  • 余地,余裕自由或变化的余地,比如行动、时间或费等;回旋余地
    A margin of freedom or variation, as of activity, time, or expenditure; latitude.
  • 他得摆好戴著月桂冠的姿势.
    He had to pose wearing a laurel wreath.
  • 桂冠用月桂编成的环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者
    A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.
  • 空气中有熏衣草和迷迭香的味道。
    There is a lavender scent and rosemary scent in the air.
  • 乱花钱去寻欢作乐
    lavish money upon one's pleasures
  • 浪费,挥霍奢侈的或无限制的费;奢侈
    Lavish or unrestrained expense; extravagance.
  • 我的邻居喜欢乱花钱
    My neighbor is given to lavish spending.
  • 你不必在宠物身上滥金钱和时间。
    You need't lavish money and time on pets.
  • 小钱不知节省,大钱将滥
    He that regards not a penny, will lavish a pound.
  • 即便那些承受得住这样大手大脚钱的家庭,也要在宠惯孩子和拒绝孩子的要求之间平衡折中,--这是件颇费脑筋的事,不过这是有可能的。
    Even for those families who can afford such lavish spending, striking a compromise between spoiling the kids and denying them is tricky, but possible.
  • 浪费地或不经济地费。
    spend lavishly or wastefully on.
  • 草地上点缀着五角星形的坛。
    The lawn is interspersed with flower-beds in the shape of five-point stars.
  • 地中海和亚洲地区的兰淡玫瑰色、呈松弛的穗状。
    orchid of Mediterranean and Asia having a lax spike of bright rose-pink flowers.
  • plectorrhiza属的任何一种兰,有缠结的根,茎铁丝状,小、绿色、有香味,总状序疏松。
    an orchid of the genus Plectorrhiza having tangled roots and long wiry stems bearing lax racemes of small fragrant green flowers.
  • 欧亚产的一种多毛的四季生植物,深黄色,茎松弛、柔韧;生长在野外开阔的林地和岩石的斜坡上。
    hairy Eurasian perennial having deep yellow daisies on lax willowy stems; found in the wild in open woodland and on rocky slopes.
  • 设计城市、布置花园
    Lay out a town, garden
  • 多味奶油冻,多味冰淇淋果冻一种饰以不同的色且装在高脚玻璃杯中的有多种味道的冰淇淋或雪糕的多层甜点
    A dessert made of several layers of different flavors of ice cream or ices, variously garnished and served in a tall glass.
  • 专家也许能区别哪个是原件,哪个是复制品;但是,在外行人看来三个瓶简直一模一样。
    An expert could probably tell which was the original and which the copy, but to the layman's eye the three vases were as like as peas in a pod.
  • 一种澳大利亚的无叶灌木,类似金雀小、黄色。
    Australian leafless shrub resembling broom and having small yellow flowers.
  • (植物学)具有从地面上直接长出来的无叶柄的。
    (botany) having a leafless flower stalk growing directly from the ground.
  • 高的无叶草本植物,有蜡白色的茎干和白色星形;美国西南部。
    tall herb with leafless waxy-white stems and whitish starlike flowers; southwestern United States.
  • 一种茎上几乎无叶的植物,茎顶端有红色或淡红紫色伞状簇;产自从加利福尼亚到俄勒冈的地区。
    plant with nearly leafless stalk topped by an umbel-like cluster of red or reddish_lavender flowers; California to Oregon.
  • 茎直、无叶、淡红紫色,呈总状序、浅桃色、有褐色条纹;产自加拿大西部到墨西哥一带。
    nearly leafless wildflower with erect reddish-purple stems bearing racemes of pale pinkish and brownish-striped flowers; western Canada to Mexico.
  • 勃利特属的任何一种兰,具有假的鳞茎,笔直、无叶的总状序,大的,紫色或粉红色的
    any of various orchids of the genus Bletia having pseudo-bulbs and erect leafless racemes of large purple or pink flowers.
  • 多年生植物,叶浅灰色、有毛,柄无叶,有金黄色的头状序;长在北美西部干燥的地区。
    grayish woolly leafy perennial with branched stems ending in leafless stalks bearing golden-yellow flower heads; dry areas western North America.
  • 在欧洲中部和南部的山上长的小穗的多年生杂草,具有非常小的,通常枝干无叶。
    small tufted perennial herb of mountains of central and southern Europe having very small flowers of usually leafless stems; sometimes placed in genus Lepidium.
  • 仙人掌一种多浆植物,有小刺,无叶,大多生长于西半球的干旱地区,有颜色各异,通常色彩鲜艳夺目的朵,有若干个雄蕊和
    Any of various succulent, spiny, usually leafless plants native mostly to arid regions of the New World, having variously colored, often showy flowers with numerous stamens and petals.
  • 茎丛生、无叶、浅黄色或绿色,色相近,唇瓣较低、白色;从新墨西哥州北部向北经南达科他州、华盛顿到阿拉斯加州。
    plant having clumps of nearly leafless pale yellowish to greenish stems bearing similarly colored flowers with white lower lips; northern New Mexico north through South Dakota and Washington to Alaska.
  • 没有真正叶子但长有象叶子一样的茎干和分枝,还有黄的澳大利亚的无刺的或多刺的灌木的属。
    genus of yellow-flowered Australian unarmed or spiny shrubs without true leaves but having leaflike stems or branches.
  • 广泛栽种于美国南部的一种落叶观赏乔木,叶呈枫叶状,黄绿色,长形总状序,荚似叶状。
    deciduous tree widely grown in southern United States as an ornamental for its handsome maplelike foliage and long racemes of yellow-green flowers followed by curious leaflike pods.
  • 一种多叶的,具有芳香的黄色的日光兰。
    asphodel with leafy stem and fragrant yellow flowers.
  • 美国西南的分布广泛的常青灌木,在叶状的圆锥序里有头儿。
    widely spreading evergreen shrub of southwestern United States with flower heads in a leafy panicle.