  • 两轮车上装载一车干草。
    The cart has a load of hay.
  • 那个孩子拖一辆玩具车。
    The child was trailing a toy cart.
  • 一匹马拉大车沿大路走。
    A horse pulled the cart along the road.
  • 他拉着车上山。
    He pulled on the cart up the hill.
  • 由于有相似的经历,詹姆斯·卡特非常能够体会到影片中人物的感受。
    James Carter knows how they feel.
  • 车子驶到卡德路,我就下来了。怀一颗兴奋的心,跑去找光光。
    After I got off the streetcar at the Carter Road stop, I hurried excitedly to call on Guang Guang.
  • 现在市场上已经有了人造皮肤,人造软骨不久也将面市。科学家预期,今后25年内,从皮氏培养皿中将可获得胰腺,或尝试这样做。
    With man- made skin already on the market and artificial cartilage not far behind, 25 years from now scientists expect to be pulling a pancreas out of a Petri dish. Or trying, anyway.
  • 不加思索的乐观情绪在房地产业尤其盛行。“惬意”意指“比电冰箱盒还要小的居室”,“乡村美景”意味“附近没有零售商店”。
    Mindless cheerfulness particularly pervades the real estate pro-fession, in which 'cosy' is code for 'smaller than a refrigerator carton' and 'country charm' means 'no retail establishments within walking distance'.
  • 孩子们目不转睛地盯电视机看卡通片。
    The kids glued their eyes to the TV set, watching a cartoon.
  • 动画片强烈地吸引那个小姑娘。
    The girl was drawn to the cartoon as by a magnet.
  • 这种名为abuammar的小食品每袋仅售25皮阿斯特(合5美分),包装袋上印一个阿拉法特的卡通形象。这位巴勒斯坦领导人向人们招手致敬,好像是在招呼大家快来买点心,又好像是在呼吁大家对在近期日益升级的以色列军事打击中节节败退的巴勒斯坦多多支持。
    A cartoon of the Palestinian leader salutes consumers from each 25-piastre ($0.05) bag of Abu Ammar chips, beckoning them to buy the snack and support a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation.
  • 春潮书店的大门口贴一张用各种不同颜色写的又鲜明又动人的广告,我怀一颗好奇心走了进去,也像顾客一般,从书架上抽出来一本封面鲜红、是丰子皑先生的女公于画的小兵骑牛的《从军日记》来看。
    Pasted up at the door of the bookstore was an eye-catching colourful poster advertising the book. I went into the store full of curiosity, and, as an ordinary customer would do, took from the shelf a copy of the book, which had on its bright-red front cover a cartoon by Feng Zikai's daughter portraying a little woman soldier riding on a cow.
  • 那个鳏夫整个晚上坐向一个混血少女以目传情。
    The widower sat casting sheep's eyes at a half-caste girl all the evening.
  • 马穆鲁克以前一个军事集团的成员,该集团原本是由土耳其的奴隶组成,约从1250年至1517年,这个集团控制埃及的政权,直到1811年仍有影响力
    A member of a former military caste, originally composed of slaves from Turkey, that held the Egyptian throne from about1250 until1517 and remained powerful until1811.
  • 一片浓密的森林包围城堡。
    A thick forest girdled the castle about.
  • 海狸,河狸一种大的海狸属水栖啮齿目动物,有厚密的褐色毛皮、长蹼的后脚、宽平的尾巴和适合于咬树皮、弄倒树、建水坝及水下巢穴的尖锐前齿
    A large aquatic rodent of the genus Castor, having thick brown fur, webbed hind feet, a broad flat tail, and sharp incisors adapted for gnawing bark, felling trees, and constructing dams and underwater lodges.
  • 他穿他的便服,不是他的校服。
    He was wearing casual clothes, not his school ones.
  • 在这样非正式的场合,我穿随便
    I dressed down for such a casual occasion.
  • 穿比较随意的裤子。
    (usually in the plural) pants for casual wear.
  • 为了穿的舒适和随意而设计成短袖的衬衣。
    a short-sleeved shirt designed for comfort and casual wear.
  • 部分不蔽体的状况,穿非常随便
    The state of being partially or very casually dressed.
  • 他随便翻阅那本书。
    He casually leafed through the book.
  • 哦,穿可以随便点,可不是化装舞会。
    Oh, and dress casually - it will not be anything fancy.
  • 哦,穿可以随便点,可不是化装舞会。
    Oh , and dress casually it will not is anything fancy.
  • 那么,他穿讲究呢?还是穿随便?
    Um, be he, a formal kind of guy, or do he dress casually?
  • 那么,他穿讲究呢?还是穿随便?
    Um, is he a, a formal kind of guy, or does he dress casually?
  • 也许他们正坐在你的办公室外的一辆车里,悠闲地玩手提电脑。
    Or they may be sitting in a car outside it, casually tapping away at a laptop.
  • 很快,他灿烂、热情的微笑令我放松。在接下来的两个小时里,我们随意地聊
    Soon, his warm, inviting smile put me at ease, and we spent the next two hours talking casually.
  • “别唱这些下流歌曲了,”我带一种恳求的语气亲切地对玛格丽特说。
    'I really wish you wouldn't sing such vulgar rubbish, ' I said to Marguerite casually, making it sound like a request.
  • 我穿夜礼服兴致勃勃地来了,结果却发现,其他人的衣都是一般而已。
    I wore my evening suit and turned up in all my glory, only to find that everyone else was casually dressed.
  • 前者指盗贼随意地朝嘴里叼食物的鸟走去,受害者主动丢下食物走开。
    In some cases, the thief just walked casually up to a bird with a morsel, and the victim dropped the food and walked away.
  • 正当他们热闹的时候,本·普莱斯侦探走进了银行,支肘部从围栏的缝隙中不经意地朝里看。
    While they were thus engaged, Ben Price, the detective, walked into the bank and leaned on his elbow, looking casually inside between the railings.