  • 我们和内地专家一同开始一项有关珠江三角洲空气质素的研究,以便从二零零零年开始制定改善措施。
    Together with our Mainland colleagues we will initiate a study of the air quality in the Delta region, with the aim of developing improvement measures from 2000 onwards.
  • 阿布基尔尼罗河三角洲,位于阿布基尔海湾上埃及北部的一个村庄。霍拉提欧·纳尔逊军曾于1798年在阿布基尔附近击败法国舰队,使英国的声望在地中海得以重建,并粉碎了法国在中东建立要塞的希望
    A village of northern Egypt in the Nile River delta on the Bay of Abukir. Adm. Horatio Nelson's victory over a French fleet off Abukir in1798 restored British prestige in the Mediterranean and ended French hopes of establishing a stronghold in the Middle East.
  • 在国内战争中企图进行和平的,为来所应有而现在所不应有的,为来的环境所许可而现在的环境不许可的那些经济建设工作,只是一种瞎想。
    In the midst of a civil war, it is sheer delusion to try to carry out such peace-time economic construction as can and should be done in the future but not at present.
  • 在秋季出版精装本。
    It will be published in an deluxe edition in autumn.
  • 我们特别向您推荐豪华型果汁机,相信在您的市场上可畅销。
    We particularly recommend the deluxe type which will sell well in your market.
  • (桥牌)区分价值最高的牌的得分与墩数得分分屏的桥牌记分表上的水平线
    A horizontal demarcation on a scorecard in bridge dividing the honor score from the trick score.
  • 他们怀疑是否可人变成次神
    They doubt if a man can be changed into a demigod
  • 混种导致野火鸡灭绝;对鸟类学家来说,这和北美候鸽或卡罗来纳长尾小鹦鹉大批大批地死亡同样悲惨。
    It was extinction by dilution, and to the ornithologists it was just as tragic as the more dramatic demise of the passenger pigeon or the Carolina parakeet.
  • 当一代人都选择不结婚、不生子时,人类随着那代人的消逝而永远消失于地球。
    When a whole generation of people chooses to reject marriage and reproduction, human race will vanish from the face of earth with the demise of that generation.
  • 最初来到这片土地的是一些不适应环境的人、罪犯、冒险家和宗教狂热分子(近四百年来,这种群体构成几乎没有什么变化)。与此相应,美国有一种强烈的绝不合作的气氛。
    As befits a nation originally settled by misfits, con-victs, adventurers, and religious fanatics (a demo-graphic mix that has changed hardly at all in nearly 400 years), the United States retains a strong flavour of intransigent noncooperation.
  • 我们创造一种环境,让伊拉克人能通过民主、和平的方式决定他们自己的命运。
    We will create an environment where Iraqis can determine their own fate democratically and peacefully.
  • "报纸预测民主党人在这次大选中被彻底击败,结果变成了事实。"
    The newspaper's forecast that the Democrats would be totally beaten in the general election came true.
  • 报纸预测民主党人在这次大选中被彻底击败,结果变成了事实。
    The newspaper's forecast that the Democrats would is totally beaten in the general election came true.
  • 在民主党人与政治观察家们看来,希拉里·克林顿如果参加2008年总统竞选会是个不错的决定。
    Hillary Clinton is emerging, among Democrats and political observers, as the favourite to be the candidate for the 2008 presidential race.
  • 这项计划使最高的税率从39%降到33%。民主党表示异议,认为这项计划不公平,有利于富有的人,而且不必要地浪费预期的预算盈余。
    Democrats complain that the plan which would cut the top rate from 39 to 33 percent would disproportionately benefit the wealthy and unnecessarily squander expected budget surpluses.
  • 他们拆毁那座旧建筑物。
    They're going to demolish that old building.
  • 对于日本的银行窃贼来说,不论什么妨碍他们得到大沓大沓的钞票,他们都会之统统"端掉"。
    Bank robbers in Japan are increasingly willing to demolish anything in their path to get at wads of cash.
  • 如果你未经当地规划当局许可就建房屋的话,你可能会不得不刚砌好的建筑物拆掉。
    If you build an extension to you house without the knowledge and consent of the local planning authorities, you may have to demolish what has just been built.
  • 在拆除旧建筑物工程进行期间,整个地区一直用栅栏围住。
    The whole area will remain cordoned off while the demolition work is going on.
  • 巫能够预言来的精灵或魔鬼
    A soothsaying spirit or demon.
  • 你们中的有些人可能知道,太阳舞是印第安人在夏天举行的一场盛大的部落聚会。在聚会上,人们做祷告,驱邪除魔,部落团结在一起,并做各种演讲。
    A sun dance, some of you may know, is a coming together of the tribes in a vast gathering in the summer time to pray, to exorcise the demons, to bring the tribe together, to make speeches.
  • 下面这个例子向大家阐示这一点。
    The following example will demonstrate this.
  • 向你们显示/演示我方最新模型。
    He will be able to show you/to demonstrate to you our new model.
  • 一场示威游行要发生。
    A disorderly demonstration will take place.
  • 从洞中逐出…从穴或窝中驱赶出来
    To drive from a lair or den.
  • 他否认曾这则消息泄漏给新闻界。
    He den that he have leak the news to the press.
  • 一天晚上,在一家录像器材店的停车场,当这位23岁的大学生向自己的汽车走过去时,一个男子--后来查明此人叫丹尼斯·汉森--突然从他的货车里跳了出来,一支手枪指着她的头。
    The 23 year old college student was walking to her car in a video store parking lot one night when a man later identified as Dennis Hanson leapt out of his pickup and put a gun to her head.
  • 现在不能,来某一天可能行,但这种可能性是最小的。
    No, maybe some day, but it will be lowest common denominator.
  • 这些徵兆表示危机即来临。
    These signs denote that a crisis is approaching.
  • 军没有利用敌人的弱点,这降低了他的声望。
    The general’s failure to take advantage of the enemy’s weakness made a dent in his reputation.
  • 总统和他的妻子都是律师,国会还包括近400名律师,此外还有几千名律师供职于政府部门、法律部门和新闻媒体。
    Both the Presi-dent and his wife are lawyers, Congress includes near-ly 400 more of them, and thousands more clutter up government agencies, law enforcement, and the media.
  • dna方法远比牙印记录和当前正被使用的血型鉴定方法要优越得多。
    The DNA method will be far superior to the dental records and blood typing strategies currently in use.