  • 也许有人会提出疑问,是否有人允许考克斯委员会把“原子弹”的有关命令纳入到修订报告中,是否允许泄漏上述有关中子弹的滑稽可笑的故事。这种疑问将被原谅,因为考克斯委员会之所以这么做,是因为宣称间谍事件发生于里根政府,而不是克林顿政府,而有关“中子弹”的秘密和(或)“微型热力原子弹”的“秘密”是彼得-李泄露中国的,这是已经被认定的?。
    One can perhaps be forgiven for wondering if whoever allowed the Cox Committee to include that "neutron bomb" charge in their Redacted Report and later leaked the ridiculous story about teeny-tiny hydrogen bombs, did so because the alleged spying incident happened on Reagan's, not Clinton's watch." The "secret " of the "neutron bomb," and/or the "secret " of the "miniaturized thermonuclear warhead," is what Peter Lee is supposed to have divulged to the PRC.
  • 正好,莫斯科和雅加达刚刚通航。赫鲁晓夫便在莫斯科的主度团委员每人航寄了一份。
    So he sent via the air route that had just opened between Moscow and Djakarta one portion for each member of the Presidium.
  • 理发师下一个就你理发。
    The barber will do you next.
  • 这艘船结关让它靠码头。
    Clear the ship and let it dock.
  • 小船停靠区为小船提供系泊、靠岸、养和其它服务的船坞
    A boat basin that has docks, moorings, supplies, and other facilities for small boats.
  • 没有了自己的个性,无论你为他买多少参考书,或他报名多少堂某某博士开的创意课程,教他如何才能有创意,他所做出来的东西也不过是属于别人的。
    A person deprived of his individuality can expect to produce nothing but copies of others' work. No amount of reference books or lessons on creativity given by doctorate-holders will help them.
  • 成段描述获得博士以后如何为中国作贡献,或是称赞所申请学校的美誉--所有这一切都不会申请自荐信增值。
    Paragraphs about how one will contribute to China after getting a doctorate,or about how marvelous the target school supposedly is all of this adds nothing of value to an application essay.
  • 卡西姆在接受采访时说:"看看阿拉法特的统治我们带来了什么:难民还住在难民营里,西岸和加沙地带的巴勒斯坦人仍在受以色列人的压迫,但阿拉法特身边的人却得到了很好的照顾"卡西姆在美国堪萨斯大学获得了政治学硕士学位,后在密苏里大学获得博士学位。
    "Look where Arafat's rule has gotten us, " Qassem said in an interview. "The refugees are still in camps, the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza are still oppressed by the Israelis, but the men closest to Arafat are well taken care of."Qassem studied in America, receiving a master's degree in political science from Kansas State University and a doctorate from the University of Missouri.
  • 一个医生一天可能要病人开出30张处方.
    In a day, a doctor may write (out) 30 prescriptions for patients.
  • 他把文件交刘同志。
    He handed the documents to Comrade Liu.
  • 某一定题目的资料集。
    A collection of documents on a given subject.
  • 他把他的私人文件托付他的律师照管。
    He confided his personal documents to his lawyer.
  • 他躲开了我扔他的书。
    He dodged the book that I threw at him.
  • 这时,大家又围住了爱丽丝,渡渡鸟接过顶针后兑严肃地递了她,说:“我们请求你接受这只精致的顶针,”它刚结束这句简短的讲演,大家全都欢呼起来了。
    Then they all crowded round her once more, while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble, saying `We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble'; and, when it had finished this short speech, they all cheered.
  • 通过李文皓(wenholee)事件表明,负责安全的部门已经在试图嫌疑犯定罪。
    As in the case of Wen Ho Lee, it appears that the Security [DOE & FBI] officials have attempted to define the Crime to fit their Suspect.
  • 万顿议员继续说到他有证据表明在1995年一次内部doe调查中秘书hazelo'leary她本人就被发现把w87核弹头资料“泄漏”媒介。
    Representative Weldon went on to say that he had evidence that Secretary hazel O'Leary, herself, had been discovered in an internal DOE investigation in 1995 to have "leaked" the W-87 warhead document to the media.
  • 请给我一份热狗。
    One hot dog, please.
  • 猎奇摄影者为了偷拍镜头卖杂志和报纸的顽强地追踪某些庆祝活动的自由摄影者
    A freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.
  • 我一个食物袋好吗?
    Can I have a doggy bag, please.
  • 尽管它的狗窝里已经有了一只黄猫,它还是高兴地让出些地方这只西尔夫妇管它叫海因茨的新来的小狗。
    So, although he already shared his doghouse with a yellow cat, soon Tex happily moved over and made room for the new puppy the Seals called Heinz.
  • 第五音所调子或音调中的主音
    The dominant in a given key or tonality.
  • 希特勒垮台的故事所有妄图主宰他人命运的人提供了一个很好的教训。
    The story of Hitler's downfall points a moral for all those who seek to dominate the lives of others.
  • 第一次世界大战曾经在一个时期内了日本帝国主义以独霸中国的机会。
    For a time World War I gave Japanese imperialism the opportunity of dominating China exclusively.
  • 我们再次申明矢志支持一切为维护各国主权平等的努力,尊重其领土完整和政治独立,以和平手段并按照正义与国际法原则解决争端,予仍处于殖民统治和外国占领下的人民以自决权,不干涉各国内政,尊重人权和基本自由,尊重所有人的平等权利,不分种族、性别、语言或宗教,进行国际合作以解决经济、社会、文化或人道性质的问题。
    We rededicate ourselves to support all efforts to uphold the sovereign equality of all States, respect for their territorial integrity and political independence, resolution of disputes by peaceful means and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, the right to self-determination of peoples which remain under colonial domination and foreign occupation, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, respect for the equal rights of all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion and international cooperation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character.
  • 这个女孩昨晚听到有人敲门时吓了一跳。
    Don't start with me!
  • 把它寄都诺.史密斯先生,我想他在密西根州。
    Send them to Mr. Donald Smith I believe he's in Michigan.
  • 唐纳德是个说谎成性的家伙,我担心他的恶习已传染他的孩子们了。
    Donald is a compulsive liar and I'm afraid it has rubbed off onto his chldren.
  • 吹牛大王特鲁普昨天又在自鸣得意。他说他的《成交的艺术》一书——自十二月份以来便登上畅销书榜首——将慈善事业带来为数200万元益处。
    Donald Trump, that well-known storyteller, was whistling merrily yesterday. He says his book, "The Art of the Deal," which has been at the top of bestseller lists since December, is going to benefit charities to the tune of $2 million.
  • 当地群众排队这位勇敢的姑娘献血。
    Local people lined up to donate blood for the brave girl.
  • 这个商人捐医院很多钱。
    The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.
  • 他们举办了一次音乐会,把收入捐了慈善机构。
    They give a concert and donate the proceeds to charity.
  • 作为一种应急办法,指导委员会建议超级市场把旧的购物手推车捐赠无家可归者。
    In a shift, the supervisor later recommended that supermarkets donate old shopping carts to the homeless.