  • “老鼠”星系,因为有和啮齿动物明显相似的尾巴而得。它们是由哈勃空间望远镜新的高级观测摄像机以令人吃惊的细节捕捉到的。
    The Mice galaxies, named after their distinct rodent-like tails, were captured in stunning detail by the Hubble Space Telescope's new Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  • 您好?我是提摩西·赫德森。(一种间接询问对方姓的方式。)
    How do you do? I'm Timothy Hudson.
  • 几个世纪以来与世隔绝的生活;因为他们居住在与世隔绝的地方而保持了(风俗)——w·h·哈德孙;远离文明中心的孤立的小村庄;无的村庄。
    existed over the centuries as a world apart; preserved because they inhabited a place apart- W.H.Hudson; tiny isolated villages remote from centers of civilization; an obscure village.
  • 她因为我的兄弟忘了她的字而大动肝火。
    She's got into a huff because my brother didn't remember her name.
  • 就因为我们没提他当俱乐部主席,他竟气冲冲地走了。
    He went off in a huff just because we failed to nominate him as club president.
  • 印度东部城市加尔哥达市的100多对夫妇正计划在该市的市长办公室外举行一场别开生面的抗议活动。其中一位组织者3月5日说,这次为"亲吻拥抱"的抗议活动是为了要求政府在该市划出一个特殊区域,让追求浪漫的人们可以在那里自由地亲吻拥抱。
    More than 100 couples plan to hold a "kiss and hug" protest outside the office of Calcutta's city mayor to press demands for a special area for romantics in the eastern Indian city, one of the organizers said on February 5.
  • 呃?我想不起他的字。
    Huh? I can not remember his name.
  • 哈哈。我们在这一带小有气。
    Uh - huh. Well, we are kind of well-known in this area.
  • 哈哈。我们在这一带小有气。
    Uh- huh. well, we are kind of well - know in this area.
  • 嗯,但你们这种新球拍气不大,外观不抢眼,高价位会让顾客却步!
    Uh-huh, but your new rackets are not well-known, and the look isn't attractive enough-son the higher prices may push away customers.
  • ……上星期美国与苏格兰调查人员在控诉书中指责两利比亚情报员应对1988年苏格兰洛克比上空的爆炸负责后,总统说,“叙利亚人被错怪了。”调查人员说没有叙利亚牵连的证据。
    "…The Syrians took a hum rap on this," the President said last week after an indictment by U.S. and Scottish investigators blamed two Libyan intelligence agents for the 1988 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland. Investigators said there was no evidence of Syrian involvement.
  • 谁都知道致富是一回事,而有知识、勇敢或仁慈是另一回事,研究一个国家如何才能富裕,和研究一个国家如何才能自由、公正或在文学、艺术、军事、政治方面声卓著,是完全不同的两个问题。
    All know that it is one thing to be rich, another thing to be enlightened, brave, or humane; that the questions how a nation is made wealthy, and how it is made free, or virtuous, or eminent in literature, in the fine arts, in arms, or in polity, are totally distinct enquiries.
  • 爱德华·斯图亚特--一位有的美国文化专家--曾指出,在众多美国社会关系中,“每个人都作为一个人取得一种不能降低的价值。
    Edward Stewart, a well-known expert on American culture, noted that in most American social relationships, "each person is ascribed an irreducible value because of his humanness.
  • 当我记不起她的字时,我感到丢脸极了
    I was so humiliate when I could not remember her name
  • 他在成为足球将前受过许多屈辱。
    He was suffered many humiliation before he become a football star.
  • 诽谤、中伤、诋毁通过制造恶意或不真实的话语导致他人羞辱或声败
    To cause humiliation or disgrace to by making malicious and false statements.
  • 一九九七年五月,邮政署推出全新机构形象,为香港邮政,并采用一个新标志:以绿色作为底色,以抽象化的蜂鸟为造型,蜂鸟的身体是英文字母"p",鸟翼则为抽象化的邮资印图案。
    In May, the Post Office launched its new corporate identity as Hongkong Post with a logo of a humming bird drawn like a letter 'P', the bird's wings capturing the mark of a franking machine, on a green background.
  • 度很高且成就突出的人。
    word is often used humorously.
  • 英国人还以幽默而出
    Also the English are famous for sense of humour.
  • 好几百人出席了这位著指挥家的告别音乐会。
    Hundreds of people attended the famous director's farewell concert.
  • 数百名警察在值勤。
    Several hundred police are on duty.
  • 游客是匈牙利人。
    The tourist is a Hungarian.
  • 他们正设法搜寻一逃犯。
    They were trying to hunt down an escaped prisoner.
  • 那位猎人派出一赶猎助手打前站,先把鹧鸪从隐蔽处赶出来。
    The huntsman sent a beater ahead to scare out the partridge.
  • 这将会有损他的誉。
    This will hurt his reputation.
  • 他总是要死的,但他将会垂千古。
    He will die, hut his fame will live on after him.
  • 为1851年举办博览会而在海德公园建造的水晶宫到1936年烧毁之前,一直是世界上最著的建筑之一。
    The Crystal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of1851 remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in1936.
  • 为1851年举办博览会而在海德公园建造的水晶宫到1936年烧毁之前,一直是世界上最著的建筑之一。
    The Crystal Palace which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851 remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1936.
  • 我们的一首著赞歌中说"亚美利加!亚美利加!"让我们"以兄弟之爱为称的善行加冕,从大海到闪亮的波涛"。
    In the words of our great hymn,“America! America!” Let us “ crown thy good with brotherhood,from sea to shining sea.
  • 虽然分析师们对隐蔽的成本和管理负担提出了警告,但对一个大肆广告宣传和言过其实的做法而出的行业来说,用户们在短短时间内接受了内部网是惊人的。
    And although analysts warn of hidden costs and management burdens, the acceptance of intranets in a short time among users is remarkable in an industry notorious for hype and exaggeration.
  • 这家超大型连锁加油站有各种牌食品、洁净的卫生间、友好的服务并且结帐迅速。
    The hypermarket stations had a wide selection of branded foods, clean toilets, friendly service and fast checkouts.
  • 研究人员对7万女性进行了长达8年的跟踪调查,在综合考虑其他引发高血压的因素的同时,如体重、体育活动、年龄、吸烟和口服避孕药等,确定了饮酒与高血压之间的关系。
    The researchers followed the women for 8 years to see whether they developed hypertension, taking into account other factors known to be associated with high blood pressure, such as weight, physical activity, age, smoking and the use of oral contraceptives.