特尼下榻的酒店,她们手捧日记本,从数十保安身边走过,最后终于见到了心目中的偶像。
    Diary in hand, they got past dozens of security staff at the star's hotel and finally got to meet their idol.
  • 一连五天,他们处在这种牧歌一般的生活状态中。第六天晚上,在史前巨石群中的古代异教徒的太阳神神庙的著废墟中,苔丝半开玩笑地说要在那里求庇护。
    For five days they continued in this idyllic state, and on the sixth night Tess half jestingly claimed sanctuary among the conspicuous ruins of the ancient pagan temple to the sun at Stonehenge.
  • 他很无知,连自己的字都写不出。
    He's so ignorant that he cannot write his own name.
  • 当这警官看到一辆非法停车时,他赶了出去。
    The officer hopped out when he spotted an illegally parked car.
  • 发表偏狭之见也许能使某些政治家噪一时。
    Expressing illiberal views may bring some politicians into temporary prominence.
  • 一支拥有185队员的特遣队亦于六月成立,以打击盗版光碟零售活动。
    A Special Task Force comprising 185 Customs officers was also established in June to take action against illicit trade including the retail sale of pirated optical discs.
  • 马孔姆美国伊利诺斯州西部城市,位于皮奥里亚的西南偏西,以陶器和粘土制品闻。人口19,952
    A city of western Illinois west-southwest of Peoria. It is known for its pottery and clay products. Population,19, 952.
  • 卢普美国伊利诺斯州芝加哥市的商业中心。其称源于高架铁轨的一个环
    The central business district of Chicago, Illinois. The Loop was originally named for a loop in the elevated railroad tracks.